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Activity Details

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Sun, 7/29/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 301
Remembering Stephen E. Fienberg — Invited Papers
Memorial, Social Statistics Section, History of Statistics Interest Group, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University; Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau
Chair(s): Amanda Luby, Carnegie Mellon University
2:05 PM The Role of Statistics in Improving Forensic Science
Hal Stern, University of California, Irvine
2:20 PM Causes of Effects and Effects of Causes: A Study of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Maria Cuellar, Carnegie Mellon University
2:35 PM Discussant: Edward George, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania
2:50 PM Discussant: Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University
3:05 PM Discussant: William Eddy, Carnegie Mellon University
3:20 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/29/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-East 16
Transparency, Reproducibility and Replicability in Work with Social and Economic Data — Invited Papers
Government Statistics Section, Social Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, Section on Statistical Computing
Organizer(s): Mike L. Cohen, Committee on National Statistics
Chair(s): Mike L. Cohen, Committee on National Statistics
2:05 PM Framing Reproducibility Issues in Computationally- and Data-Enabled Research?
Victoria Stodden, University of Illinois
2:30 PM Transparency, Reproducibility, and Replicability
Margaret Levenstein, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
2:55 PM Enhancement of Transparency, Reproducibility, and Replicability in the Integration of Multiple Data Sources
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
John L. Eltinge, United States Census Bureau
3:20 PM Discussant: Emilda Rivers, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, NSF
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/29/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 117
Assisting Natural Resource Agencies with Improved Inferences on Ecological Processes — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Brian R Gray, US Geological Survey
Chair(s): Katharine Banner, Montana State University
2:05 PM Methods for Estimating Trend in Indicators Monitored with Complex Survey Designs
Leigh Starcevich, Western EcoSystems Technology Inc. (WEST)
2:25 PM Modeling Abundance of Multiple Species Using Latent Regression Tree Algorithms
Haoyu Zhang, Kansas State University; Trevor Hefley, Kansas State University; Brian R Gray, US Geological Survey; Kristin Bouska, USGS
2:45 PM A Multiseason Site Occupancy Model for Use When Sites Are Not Revisited Among Seasons
Brian R Gray, US Geological Survey; Darryl I MacKenzie, Proteus Wildlife Research Consultants; Richard A Erickson, US Geological Survey
3:05 PM Examining the Trade-Off Between Computational Gains and Reduced Flexibility When Marginalizing Discrete Latent States in Bayesian Population Models
Charles Yackulic; Michael Dodrill, USGS
3:25 PM Exploiting the Latent Beta Distribution for Modeling Plant Abundance
Kathryn Irvine, US Geological Survey
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/29/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-East 14
Recent Research on Current Population Survey — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, Social Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Yang Cheng, US Census Bureau
Chair(s): Stephen Ash, US Census Bureau
2:05 PM Optimal AK Composite Estimators in Current Population Survey
Yang Cheng, US Census Bureau; Jun Shao, University of Wisconsin; Yu Zhou, East China Normal University
2:25 PM Understanding Variance Estimator Bias in Stratified Two-Stage Sampling
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Khoa Dong, U.S. Census Bureau; Timothy Trudell, US Census Bureau; Yang Cheng, US Census Bureau; Eric Slud, U.S. Census Bureau
2:45 PM Domain Estimation and Successive Difference Replication
Timothy Trudell, US Census Bureau; Khoa Dong, U.S. Census Bureau; Yang Cheng, US Census Bureau; Eric Slud, U.S. Census Bureau
3:05 PM Current Population Survey State GVFs and Design Effects
Tamara Zimmerman, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Edwin Robison, Bureau of Labor Statistics
3:25 PM Discussant: Snigdhansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

Sun, 7/29/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-East 17
Advances in Sampling Techniques and Tools — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Brady T. West, University of Michigan
2:05 PM Probability-Proportional-To-Size Ranked Set Sampling from Stratified Populations
Omer Ozturk, Ohio State University
2:20 PM Using Longitudinal Weights in Analyzing Panel Data
Hans Walter Steinhauer, Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories; Sabine Zinn, Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories
2:35 PM A Sampling Design for an Ordered Population
Xiaofei Zhang, Iowa State Univ; Wayne Fuller, Iowa State University
2:50 PM Preferential Recruitment Modeling for Respondent-Driven Sampling
Katherine McLaughlin, Oregon State University
3:05 PM Ratio of Vector Lengths as an Indicator of Sample Representativeness for a Multipurpose Survey
Hee-Choon Shin, CDC/NCHS
3:20 PM Dealing with Inaccurate Measures of Size in Two-Stage Probability Proportional to Size Sample Designs: Applications in African Household Surveys
Graham Kalton, Westat; Ismael Flores Cervantes, Westat; Carlos Arieira, Westat; Mike Kwanisai, Westat; Jehun Kim, Westat; Elizabeth Radin, ICAP at Columbia University; Suzue Saito, ICAP at Columbia University; Anindya De, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Stephen McCracken, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Paul Stupp, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
3:35 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/29/2018, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-East 10
Statistical Analysis of Linked Data — Invited Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, Caucus for Women in Statistics, Social Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Ying Han, University of Maryland, College Park; Partha Lahiri, University of Maryland, College Park
Chair(s): Daniel Bonnery, University of Maryland
4:05 PM Outlier Robust Inference Using Probabilistically Linked Data
Nicola Salvati, University of Pisa; Suojin Wang, Texas A&M University; Enrico Fabrizi, Catholic University of Sacro Cuore; Raymond Chambers, University of Wollongong
4:30 PM Entity Resolution with Societal Impacts in Statistical Machine Learning
Rebecca C. Steorts, Duke University
4:55 PM A Bayesian Approach for Deduplication, Record Linkage, and Inference with Linked Data
brunero liseo, Sapienza Università di Roma; Andrea Tancredi, Sapienza Università di Roma; Rebecca C. Steorts, Duke University
5:20 PM Discussant: Mauricio Sadinle, University of Washington
5:45 PM Floor Discussion

Sun, 7/29/2018, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-West Ballroom A
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Future of Statistics and the Public — Invited Panel
International Statistical Institute, Government Statistics Section, Social Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, SSC, Social Statistics Section, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): John Bailer, Miami University; Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University; Liberty Vittert, University of Glasgow
Chair(s): Liberty Vittert, University of Glasgow
4:05 PM The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Future of Statistics and the Public
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Panelists: David Spiegelhalter, Royal Statistical Society
Richard Coffin, USAFacts
Mark Hansen, Columbia University & David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation
Scott Tranter, 0ptimus Consulting
Rita Ko, The Hive, data initiative of UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)
5:40 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/29/2018, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-West 110
Developments in Bayesian Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Small Area Health Data — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Andrew B Lawson, Medical University of South Carolina
Chair(s): Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Virginia Commonwealth University
4:05 PM Spatio-Temporal Models for Big Multinomial Data Using the Conditional Multivariate Logit-Beta Distribution
Scott H. Holan, University of Missouri/U.S. Census Bureau; Jonathan R Bradley, Florida State University; Christopher K. Wikle, University of Missouri
4:25 PM Spatial Bayesian Fusing Models for Sparse Networks and Health Risk
Andrew B Lawson, Medical University of South Carolina ; Raymond Boaz, Medical University of South Carolina
4:45 PM Age-Specific Distributed Lag Models for Assessing the Impact of Heat on Health
Matthew Heaton, Brigham Young University; Cassandra Olenick, National Center for Atmospheric Research
5:05 PM A Spatiotemporal Recommendation Engine for Malaria Control
Qian Guan, North Carolina State University; Brian Reich, North Carolina State University; Eric Laber, North Carlina State University
5:25 PM Estimating the Changing Nature of Scotland's Health Inequalities Using a Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Model
Eilidh Jack, University of Glasgow; Duncan Lee, University of Glasgow; Nema Dean, University of Glasgow
5:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/29/2018, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-East 17
Paradata for Adaptive Survey Designs and Other Applications — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Darcy Steeg Morris, U.S. Census Bureau
4:05 PM A Non-Response and Measurement Error Analysis for the National Survey of College Graduates
Kayla Varela, U.S. Census Bureau; Allison Zotti, U.S. Census Bureau; Kevin Tolliver, U.S. Census Bureau; Amanda Nagle, U.S. Census Bureau
4:20 PM Implementation of Adaptive Design on the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey
Christopher Ward, NORC at the University of Chicago; Felicia LeClere, NORC at the University of Chicago; Kari Carris, NORC at the University of Chicago; Stephen Cohen, NORC at the University of Chicago; Dean Resnick, NORC; Micah Sjoblom, NORC at the University of Chicago; Jennifer Vanicek, NORC at the University of Chicago; Ying Li, NORC at the University of Chicago
4:35 PM Adaptive Design in the National Immunization Survey-Teen Provider Record Check Phase
Xian Tao, NORC at the University of Chicago; Megha Revanam, NORC at the University of Chicago; Benjamin Skalland, NORC at the University of Chicago; Kirk Wolter, NORC at the University of Chicago; David Yankey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Zhen Zhao, CDC; Kennon Copeland, NORC at the University of Chicago
4:50 PM Developing Seamless Tools to Support Metrics for Adaptive Survey Designs
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Stephen Cohen, NORC at the University of Chicago; Imad Lakhal, NORC; Zachary H Seeskin, NORC at the University of Chicago; Dean Resnick, NORC
5:05 PM Side Effect Reduction of Prior and Processed Information on Survey Design
Abdellatif Demnati, Independent Researcher
5:20 PM An Approach to Predict Final Yield Among Interim Cases
Rui Jiao, Westat; Andrea Piesse, Westat
5:35 PM They Spoke, We Listened: Reducing Respondent Burden Using Previously Reported Data
Emilola J. Abayomi, USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 306
Ethical Implication of the Failure of Anonymization — Invited Papers
Committee on Professional Ethics, Committee on Privacy and Confidentiality, Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Howard Hogan, U. S. Census Bureau
Chair(s): Rochelle Tractenberg, Georgetown University
8:35 AM Staring Down the Database Reconstruction Theorem
John M Abowd, U.S. Census Bureau
9:00 AM Statistical De-Identification: An Industry View
Theodore Lystig, Medtronic
9:25 AM The Risk of Re-Identification: An Official Statistics Perspective
Stephen John Penneck, International Statistical Institute
9:50 AM Discussant: Marcia Levenstein, Pfizer (ret)
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 206/207
Novel Development of Matching Designs for Complex Observational Studies — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, Health Policy Statistics Section, Mental Health Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Bo Lu, The Ohio State University
Chair(s): Dylan Small, University of Pennsylvania
8:35 AM Building Representative Matched Samples in Large-Scale Observational Studies with Multivalued Treatments
Jose Zubizarreta, Harvard University
9:00 AM Optimal Tradeoffs Between Generalized Design Goals in Multivariate Matching
Samuel David Pimentel, University of California, Berkeley; Rachel R. Kelz, University of Pennsylvania
9:25 AM Poly-Matching for Observational Studies: A Comparative Trauma Care Study
Bo Lu, The Ohio State University
9:50 AM Discussant: Paul Rosenbaum, University of Pennsylvania
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 109
Survey Design and Data Adjustment Decisions in Mixed-Mode Surveys — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Zeynep Tuba Suzer -Gurtekin, ISR, University of Michigan
Chair(s): David Biagas, National Agricultural Statistics Service
8:35 AM Evaluating Data Quality in a Randomized Sequential Mixed-Mode Survey Experiment
Joseph Sakshaug, German Institute for Employment Research; Alexandru Cernat, University of Manchester
8:55 AM The Challenge of Creating Web-Push Surveys of the General Public;
Don Dillman, Washington State University
9:15 AM Adjustment Methods Between Web-Mail and Telephone Data Collections in the Surveys of Consumers
Paul Schulz, ISR, University of Michigan; Zeynep Tuba Suzer -Gurtekin, ISR, University of Michigan; Caitlin Beach, University of Michigan; Yingjia Fu, University of Michigan; Edward Ellcey, University of Michigan; Richard Curtin, University of Michigan
9:35 AM Mode-Based Measurement Differences in Attitudes Measures Within the Surveys of Consumers
Zeynep Suzer-Gurtekin; Paul Schulz, ISR, University of Michigan; Caitlin Beach, University of Michigan; Yingjia Fu, University of Michigan; Edward Ellcey, University of Michigan; Richard Curtin, University of Michigan
9:55 AM Discussant: Jim Lepkowski, Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 120
Modern Advances in Record Linkage Using Statistical Learning Methods — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Andee Kaplan, Duke University
Chair(s): Ben Sherwood, University of Kansas
8:35 AM Counting Casualties in the Syrian Civil War with Bayesian Record Linkage
Andrea Kaplan, Duke University; Rebecca C. Steorts, Duke University
8:55 AM Breaking Computational Chicken-And-Egg Loop in Adaptive Sampling and Estimations Using Locality Sensitive Sampling (LSS)
Anshumali Shrivastava, Rice University
Beidi Chen, Rice University
9:35 AM Discussant: Patrick Ball, Human Rights Data Analysis Group
9:55 AM Discussant: Michele Peruzzi
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

Mon, 7/30/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 111
Nonresponse Adjustment and Weighting — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Dan Liao, RTI International
8:35 AM Investigation of Alternative Calibration Estimators in the Presence of Nonresponse
Daifeng Han, Westat; Richard Valliant, University of Michigan
8:50 AM An Evaluation of Interviewer Observation Accuracy in the Food Acquisition and Purchasing Survey Pilot Study
Weijia Ren, Westat; Tom Krenzke, Westat; Brady T. West, University of Michigan
9:05 AM Evaluating Nonresponse Weighting Adjustment for the Population-Based HIV Impact Assessments Surveys: On Incorporating Survey Outcomes
Tien-Huan Lin, Westat; Ismael Flores Cervantes, Westat; Suzue Saito, ICAP at Columbia University; Rommel Bain, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
9:20 AM Evaluation of Nonresponse Adjustment Options on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
William Cecere, Westat; Minsun Riddles, Westat; Te-Ching Chen, National Center for Health Statistics
9:35 AM Empirical Study on the Size of Nonresponse Bias
Ann-Marie Flygare, Örebro university; Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
9:50 AM Estimating Propensity of Survey Response by Mode Type Using Regression Trees
Gavin Corral, USDA NASS; Tyler Wilson, USDA NASS
10:05 AM Nonresponse Bias Analysis for National Survey on Drug Use and Health Using Small Area Estimation Methodology
Akhil Vaish, RTI International; Matthew Williams, SAMHSA/CBHSQ; Kathy Spagnola, RTI International; Ana Saravia, RTI International; Neeraja Sathe, RTI International

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 118
Administrative Records for Survey Methodology and Evidence Building — Invited Panel
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, Social Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau
Chair(s): Rochelle Martinez, Office of Management and Budget
10:35 AM Administrative Records for Survey Methodology and Evidence Building
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Panelists: Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau
Bruce Meyer, University of Chicago
Paul Biemer, RTI Internatinoal
12:10 PM Floor Discussion

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 203
Implementing Research-Based Recommendations in Ongoing Programs — Topic Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Katherine J Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair(s): Brian Monsell, U.S. Census Bureau
10:35 AM Challenges in Implementing a New Imputation Method into Production in the 2017 Economic Census or What to Do When the Research Approach Oversimplifies the Problem
Katherine J Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau; Willam Davie Jr., U.S. Census Bureau; Matthew Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau; Scot Dahl, U.S. Census Bureau
10:55 AM Variance Estimation for Product Sales in the 2017 Economic Census: Challenges in Implementing Multiple Imputation-Based Variance Estimation
Matthew Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau; Katherine J Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau
11:15 AM Statistically Integrated Publication System for the Economic Census Synthetic Microdata
Hang Joon Kim, University of Cincinnati; Katherine J Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau
11:35 AM Model-Assisted Regression Tree Estimator in the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey
Daniell Toth, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Kelly McConville, Swarthmore College
11:55 AM Discussant: Wesley Yung, Statistics Canada
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 118
Seeing the World as a Missing Data Problem: Celebrating 40 Years of Multiple Imputation — Invited Papers
Social Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, Royal Statistical Society, SSC
Organizer(s): Robin Mitra, University of Lancaster
Chair(s): Robin Mitra, University of Lancaster
2:05 PM Nonparametric Multiple Imputation for Bridging Between Different Industry Coding Systems
Jörg Drechsler, Institute for Employment Research; Birgit Pech, Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg
2:30 PM Multiple Imputation for Adaptive Survey Design
Trivellore Raghunathan, University of Michigan
2:55 PM A Robust Multiple Imputation Approach to Causal Inference with Confounding by Indication
Roderick J Little, University of Michigan; Tingting Zhou, University of Michigan; Michael Elliott, University of Michigan
3:20 PM Discussant: Donald Rubin, Harvard University
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 115
Best Student Papers Awarded by the ASA Consortium of GSS/SSS/SRMS — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, Social Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau
Chair(s): Stephanie Ewert Galvin, US Census Bureau
2:05 PM A Classical Regression Framework for Mediation Analysis with Applications to Behavioral Science
Christina Saunders
2:25 PM Stochastic Interventions on Continuous Instruments:Estimating the Effects of Visitation on Recidivism
Jacqueline A Mauro, Carnegie Mellon University; Edward Kennedy, Carnegie Mellon University; Daniel Nagin, Carnegie Mellon University
2:45 PM Practical Bayesian Inference for Record Linkage
Brendan McVeigh, Carnegie Mellon University; Jared S Murray, University of Texas at Austin
3:05 PM Constructing Independent Evidence from Regression and Instrumental Variables with an Application to the Effect of Violent Conflict on Altruism and Risk Preference
Bikram Karmakar, University of Pennsylvania; Dylan Small, University of Pennsylvania
3:25 PM Bayesian Model-Assisted Estimation for Functional Data in Survey Sampling
Luis Fernando Campos, Harvard University
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

Mon, 7/30/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 208
SPEED: Missing Survey Data: Analysis, Imputation, Design, and Prevention — Contributed Speed
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security
Chair(s): Stas Kolenikov, Abt Associates
Poster Presentations for this session.
2:05 PM Estimating Survey Attrition Phases Using Change-Point Models
Camille Hochheimer, Virginia Commonwealth University; Roy T Sabo, Virginia Commonwealth University; Alex H Krist, Virginia Commonwealth University
2:10 PM Census Efforts to Reduce the Undercount of Young Children
Gina Walejko, U.S. Census Bureau; Scott Konicki, U.S. Census Bureau
2:15 PM Is There a 'safe Area' Where the Nonresponse Rate Has Only a Modest Effect on Bias Despite Non-Ignorable Nonresponse?
Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
2:20 PM Design-Based Alternative Calibration Weighting Under Nonresponse in Survey Sampling
Per Andersson, Stockholm University
2:25 PM A Simulation Study to Evaluate How Sample Weight Adjustment with Prevalence Calibration for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Affects Nonresponse Bias
Te-Ching Chen, CDC/NCHS; Jennifer Parker, CDC/NCHS; Tala Fakhouri, CDC/NCHS
2:30 PM Degrees of Freedom in Multiple Imputation: The Original vs. The Adjusted in 2015 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
Qiyuan Pan, CDC/NCHS/DHCS; Rong Wei, National Center for Health Statistics
2:35 PM Nonresponse Bias Studies for Department of Defense Surveys
Eric Falk, Department of Defense/Office of People Analytics
2:40 PM Exploring Reminder Calls Intended to Increase Interviewer Compliance with Data Collection Protocols
Amanda Nagle, U.S. Census Bureau; Kevin Tolliver, U.S. Census Bureau
2:45 PM Effect of the Survey Name on Response Rates and Survey Estimates
David McGrath, Department of Defense Office of People Analytics
2:50 PM Early Bird Gets the Worm? Effects of Differential Incentives on Mode Choice and Response Rates
Patricia LeBaron, RTI International; Nathaniel Taylor, RTI International; Leah Fiacco, RTI International; Melissa Helton, RTI International; Amy Henes, RTI International; Stephen King, RTI International
3:00 PM Nonresponse Bias Analysis for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey
Kirk Wolter, NORC at the University of Chicago; Ying Li, NORC at the University of Chicago; Whitney Murphy, NORC at the University of Chicago
3:05 PM Using Predictive Modeling in Survey Methodology to Identify Panel Nonresponse
Bernd Weiss, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Jan-Philipp Kolb, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Christoph Kern, University of Mannheim
3:10 PM Does Sequence of Imputed Variables Matter in Hot Deck Imputation for Large-Scale Complex Survey Data?
Amang Sukasih, RTI International; Peter Frechtel, RTI International; Karol Krotki, RTI International
3:15 PM Tree-Based Doubly-Robust Nonparametric Multiple Imputation
Darryl Creel
3:20 PM Multiple Imputation Methods Addressing Planned Missingness in a Multi-Phase Survey
Irina Bondarenko, University of Michigan; Yun Li, University of Michigan; Paul Imbriano, University of Michigan
3:25 PM Outcomes of Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning in a Longitudinal Mixed Mode Survey of Patients with Complex Psychiatric Disorders
Danna Moore, Washington State University-Social & Economic Science Research Center; John Fortney, University of Washington, School of Medicine; Dan Vakoch, Washington State Univesity-Social and Economic Sciences Research Center
3:30 PM "You're Not from Around Here, Are You?": How Regional Accent Affects Survey Cooperation
Matt Jans, ICF; James Dayton, ICF; Matt McDonough, ICF
3:35 PM Imputation of Small Number of New Questions in the Large Survey
Di Xiong, UCLA SPH; Yan Wang, Field School of Public Health, UCLA; Honghu Liu, UCLA

Mon, 7/30/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 202
Missing Data; Causal Inference — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Shankar Viswanathan, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2:20 PM Estimate Cognitive Decline in Presence of Non-Random Missing Data and Ceiling Effect
Cuiling Wang, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Charles B Hall, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Richard B Lipton, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Joe Verghese, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Mindy J Katz, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2:35 PM Characterising for Sensitivity Analyzes the Participant Attrition in a Childhood Cohort with Large Initial Drop-Out
Petr Otahal, Menzies Institute for Medical Research University of Tasmania; Leigh Blizzard, Menzies Institute of Medical Research, University of Tasmania; David W Hosmer, University of Massachusetts; Jim Stankovich, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania; Alison Venn, Menzies Institute for Medical Research University of Tasmania
2:50 PM Strategies for Analyzing Summary Variables in the Presence of Partially Missing Longitudinal Data
Jennifer Thompson, Vanderbilt University; Rameela Chandrasekhar, Vanderbilt University
3:05 PM Multiple Imputation Strategies for Handling Missing Data When Generalizing Randomized Clinical Trial Findings Through Propensity Score-Based Methodologies
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Albee Ling, Stanford University; Maya Mathur, Stanford University; Kris Kapphahn, Stanford University; Maria Montez-Rath, Stanford University; Manisha Desai, Stanford University
3:20 PM Cluster Mean Centering in Hierarchical Linear Models
Noa Molshatzki, University of Southern California; Sandrah P. Eckel, University of Southern California
3:35 PM Assessing Indirect Effect in a Mediation Model with a Censored Mediator
Jian Wang, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Sanjay Shete, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Mon, 7/30/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 112
Replicate Weights and Variance Estimation — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Christine Wells, UCLA
2:05 PM Why Weight, Replicate Now! The Use of Replicate Weights for Complex Survey Data Analysis in SPSS
Kelly Lin, Marketing Systems Group; Jeffrey S. Bareham, Marketing Systems Group; Ashley Hyon, Marketing Systems Group
2:20 PM Population Based Case Control Studies with Frequency Matching: Capturing a Further Component of Variability
Sabrina Zhang, Westat; Ralph DiGaetano, Westat; Jane Li, Westat
2:35 PM Jackknife and Other Replication Methods with a Reduced Number of Replicates
Stephen Ash, US Census Bureau
2:50 PM Strategies for Minimizing Unequal Weighting Effects in Two-Phase Sampling for Nonresponse
Dan Liao, RTI International; Paul Biemer, RTI Internatinoal; Darryl Cooney, RTI International
3:05 PM Variance Estimation Under Imputation Using the Rescaling Bootstrap
Christian Bruch, University of Mannheim
3:20 PM Estimating HIV Incidence Using Complex Survey Data
Jean Opsomer, Westat; Ismael Flores Cervantes, Westat; Anindya De, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Rommel Bain, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Paul Stupp, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
3:35 PM On Generalized Variance Functions for Sample Means and Medians
Justin McIllece, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Mon, 7/30/2018, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CC-West 108
Survey Research Methods Section Executive Committee Meeting (Closed) — Other Cmte/Business
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Karol Krotki, RTI International

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 205
Small Area Estimation with Small Samples — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Tom Krenzke, Westat
Chair(s): Tom Krenzke, Westat
8:35 AM Choice of Small Area Models Based on Sample Designs and Availability of Auxiliary Data in PIAAC Study
Jianzhu Li, Westat; Leyla Mohadjer, Westat; Wendy VanDeKerckhove, Westat; Lin Li, Westat; Tom Krenzke, Westat
8:55 AM Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MRP) for Small Area Estimation with Geocoded FoodAPS Data
Xingyou Zhang, Economic Research Service, USDA; Mark Denbaly, Economic Research Service, USDA; John Kirlin, Economic Research Service, USDA; Elina T. Page, Economic Research Service, USDA; Elizabeth Larimore, Economic Research Service, USDA; Shelly Ver Ploeg, Economic Research Service, USDA
9:15 AM Spatial-Temporal Small Area Estimation Models for Cancer Incidence
Benmei Liu, National Cancer Institute; Li Zhu, National Cancer Institute; Huann-Sheng Chen, National Cancer Institute; Joe Zou, Information Management Services; Rebecca Siegel, American Cancer Society; Kim D. Miller, American Cancer Society; Ahmedin Jemal, American Cancer Society; Eric J. Feuer, National Cancer Institute
9:35 AM Further Comparisons of Unit- and Area-Level Small Area Estimators
Robert Fay, Westat
9:55 AM Discussant: J. N. K. Rao, Carleton University
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

Tue, 7/31/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 208
SPEED: Innovations in Survey Sampling Designs: Administrative Data, Record Linkage, Non-Probability Samples, and More — Contributed Speed
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Erin Tanenbaum, NORC at the University of Chicago
Poster Presentations for this session.
8:35 AM Using 100% Medicare Claims Data for Diabetes Surveillance: a Novel Framework
Linda Andes, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
8:40 AM Variance Estimation Under Model-Implied Randomization of Nonrandom Samples
Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
8:45 AM Addressing Challenges in an International Study with Propensity Scores: a Case Study from Indonesia
Susan Edwards, RTI International; Marissa Gargano, RTI International
8:50 AM Bayesian Methods for Stratified Sample Allocation Using Imperfect Information
Jonathan Mendelson, University of Maryland; Joe Sedransk, University of Maryland
8:55 AM Are Shoppers Representative of the Population? Using Geofenced Grocery and Convenience Stores to Represent the Population
Davia Moyse, ICF; Matt Jans, ICF; Ronaldo Iachan, ICF; Lee Harding, ICF; Scott Worthge, MFour; James Dayton, ICF; Yangyang Deng, ICF; Tracy Visconti, MFour
9:00 AM NAICS 2017: a New Process Yields Interesting Results
Sania Khan, US Bureau of Labor Statitics; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics
9:05 AM Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Population Inference
Jill A Dever, RTI International
9:10 AM Willingness to Collect Smartphone Sensor Measurements in a Dutch Probability-Based General Population Panel
Bella Struminskaya; Vera Toepoel, Utrecht University; Peter Lugtig, Utrecht University; Barry Schouten, CBS
9:15 AM Different Linkage Methods, Same Results? Linking National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administrative Records
Cordell Golden, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Adam Fedorowicz, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Lisa B Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
9:20 AM Sampling from Twitter: Can a Probability Sample Be Drawn to Target Hard to Reach Populations?
Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Tasseli McKay, RTI International; Patrick Hsieh, RTI International; Amanda Smith, RTI Internatinal; Natasha Latzman, RTI International
9:30 AM Can We Increase Contact Rates and Reduce Costs in a Longitudinal Survey by Including an SMS in the Contact Protocol? Results from an Embedded Experiment
Anton Johansson, Statistics Sweden; Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
9:35 AM Record Linkage as a Decision Problem
Alan Karr, RTI International
9:45 AM Re-Engineered Address Canvassing for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test
Matthew Herbstritt
9:50 AM When to Use Commercial Data for Improved Efficiency
Edward English, NORC At the University of Chicago; Colm O'Muircheartaigh, NORC at the University of Chicago
9:55 AM Samples, Unite! Understanding the Consequences of Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples When Linking Records Is Difficult
Benjamin Williams, Southern Methodist University

Tue, 7/31/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 204
Statistical Models in Survey Sampling and Analysis — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Samantha Robinson, University of Arkansas
8:35 AM Estimating Prediction Error for Complex Samples
Andrew James Holbrook, UC Irvine; Daniel L. Gillen, University of California, Irvine; Thomas Lumley, University of Auckland
8:50 AM Cluster-Level Inference Under Element Sampling
Danhyang Lee, Iowa State University; Jae-kwang Kim, Iowa State University; Chris Skinner, London School of Economics and Political Science
9:05 AM Applications of the Parametric Approach to Estimation of Totals and Means for Complex Survey Data in the Presence of Full Response
Ismael Flores Cervantes, Westat
9:20 AM Using Survival Analysis to Address Attrition and Vacancy Rates at the Food Safety and Inspection Service
Sarah McMillan, Food Safety and Inspection Service / USDA; Anna Frey, Food Safety and Inspection Service / USDA
9:35 AM Estimation of Latent Interaction with Ordinal Indicators Using Frequentist Method
Fan Wallentin, Uppsala University
9:50 AM Floor Discussion

Tue, 7/31/2018, 9:25 AM - 10:10 AM CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Missing Survey Data: Analysis, Imputation, Design, and Prevention — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Oral Presentations for this session.
1: Estimating Survey Attrition Phases Using Change-Point Models
Camille Hochheimer, Virginia Commonwealth University; Roy T Sabo, Virginia Commonwealth University; Alex H Krist, Virginia Commonwealth University
2: Census Efforts to Reduce the Undercount of Young Children
Gina Walejko, U.S. Census Bureau; Scott Konicki, U.S. Census Bureau
3: Is There a 'safe Area' Where the Nonresponse Rate Has Only a Modest Effect on Bias Despite Non-Ignorable Nonresponse?
Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
4: Design-Based Alternative Calibration Weighting Under Nonresponse in Survey Sampling
Per Andersson, Stockholm University
5: A Simulation Study to Evaluate How Sample Weight Adjustment with Prevalence Calibration for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Affects Nonresponse Bias
Te-Ching Chen, CDC/NCHS; Jennifer Parker, CDC/NCHS; Tala Fakhouri, CDC/NCHS
6: Degrees of Freedom in Multiple Imputation: The Original vs. The Adjusted in 2015 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
Qiyuan Pan, CDC/NCHS/DHCS; Rong Wei, National Center for Health Statistics
7: Nonresponse Bias Studies for Department of Defense Surveys
Eric Falk, Department of Defense/Office of People Analytics
8: Exploring Reminder Calls Intended to Increase Interviewer Compliance with Data Collection Protocols
Amanda Nagle, U.S. Census Bureau; Kevin Tolliver, U.S. Census Bureau
9: Effect of the Survey Name on Response Rates and Survey Estimates
David McGrath, Department of Defense Office of People Analytics
10: Early Bird Gets the Worm? Effects of Differential Incentives on Mode Choice and Response Rates
Patricia LeBaron, RTI International; Nathaniel Taylor, RTI International; Leah Fiacco, RTI International; Melissa Helton, RTI International; Amy Henes, RTI International; Stephen King, RTI International
11: Nonresponse Bias Analysis for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey
Kirk Wolter, NORC at the University of Chicago; Ying Li, NORC at the University of Chicago; Whitney Murphy, NORC at the University of Chicago
12: Using Predictive Modeling in Survey Methodology to Identify Panel Nonresponse
Bernd Weiss, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Jan-Philipp Kolb, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Christoph Kern, University of Mannheim
13: Does Sequence of Imputed Variables Matter in Hot Deck Imputation for Large-Scale Complex Survey Data?
Amang Sukasih, RTI International; Peter Frechtel, RTI International; Karol Krotki, RTI International
14: Tree-Based Doubly-Robust Nonparametric Multiple Imputation
Darryl Creel
15: Multiple Imputation Methods Addressing Planned Missingness in a Multi-Phase Survey
Irina Bondarenko, University of Michigan; Yun Li, University of Michigan; Paul Imbriano, University of Michigan
16: Outcomes of Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning in a Longitudinal Mixed Mode Survey of Patients with Complex Psychiatric Disorders
Danna Moore, Washington State University-Social & Economic Science Research Center; John Fortney, University of Washington, School of Medicine; Dan Vakoch, Washington State Univesity-Social and Economic Sciences Research Center
17: "You're Not From Around Here, Are You?" How Regional Accent Affects Survey Cooperation
Matt Jans, ICF; James Dayton, ICF; Matt McDonough, ICF
18: Imputation of Small Number of New Questions in the Large Survey
Di Xiong, UCLA SPH; Yan Wang, Field School of Public Health, UCLA; Honghu Liu, UCLA
Oral Presentations for this session.

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 210
Will Administrative Data Save Government Surveys? — Invited Panel
Social Statistics Section, Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Jonathan Auerbach, Columbia University
Chair(s): Joseph Salvo, New York City Department of City Planning
10:35 AM Will Administrative Data Save Government Surveys?
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3 Presentation 4
Panelists: John Czajka, Mathematica Policy Research
George C Hough, WA State Office of Financial Management
Eddie Hunsinger, AK Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Quentin Brummet, NORC at the University of Chicago
12:10 PM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 114
Power of Adaptive Design in Controlling Survey Errors and Costs — Topic Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau
Chair(s): Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau
10:35 AM Fieldwork Monitoring for the European Social Survey: An Illustration with Belgium and the Czech Republic in Round 7
Caroline Vandenplas, KU Leuven; Geert Loosveldt, KU Leuven
10:55 AM Dynamic Question Ordering in Online Surveys
Kirstin Early, Oath; Jennifer Mankoff, University of Washington; Stephen E. Fienberg, Carnegie Mellon University
11:15 AM A Distance Method for Administrative Record Modeling in the 2020 Census
Vincent Mule, U.S. Census Bureau; Andrew Keller, U.S. Census Bureau; Scott Konicki, U.S. Census Bureau; Darcy Steeg Morris, U.S. Census Bureau
11:35 AM Inconsistent Regression and Nonresponse Bias
Peter Lundquist, Statistics Sweden; Carl-Erik Särndal, Statistics Sweden
11:55 AM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 205
Official Statistics and Small Area Estimation — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Andreea Erciulescu, National Institute of Statistical Sciences
Chair(s): Nathan Cruze, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
10:35 AM Bayesian Monte Carlo Method for Estimating Small Area Complex Parameters Under Unit-Level Models with Skew-Normal Errors
Mamadou Diallo; Balgobin Nandram, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; J. N. K. Rao, Carleton University
10:55 AM Empirical Bayes Estimation of Small Area Means Under Unmatched Two-Fold Subarea Models
Song Cai, Carleton University; Golshid Chatrchi, Carlelton University; Shonosuke Sugasawa, The University of Tokyo; J.N.K. Rao, Carleton Univeristy
11:15 AM Mitigating Standard Errors of County-Level Survey Estimates When Data are Sparse
Valbona Bejleri, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Habtamu Benecha, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Andreea Erciulescu, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Nathan Cruze, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Balgobin Nandram, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
11:35 AM Bayesian Analysis of Multinomial Counts from Small Areas and Sub-Areas
Balgobin Nandram, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
11:55 AM Bayesian Inference for the Relationship Between Two Categorical Variables with Covariates for Clustered Data
Dilli Bhatta, University of South Carolina Upstate
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 208
SPEED: Applications of Advanced Statistical Techniques in Complex Survey Data Analysis: Small Area Estimation, Propensity Scores, Multilevel Models, and More — Contributed Speed
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Karol Krotki, RTI International
Poster Presentations for this session.
10:35 AM Prisoners Are People Too: Statistical Disclosure Control in the 2016 Survey of Prison Inmates
Nicole Mack, RTI International; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Stephanie Zimmer, RTI International
10:40 AM Estimation and Inference of Domain Means Subject to Shape Constraints
Cristian Oliva, Colorado State University; Mary C. Meyer, Colorado State University; Jean D. Opsomer, Colorado State University
10:45 AM Producing Subnational Estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey
Andrew Moore, RTI International; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; George Couzens, RTI International; Stephanie Zimmer, RTI International; Caroline Scruggs, RTI International
10:50 AM On Mediation Analysis in Public Health Using the Complex Survey Data
Monsur Chowdhury, University of Central Florida; Thanh Pham, University of Central Florida; Julia Soulakova, University of Central Florida
10:55 AM Generalized Estimating Equations for Social Network Data
Miles Ott, Smith College; Bjorn Westgard, HealthPartners; Brian Martinson, HealthPartners; Michael Maciosek, HealthPartners
11:00 AM Numerical Comparison of Various Bootstrap Methods in Survey Sampling
Christian Léger, Université de Montréal; Oussama Dabdoubi, Université de Montréal
11:05 AM Meta-Analysis of Survey-Based, Non-Experimental Individual Person Data with Heterogeneous Weighting Schemes
Anna-Carolina Haensch, GESIS Institute ; Bernd Weiss, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
11:10 AM Robust estimation in the presence of deviations from linearity in small domain models
Julie Gershunskaya, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Terrance Savitsky, Bureau of Labor Statistics
11:15 AM Bayesian Inference for Sample Surveys in the Presence of High-Dimensional Auxiliary Information
Yutao Liu, Columbia University; Andrew Gelman, Columbia University; Qixuan Chen, Columbia University
11:20 AM Calibrated Bayesian Approach for Small Area Prevalence Estimation Using Survey Data with Replicate Weights
Trung Ha, University of Central Florida; Julia Soulakova, University of Central Florida
11:30 AM Quantile Regression Analysis of Survey Data Under Informative Sampling
Daniel Zhao, OU Health Sciences Center; Sixia Chen, University of Oklahoma
11:35 AM Estimating Causal Effects with Propensity Score in Cluster Sample Surveys
Giovanni Nattino, Ohio State University; Bo Lu, The Ohio State University
11:40 AM The Problem of Analytic Error in Secondary Analysis of Survey Data: What We Know, and What We Need to Do About It
Brady T. West, University of Michigan; Joe Sakshaug, University of Manchester
11:45 AM Parameter Estimate Bias Resulting from Level 3 Sample Size Decisions
Tingqiao Chen; Frank Lawrence, Michigan State University; Wenjuan Ma, Michigan State University
11:50 AM Comparing Direct Survey and Small Area Estimates of Health Care Coverage in New York
Jeniffer Iriondo Perez, RTI International; Rachel Harter, RTI International; Amang Sukasih, RTI International
11:55 AM Causal Inference with Complex Surveys: a Comparison of Propensity Score Based Methods
Daniele Bottigliengo, Università degli Studi di Padova; Ileana Baldi, Università degli Studi di Padova; Corrado Lanera, Università degli Studi di Padova; Dario Gregori, Università degli Studi di Padova; Paola Berchialla, Università degli Studi di Torino
12:00 PM Empirical Bayes Small Area Prediction of Sheet and Rill Erosion Using a Zero-Inflated Lognormal Model
Xiaodan Lyu, Iowa State Univ; Emily Berg, Iowa State University; Heike Hofmann, Iowa State University
12:05 PM Small Area Estimation of HIV Measures in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sahar Zangeneh, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; Jon Wakefield, Univ of Washington; Ann Duerr, Fred Hutch; Deborah Donnell, Fred Hutch
12:10 PM Machine Learning to Evaluate the Quality of Patient Reported Epidemiological Data
Robert L. Wood, Resonate & Wichita State University; Futoshi Yumoto, Resonate; Rochelle Tractenberg, Georgetown University

Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 204
Issues in Survey Design and Estimation — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Social Statistics Section
Chair(s): Richard Levy, U.S. Census Bureau
10:35 AM A Comparison of Clustering Algorithms Used for Multivariate Stratification of Primary Sampling Units
Thomas Chesnut, U.S. Census Bureau; Padraic Murphy, U.S. Census Bureau
10:50 AM Nested Subsamples: a Method for Achieving Flexibility in Annual Sample Sizes for a Continuous Multiyear Survey
Van Parsons, National Center for Health Statistics; Chris Moriarity, National Center for Health Statistics
11:05 AM Efficiency Comparisons of Selective Editing Methods
Chin-Fang Weng, U.S. Census Bureau; Joanna Fane Lineback, U.S. Census Bureau
11:20 AM Detecting and Correcting Influential Values Using the Conditional Bias Approach : Application to the Canadian Survey of Household Spending
Christiane Laperrière, Statistics Canada; Aliou Seydi, Statistics Canada
11:35 AM The Utility of Using Web Surveys to Measure and Estimate Health Outcomes, a Pilot Study
Yulei He, CDC/NCHS; Hee-Choon Shin, CDC/NCHS; Bill Cai, CDC/NCHS; Jennifer Parker, CDC/NCHS
11:50 AM Assessment of a Review Process for the 2017 Census of Agriculture
Denise Abreu, USDA/NASS
12:05 PM Floor Discussion

Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Innovations in Survey Sampling Designs: Administrative Data, Record Linkage, Non-Probability Samples, and More — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Oral Presentations for this session.
1: Using 100% Medicare Claims Data for Diabetes Surveillance: a Novel Framework
Linda Andes, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
2: Variance Estimation Under Model-Implied Randomization of Nonrandom Samples
Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
3: Addressing Challenges in an International Study with Propensity Scores: a Case Study from Indonesia
Susan Edwards, RTI International; Marissa Gargano, RTI International
4: Bayesian Methods for Stratified Sample Allocation Using Imperfect Information
Jonathan Mendelson, University of Maryland; Joe Sedransk, University of Maryland
5: Are Shoppers Representative of the Population? Using Geofenced Grocery and Convenience Stores to Represent the Population
Davia Moyse, ICF; Matt Jans, ICF; Ronaldo Iachan, ICF; Lee Harding, ICF; Scott Worthge, MFour; James Dayton, ICF; Yangyang Deng, ICF; Tracy Visconti, MFour
6: NAICS 2017: a New Process Yields Interesting Results
Sania Khan, US Bureau of Labor Statitics; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics
7: Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Population Inference
Jill A Dever, RTI International
8: Willingness to Collect Smartphone Sensor Measurements in a Dutch Probability-Based General Population Panel
Bella Struminskaya; Vera Toepoel, Utrecht University; Peter Lugtig, Utrecht University; Barry Schouten, CBS
9: Different Linkage Methods, Same Results? Linking National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administrative Records
Cordell Golden, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Adam Fedorowicz, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Lisa B Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
10: Sampling from Twitter: Can a Probability Sample Be Drawn to Target Hard to Reach Populations?
Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Tasseli McKay, RTI International; Patrick Hsieh, RTI International; Amanda Smith, RTI Internatinal; Natasha Latzman, RTI International
11: Can We Increase Contact Rates and Reduce Costs in a Longitudinal Survey by Including an SMS in the Contact Protocol? Results from an Embedded Experiment
Anton Johansson, Statistics Sweden; Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
12: Record Linkage as a Decision Problem
Alan Karr, RTI International
14: Re-Engineered Address Canvassing for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test
Matthew Herbstritt
15: When to Use Commercial Data for Improved Efficiency
Edward English, NORC At the University of Chicago; Colm O'Muircheartaigh, NORC at the University of Chicago
16: Samples, Unite! Understanding the Consequences of Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples When Linking Records Is Difficult
Benjamin Williams, Southern Methodist University
Oral Presentations for this session.

Register 379
Tue, 7/31/2018, 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM CC-West Ballroom D
Survey Research Methods Section P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) — Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau
TL25: Adaptive Design: Challenges in Practice
Michael Yang, NORC

Register CE_29C
Tue, 7/31/2018, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM CC-East 13
Applications of Hot Deck Imputation Methods to Survey Data (ADDED FEE) — Professional Development Continuing Education Course
ASA, Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section
Instructor(s): Rebecca Andridge, The Ohio State University College of Public Health; Katherine J Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau
This continuing education course will provide an introduction to the use of hot deck imputation with survey data. Hot deck imputation is a commonly used procedure for handling missing data in which each missing value (recipient) is replaced with an observed value from a "similar" unit (donor). Each step of hot deck imputation will be explored in this course, from different ways in which to select a donor unit through methods for obtaining valid variance estimates. Classical hot deck methods will be presented alongside more cutting-edge approaches, including fractional hot deck imputation. All steps will be illustrated with simulated and real data examples from both business and household surveys, highlighting the issues unique to different populations. The course will also present some challenges that arise in the implementation of the hot deck, such as having fewer donors than recipients, and discuss various methods for overcoming these challenges. Attendees will be exposed to both the theoretical and practical sides to hot deck imputation, and examples will be illustrated using both SAS and R. Participants should have some familiarity with survey sampling concepts.
1:00 PM Applications of Hot Deck Imputation Methods to Survey Data (ADDED FEE)
Katherine J Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau; Rebecca Andridge, The Ohio State University College of Public Health

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 209
Improving Survey Data Quality with Machine Learning Techniques — Invited Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Social Statistics Section, Government Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Stephanie Eckman, RTI International
Chair(s): Stephanie Eckman, RTI International
2:05 PM Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Enhanced Applications to Survey-Specific Imputation Tasks to Achieve Time and Cost Efficiencies
Steven B. Cohen, RTI International
2:20 PM Predicting Panel Drop-Outs with Machine Learning
Christoph Kern, University of Mannheim
2:35 PM Dynamic, Personalized Instruments via Responsive Matrix Sampling with High-Dimensional Covariates
Sean Taylor, Facebook; Curtiss Cobb, Facebook; Chelsea Zhang, UC Berkeley
2:50 PM A Comparison of Automatic Algorithms for Occupation Coding
Malte Schierholz, Institute for Employment Research
3:05 PM The Use of Machine Learning Methods to Improve the US National Resources Inventory Survey
Zhengyuan Zhu, Iowa State University
3:20 PM Discussant: Frauke Kreuter, Joint Program in Survey Methodology
3:35 PM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 211
Effectively Explaining Statistical Concepts to Researchers from Other Fields — Topic Contributed Panel
Section on Statistical Consulting, Section on Statistical Education, Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences, Survey Research Methods Section, Business Analytics/Statistics Education Interest Group
Organizer(s): Harry Dean Johnson, Washington State University
Chair(s): Harry Dean Johnson, Washington State University
2:05 PM Effectively Explaining Statistical Concepts to Researchers from Other Fields
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Panelists: Natalie Blades, Brigham Young University
Beth Chance, Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
Paul Roback, St Olaf College
Heather Smith, Cal Poly
Kim Love, K. R. Love Quantitative Consulting and Collaboration
3:40 PM Floor Discussion

Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West Hall B
SPAAC Poster Competition — Topic Contributed Poster Presentations
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee, Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Michael Messner, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1: Renewable Estimation and Incremental Inference in Generalized Linear Models with Streaming Data Sets
Lan Luo; Peter X.-K. Song, University of Michigan
2: Measuring the Percentage of Smoothness in the Trend of a Univariate Time Series: An Application to a Time Series of Mexico's GDP
Daniela Cortés Toto, Universidad De Las Américas Puebla (UDLAP); Víctor M. Guerrero, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM); Hortensia J. Reyes Cervantes, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
3: The Pythagorean Law of Mutual Information Identity: A New Look at Logistic Regression Parameters
Michelle Liou, Academia Sinica; Jiun-Wei Liou, Academia Sinica; Philip E. Cheng, Academia Sinica
4: Analysis of Non-Stationary Time Series Using Copula-Based Dependence Measures
Yongxin Zhu, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Charles Fontaine, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Hernando Ombao, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
5: Agreement and Individual Bioequivalence: A New Look
Tie-Hua Ng, FDA/CBER
6: An Application of SEM to Measure the Effects of Government Programs and Actions on the Reduction of Poverty for the Population of the State of Guanajuato, Mexico
Rafael Perez Abreu
7: VIF-BEEF: A Didactic Game to Practice the Assumptions in Linear Regression
Silvia Solera, School of Statistics, University of Costa Rica; Monica Maria Castrillo, UCR
8: Detective-P: Educational Computer Game for Teaching the Concept of P-Value
Maria Jimena Ruiz Rivera, School of Statistics, University of Costa Rica
9: Estimation and Inference for Cluster-Randomized Test-Negative Design Trials
Suzanne M. Dufault, University of California, Berkeley; Nicholas P. Jewell, University of California, Berkeley
10: Analysis Framework in Integrating Data of Different Modalities with Application in Identifying Important Predictors/Subgroups in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Tuan Nguyen, Gilead Sciences; Guang Chen, Gilead Sciences; Adarsh Joshi, Gilead Sciences, Inc.; Lulu Wang, Gilead Sciences; Yafeng Zhang, Gilead Sciences; Yuanyuan Xiao, Gilead Sciences; Catherine Jia, Gilead Sciences; Ren Xu, Gilead Sciences; Stephen Djedjos, Gilead Sciences; Rob Myers, Gilead Sciences
11: Online Local Q-Learning
Lili Wu, NCSU; Eric Laber, North Carlina State University
12: The Effect of Player Injuries on Major League Baseball Team Performance: A Longitudinal Analysis of the 2014-2017 Regular Seasons
Jay Schaffer, Univ of Northern Colorado; Austin Brown, University of Northern Colorado
13: Analytic White Matter Tractography and Compositional Distance-Based Summarization of White Matter Brain Structures
Wendy Meiring, University of California, Santa Barbara; Matthew Cieslak, UCSB; Tegan Brennan, UCSB; Subhash Suri, UCSB; Scott T. Grafton, UCSB
14: A Functional Anova Approach to Detecting Changes in Soil Moisture and Temperature
Manju M. Johny, Iowa State University; Petruta C. Caragea , Iowa State University; Diane M. Debinski, Montana State University ; Jill A. Sherwood, Iowa State University
15: A New Estimation Method for CoVaR Based on Three Regime Bivariate Normal Distribution
Jieun Choi, Ewha Womans University; Dong Wan Shin, Ewha Womans University
16: A Comparative Study on Propensity Score Approaches: Michigan Arthroplasty Registry Collaborative Quality Initiative (MARCQI)
Huiyong Thomas Zheng, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Richard Hughes, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Brian Hallstrom, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Paul Charpentier, Virginia Commonwealth University; Ajay Srivastava, OrthoMichigan; Rochelle Igrisan, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
18: A 10-DNA Repair Gene Signature Predicts Benefits from Adjuvant Chemotherapy (ACT) in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Xiaokui Mo, Ohio State University-College of Medicine; Jianying Zhang, Ohio State University; Meng Xu Welliver, Ohio State University; Soledad Fernandez, The Ohio State University
19: Predicting Mood Using Multivariate Mobile Sensor Data Streams for Medical Interns
Timothy NeCamp, University of Michigan; Zhenke Wu, University of Michigan; Srijan Sen, University of Michigan; Edward Ionides, University of Michigan
20: Identifying Morphologies of Precancerous Cells
Theresa Gebert, Carnegie Mellon University
21: Differences Between Telomerase Activation and ALT Based on the Theory of G-Networks
Kyung Hyun Lee, Rice University; Marek Kimmel, Rice University
22: Convergence of Known Distributions to Normality or Non-Normality: An Elementary Ratio Technique
Subhash Bagui, University of West Florida; K. L. Mehra, University of Alberta
23: Predicting Invasive Species Richness with Boosted Regression Trees
Namaluba Malawo, Purdue University; Gabriela Nunez, Purdue University; Songlin Fei, Purdue University
24: Using Error Statistics to Improve Forecasts
Hope Cullers, Purdue University; Mike Baldwin, Purdue University
25: A Bayesian Semiparametric Model for Correlated Longitudinal Data: An Application to Studies Involving Patients and Family Members
Li-Jung Liang, UCLA
26: Bayesian Function Data Analysis for Weather Forecast
Duchwan Ryu, Northern Illinois University; Hao Shen, Northern Illinois University

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-East 17
From Survival Analysis to Survey Research — Contributed Papers
International Chinese Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Suhwon Lee, Univ of Missouri
2:05 PM Pseudo-Kernel Method in Accessing Cross-Validated Risk
Qing Wang, Wellesley College
2:20 PM Boolean Function Networks
Henry Lu, National Chiao Tung University
2:35 PM Interval Estimation for the Slope Difference in a Normal Mixture Regression Model
Shin-Fu Tsai, National Taiwan University
2:50 PM A Nonlinear Model for Censored and Mis-Measured Time-Varying Covariates in Survival Models, with Applications in HIV/AIDS Studies
Hongbin Zhang, City University of New York, School of Public Health; Lang Wu, University of British Columbia
3:20 PM What's Missing? Analysis of NCVS Missed Crimes Results 2012 to 2017
Alan Peterson, U.S. Census Bureau
3:35 PM Analysis of Influences Related to Interviewer Non-Compliance with Established Procedures for SIPP
Danquan Prunty, U.S. Census Bureau; Alpha Savage, US Census Bureau

Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 214
Bayesian Computation and Spatial Modeling — Contributed Papers
Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Geng Chen, GlaxoSmithKline
2:05 PM Bayesian Dimension and Variable Selection for Model-Based Clustering
Love Tanzy, University of Rochester Medical Center; Kyra Singh, Google, Inc.
2:20 PM Bayesian Spatial Clustering with Particle Optimization
Sameer Deshpande, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Statistics; Cecilia Balocchi, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Statistics; Shane Jensen, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Edward George, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania
2:35 PM A New Diagnostic for MCMC Output Analysis
Nathan Lane Robertson, University of California, Riverside; James Flegal, University of California, Riverside
2:50 PM Fully Bayesian Analysis of Hierarchical Count Regression Models
Jarad Niemi, Iowa State University; William Landau, Eli Lilly and Company; Dan Nettleton, Iowa State University
3:05 PM Mapping Geographic Variations in Teen Birth Rates in Small Areas
Diba Khan, CDC; Brady Hamilton, CDC/NCHS; Yulei He, CDC/NCHS
3:20 PM Bayesian Small Area Estimation of Multinomial Outcomes
David R Judkins, Abt Associates; Stas Kolenikov, Abt Associates; Raphael Nishimura, Abt Associates
3:35 PM Hierarchical Gaussian Processes for Spatially Dependent Model Selection
James Fry, Virginia Tech; Scotland Leman, Virginia Tech

Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West Hall B
Contributed Poster Presentations: Survey Research Methods Section — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
31: Understanding Rerandomization Through Simulation
Crystal Shaw, UCLA; Thomas Belin, UCLA
32: Estimation Methods for Nonprobability Samples with a Companion Probability Sample
Michael Yang, NORC; Edward Mulrow, NORC at the University of Chicago; Nada Ganesh, NORC at the University of Chicago; Vickie Pineau, NORC at the University of Chicago
33: Small Scale Analysis with Big Data - Enriching the Panel Study
Jonas Beste, Institute for Employment Research; Sebastian Bähr, Employment Research (IAB)
34: Examining the Agreement Between Parent and Provider Report of Child Influenza Vaccination Status on the National Immunization Survey-Flu, 2015-16 Influenza Season
Tammy A. Santibanez, CDC; James Singleton , CDC; Yusheng Zhai, CDC; Katherine E. Kahn, CDC
35: Who Provides the Best Data: Respondent Characteristics, Financial Literacy, and Data Quality in the Survey of Consumer Finances
Richard Windle, Federal Reserve Board; Joanne Hsu, Federal Reserve Board
36: Propensity Score Analysis Using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Maya Sternberg, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention; Helen Bisrat, Georgia State University; Alula Hadgu, Morehouse School of Medicine
37: Competing Imputation Approaches Under Simulated Nonignorable Missingness for Perpetrator Characteristics in the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports
George Couzens, RTI International; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International

Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Applications of Advanced Statistical Techniques in Complex Survey Data Analysis: Small Area Estimation, Propensity Scores, Multilevel Models, and More — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Oral Presentations for this session.
1: Prisoners Are People Too: Statistical Disclosure Control in the 2016 Survey of Prison Inmates
Nicole Mack, RTI International; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Stephanie Zimmer, RTI International
2: Estimation and Inference of Domain Means Subject to Shape Constraints
Cristian Oliva, Colorado State University; Mary C. Meyer, Colorado State University; Jean D. Opsomer, Colorado State University
3: Producing Subnational Estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey
Andrew Moore, RTI International; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; George Couzens, RTI International; Stephanie Zimmer, RTI International; Caroline Scruggs, RTI International
4: On Mediation Analysis in Public Health Using the Complex Survey Data
Monsur Chowdhury, University of Central Florida; Thanh Pham, University of Central Florida; Julia Soulakova, University of Central Florida
5: Generalized Estimating Equations for Social Network Data
Miles Ott, Smith College; Bjorn Westgard, HealthPartners; Brian Martinson, HealthPartners; Michael Maciosek, HealthPartners
6: Numerical Comparison of Various Bootstrap Methods in Survey Sampling
Christian Léger, Université de Montréal; Oussama Dabdoubi, Université de Montréal
7: Meta-Analysis of Survey-Based, Non-Experimental Individual Person Data with Heterogeneous Weighting Schemes
Anna-Carolina Haensch, GESIS Institute ; Bernd Weiss, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
8: Robust estimation in the presence of deviations from linearity in small domain models
Julie Gershunskaya, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Terrance Savitsky, Bureau of Labor Statistics
9: Bayesian Inference for Sample Surveys in the Presence of High-Dimensional Auxiliary Information
Yutao Liu, Columbia University; Andrew Gelman, Columbia University; Qixuan Chen, Columbia University
10: Calibrated Bayesian Approach for Small Area Prevalence Estimation Using Survey Data with Replicate Weights
Trung Ha, University of Central Florida; Julia Soulakova, University of Central Florida
11: Quantile Regression Analysis of Survey Data Under Informative Sampling
Daniel Zhao, OU Health Sciences Center; Sixia Chen, University of Oklahoma
12: Estimating Causal Effects with Propensity Score in Cluster Sample Surveys
Giovanni Nattino, Ohio State University; Bo Lu, The Ohio State University
13: The Problem of Analytic Error in Secondary Analysis of Survey Data: What We Know, and What We Need to Do About It
Brady T. West, University of Michigan; Joe Sakshaug, University of Manchester
14: Parameter Estimate Bias Resulting from Level 3 Sample Size Decisions
Tingqiao Chen; Frank Lawrence, Michigan State University; Wenjuan Ma, Michigan State University
15: Comparing Direct Survey and Small Area Estimates of Health Care Coverage in New York
Jeniffer Iriondo Perez, RTI International; Rachel Harter, RTI International; Amang Sukasih, RTI International
16: Causal Inference with Complex Surveys: a Comparison of Propensity Score Based Methods
Daniele Bottigliengo, Università degli Studi di Padova; Ileana Baldi, Università degli Studi di Padova; Corrado Lanera, Università degli Studi di Padova; Dario Gregori, Università degli Studi di Padova; Paola Berchialla, Università degli Studi di Torino
17: Empirical Bayes Small Area Prediction of Sheet and Rill Erosion Using a Zero-Inflated Lognormal Model
Xiaodan Lyu, Iowa State Univ; Emily Berg, Iowa State University; Heike Hofmann, Iowa State University
18: Small Area Estimation of HIV Measures in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sahar Zangeneh, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; Jon Wakefield, Univ of Washington; Ann Duerr, Fred Hutch; Deborah Donnell, Fred Hutch
19: Machine Learning to Evaluate the Quality of Patient Reported Epidemiological Data
Robert L. Wood, Resonate & Wichita State University; Futoshi Yumoto, Resonate; Rochelle Tractenberg, Georgetown University
Oral Presentations for this session.

Wed, 8/1/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 203
Inference with Clustered Data: Lessons from Multiple Disciplines — Invited Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Business and Economic Statistics Section, Biometrics Section, SSC
Organizer(s): Stas Kolenikov, Abt Associates
Chair(s): David R Judkins, Abt Associates
8:35 AM Modeling Covariance Structure for Longitudinal Data
Annie Qu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9:00 AM How Clustered Standard Errors Are Changing Applied Econometrics
James Gordon MacKinnon, Queen's University
9:25 AM Pseudo-Population Bootstrap Procedures for Multi-Stage Sampling Designs
Sixia Chen, University of Oklahoma; David Haziza, Université de Montréal
9:50 AM Discussant: Stas Kolenikov, Abt Associates
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/1/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-East 9
SAMSI Program on Transportation Statistics — Topic Contributed Papers
Transportation Statistics Interest Group, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, Statistics and Public Policy, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): David Banks, Duke University
Chair(s): Huiying Mao, Virginia Tech / VTTI
8:35 AM Model Driving Risk Through Naturalistic Driving Studies
Feng Guo, Virginia Tech
8:55 AM Difference-In-Differences Versus Empirical Bayes for Causal Inference in Traffic Safety Research
Fan Li, Duke University
9:15 AM Clustering Travel Behavior Time Series Using Topological Data Analysis
Renjie Chen; nalini ravishanker, University of Connecticut; Jingyu Zhang, University of Connecticut; Karthik Konduri, University of Connecticut
9:35 AM Exploring Efficiency of Statistics Methods to Compare Highly Automated Vehicle and Human Crash Rates
Carol A.C. Flannagan, University of Michigan, Transport Research Institute
9:55 AM Discussant: James L Rosenberger, NISS (National Institute of Statistical Sciences) and Penn State
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/1/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 204
Probabilistic Record Linkage: Better Assumptions, Scalable Inference, and Accounting for Uncertainty — Topic Contributed Papers
Social Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Jared S Murray, University of Texas at Austin
Chair(s): Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University
8:35 AM When There Can Be Only One: The Highlander Probability Model for Historical Record Linkage with Labeled Data
Jared S Murray, University of Texas at Austin
8:55 AM Incorporating Sociodemographic Transitions and Family Network Structure into Historical Record Linkage
Kayla Frisoli, Carnegie Mellon University; Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University; Brendan Murphy, University College Dublin
9:15 AM Improving Probabilistic Record Linkage: Accurate Links, Probabilities, and Measures of Uncertainty
Bradley Spahn, Stanford University; Brendan McVeigh, Carnegie Mellon University; Jared S Murray, University of Texas at Austin
9:35 AM Multiple Imputation of Probabilistic Linkage of Employers in Survey and Administrative Data: Creating CenHRS
Dhiren Patki, University of Michigan
9:55 AM Bayesian Record Linkage with Sub-Models
Joan Heck
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/1/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 208
SPEED: Predictive Analytics with Social/Behavioral Science Applications: Spatial Modeling, Education Assessment, Population Behavior, and the Use of Multiple Data Sources — Contributed Speed
Social Statistics Section, Section on Statistics in Imaging, Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Cami M. Fuglsby, South Dakota State University
Poster Presentations for this session.
8:35 AM Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Integrity Monitoring
Zhicong Zhao
8:40 AM How to Implement Empirical Results of Complex Longitudinal Analysis Models into Microsimulation and Test the Sensitivity of Such Implementations
Dawid Bekalarczyk; Petra Stein, University of Duisburg-Essen
8:45 AM Estimating the Size of a Hidden Finite Set: Large-Sample Behavior of Estimators
Si Cheng, Yale School of Public Health; Daniel J. Eck; Forrest W Crawford, Yale School of Public Health
8:50 AM Spatial Proximity Between Bank Branch Closures and Openings: Where Are the New Underserved Banking Areas Located?
Anna Tranfaglia
8:55 AM A Multidimensional Array Model for Religiosity
Guangyu Tong, Duke University
9:00 AM Challenges from Modeling Open Online Assessment Data
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Yan Liu, The University of British Columbia; Henrike Besche, Harvard Medical School; Audrey Béliveau, University of Waterloo; Xingyu Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Edward Kroc, The University of British Columbia; Melanie Stefan, Edinburgh Medical School; Johanna Gutlerner, Harvard Medical School; Chanmin Kim, Boston University School of Public Health
9:05 AM A Spatially Correlated Auto-Regressive Model for Count Data with Applications for Modeling Crime
Nicholas Clark, Iowa State University; Philip M Dixon, Iowa State University
9:10 AM Matrix Linear Discriminant Analysis
Wei Hu, University of California, Irvine
9:15 AM Replicate Weights for Variance Estimation of Subnational Areas
Stephanie Zimmer, RTI International; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Andrew Moore, RTI International
9:20 AM Model-Based Socio-Economic Health Measures Using Causal Modeling
F. Swen Kuh, Australian National University; Anton H. Westveld, Australian National University; Grace S Chiu, Australian National University
9:30 AM A Monte Carlo Simulation of the Effects of Ignoring Measurement Non-Invariance on the Standard Error for Mean Difference Testing
Scott Colwell, University of Guelph; Theodore J Noseworthy, York University
David Swanson, University of California Riverside; Jeff Tayman, University of California San Diego; Lucky Tedrow, Western Washington University; Jack Baker, Health Fitness Corporation
9:45 AM Changing Trends in Legal Immigration: A Study of New U.S. Persons' Settling Pattern in Metropolitan Areas
Jesse Cambon, Office of Immigration Statistics; Jiashen You, Office of Immigration Statistics, DHS
9:50 AM Path Analysis of Personality and Physiologic Pathways in Muscle Strength Decline
An-Lin Cheng, University of Missouri, Kansas City, School of Medicine
9:55 AM Gaussian Variational Estimation for Multidimensional Item Response Theory
April Eun Cho, University of Michigan; Gongjun Xu, University of Michigan
10:00 AM Collaborative Problem Solving Education in Global Perspective: The Evidence from PISA
Mack Shelley, Iowa State University; Senay Purzer, Purdue University

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Wed, 8/1/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 224
The Potential for Web-Scraping in the Production of Official Statistics: An Opportunity for Statistics to Lead? — Invited Papers
Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, Social Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Linda J Young, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
Chair(s): Michael Hyman, USDA-NASS
10:35 AM Modernizing Census Bureau Economic Statistics through Web Scraping
Brian Dumbacher, U.S. Census Bureau; Carma Ray Hogue, U.S. Census Bureau
11:00 AM The Potential for Web-Scraping in the Production of Official Statistics: An Opportunity for Statistics to Lead?
Linda J Young, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
11:25 AM Modernizing Government Statistics While Preserving Principles
Robert Sivinski, Office of Management and Budget; Rochelle (Shelly) Wilkie Martinez, Office of Management and Budget
11:50 AM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/1/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 301
Sirken Award — Invited Papers
Sirken Award, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): John Czajka, Mathematica Policy Research
Chair(s): John Czajka, Mathematica Policy Research
10:35 AM Predicting and Understanding Nonresponse in Surveys Using Revealed Preferences
Colm O'Muircheartaigh, NORC at the University of Chicago
11:35 AM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/1/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 221
Leading the Estimates Towards Known Benchmarks — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, International Association of Survey Statisticians
Organizer(s): Luca Sartore, National Institute of Statistical Sciences
Chair(s): Clifford Spiegelman, Texas A&M University
10:35 AM Calibrating Big Data for Population Inference: Applying Quasi-Randomization Approach to Naturalistic Driving Data Using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Ali Rafei, University of Michigan; Michael Elliott, University of Michigan; Carol A.C. Flannagan, University of Michigan, Transport Research Institute
10:55 AM Using Calibration Weighting in Samples with a Non-Probability Component
Jamie Ridenhour, RTI International; Phil Kott, RTI
11:15 AM Deep Learning for Data Imputation and Calibration Weighting
Yijun Wei, NISS; Luca Sartore, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Jake Abernethy, National Agricultural Statistics Service, United States Department of Agriculture; Darcy Miller, National Agricultural Statistics Service; Kelly Toppin, National Agricultural Statistics Service; Clifford Spiegelman, Texas A&M University; Michael Hyman, USDA-NASS
11:35 AM A Global Convergent Algorithm for Integer Calibration Weighting
Kelly Toppin, National Agricultural Statistics Service; Luca Sartore, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Clifford Spiegelman, Texas A&M University
11:55 AM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/1/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 219
Various Flavors of Missing-Data Problems — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Florian Meinfelder, Universität Bamberg
Chair(s): Trivellore Raghunathan, University of Michigan
10:35 AM Bayesian IRT and Factor Modeling with Missing Values
Thorsten Schnapp, University of Bamberg; Christian Aßmann, University of Bamberg
10:55 AM Towards Multiple-Imputation-Proper Predictive Mean Matching
Philipp Gaffert, GfK SE; Florian Meinfelder, Universität Bamberg; Volker Bosch, GfK SE
11:15 AM Hybrid Imputation Models Through Blocks
Stef van Buuren, TNO
11:35 AM Bootstrap Inference for Multiple Imputation Under Uncongeniality
Jonathan Bartlett, AstraZeneca
11:55 AM Discussant: Susanne Rässler, Universität Bamberg
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/1/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 218
Survey Modes and Measurement Error — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Rebecca Andridge, The Ohio State University College of Public Health
10:35 AM Mixing Modes Versus Providing Internet Equipment: How Do Different Strategies of Including the Offline Population Affect Probability-Based Online Panel Data Over Time?
Carina Cornesse, University of Mannheim; Ines Schaurer, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
10:50 AM Order Effects and Occupational Misclassification on the Agricultural Labor Survey
David Biagas, National Agricultural Statistics Service
11:05 AM Household Informant Reporting of Crime Victimization
W Sherman Edwards, Westat; Pamela Giambo, Westat; J. Michael Brick, Westat; Grace Kena, Bureau of Justice Statistics
11:20 AM Measurement Errors in Reported Race-Related Attitudes by Race of Interviewer, Perceived Race of Interviewer, and Race of Respondent
Paul Lavrakas, Self-Employed - Independent Consultant; Dan Thaler, Michigan State U. Office for Survey Research; Lin Stork, Michigan State U. Office for Survey Research; Del Solis, Michigan State U. Office for Survey Research
11:35 AM The Proportional Odds Model with Response Variables Subject to Multi-Level Randomized Response
Shu-Hui Hsieh, Research Center for Humanities and Social Science, Academia Sinica
11:50 AM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/1/2018, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Predictive Analytics with Social/Behavioral Science Applications: Spatial Modeling, Education Assessment, Population Behavior, and the Use of Multiple Data Sources — Contributed Poster Presentations
Social Statistics Section, Section on Statistics in Imaging, Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Oral Presentations for this session.
22: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Integrity Monitoring
Zhicong Zhao
23: How to Implement Empirical Results of Complex Longitudinal Analysis Models into Microsimulation and Test the Sensitivity of Such Implementations
Dawid Bekalarczyk; Petra Stein, University of Duisburg-Essen
24: Estimating the Size of a Hidden Finite Set: Large-Sample Behavior of Estimators
Si Cheng, Yale School of Public Health; Daniel J. Eck; Forrest W Crawford, Yale School of Public Health
25: Spatial Proximity Between Bank Branch Closures and Openings: Where Are the New Underserved Banking Areas Located?
Anna Tranfaglia
26: A Multidimensional Array Model for Religiosity
Guangyu Tong, Duke University
27: Challenges from Modeling Open Online Assessment Data
Yan Liu, The University of British Columbia; Henrike Besche, Harvard Medical School; Audrey Béliveau, University of Waterloo; Xingyu Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Edward Kroc, The University of British Columbia; Melanie Stefan, Edinburgh Medical School; Johanna Gutlerner, Harvard Medical School; Chanmin Kim, Boston University School of Public Health
28: A Spatially Correlated Auto-Regressive Model for Count Data with Applications for Modeling Crime
Nicholas Clark, Iowa State University; Philip M Dixon, Iowa State University
29: Matrix Linear Discriminant Analysis
Wei Hu, University of California, Irvine
30: Replicate Weights for Variance Estimation of Subnational Areas
Stephanie Zimmer, RTI International; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Andrew Moore, RTI International
31: Model-Based Socio-Economic Health Measures Using Causal Modeling
F. Swen Kuh, Australian National University; Anton H. Westveld, Australian National University; Grace S Chiu, Australian National University
32: A Monte Carlo Simulation of the Effects of Ignoring Measurement Non-Invariance on the Standard Error for Mean Difference Testing
Scott Colwell, University of Guelph; Theodore J Noseworthy, York University
David Swanson, University of California Riverside; Jeff Tayman, University of California San Diego; Lucky Tedrow, Western Washington University; Jack Baker, Health Fitness Corporation
36: Changing Trends in Legal Immigration: A Study of New U.S. Persons' Settling Pattern in Metropolitan Areas
Jesse Cambon, Office of Immigration Statistics; Jiashen You, Office of Immigration Statistics, DHS
37: Path Analysis of Personality and Physiologic Pathways in Muscle Strength Decline
An-Lin Cheng, University of Missouri, Kansas City, School of Medicine
38: Gaussian Variational Estimation for Multidimensional Item Response Theory
April Eun Cho, University of Michigan; Gongjun Xu, University of Michigan
39: Collaborative Problem Solving Education in Global Perspective: The Evidence from PISA
Mack Shelley, Iowa State University; Senay Purzer, Purdue University
Oral Presentations for this session.

Register 553
Wed, 8/1/2018, 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM CC-West Ballroom D
Survey Research Methods Section P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) — Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau
WL25: Non-Probability Sampling
Karol Krotki, RTI International

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Wed, 8/1/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 224
Using Surveys to Improve the Representativeness of Nonprobability Samples in Epidemiologic Studies — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, Survey Research Methods Section, Biometrics Section
Organizer(s): Yan Li, University of Maryland at College Park
Chair(s): Yan Li, University of Maryland at College Park
2:05 PM Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples: Theory and Practice
Michael Elliott, University of Michigan; Richard Valliant, University of Michigan; Jack Chen, SurveyMonkey
2:30 PM A Kernel Weighting Approach to Improve Population Representativeness of Epidemiological Cohort in the Analysis
Lingxiao Wang, The Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland, College Park; Barry Ira Graubard, National Cancer Institute; Hormuzd A. Katki, Biostatistics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, National Cancer Institute; Yan Li, University of Maryland at College Park
2:55 PM Evaluating Disease Prediction Models Using a Cohort Whose Covariate Distribution Differs from That of the Target Population
Alice S Whittemore, Stanford University
3:20 PM Population-Based Disease Risk Prediction Modeling Using National Survey, Clinical, and Registry Data: Application to Risk Prediction for Oropharyngeal Cancer in the US Population
Barry Ira Graubard, National Cancer Institute; Anil Chaturvedi, National Cancer Institute; Joseph Tota, National Cancer Institute; Hormuzd A. Katki, Biostatistics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, National Cancer Institute
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/1/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 208
Preferential Sampling of Environmental and Ecological Processes — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment, The International Environmetrics Society, JABES-Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Trevor Hefley, Kansas State University
Chair(s): Trevor Hefley, Kansas State University
2:05 PM Modeling Imperfect Presence Data Obtained by Citizen Science
Kerrie Mengersen, Queensland University of Technology
2:30 PM Integrating Auxiliary Data in Optimal Spatial Design for Species Distribution Mapping
Jonathan Stallings, North Carolina State University; Brian Reich, North Carolina State University; Krishna Pacifici, North Carolina State University
2:55 PM Using Joint Models of Fisher Targeting and Resource Abundance to Account for Preferential Sampling in Fisheries
James Turner Thorson, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA; Paul Conn, Marine Mammal Laboratory, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, NMFS; Devin Johnson, Alaska Fisheries Science Center (NOAA); John Best, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
3:20 PM Model-Based Sampling Design for Multivariate Spatial Prediction on a Stream Network
Dale Zimmerman, American Statistical Association
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/1/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 203
Measuring Household Wealth in Europe: The Household Finance and Consumption Survey — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Arthur B Kennickell, Self
Chair(s): Barry W Johnson, IRS Statistics of Income
2:05 PM Comparing Non-Response Adjustment Methods in the Panel on Household Finances
Panagiota Tzamourani, Deutsche Bundesbank; Julian Sengewald, University of Bamberg
2:25 PM Mind the Mode: Lessons from a Web Survey on Household Finances
Andrea Neri, Banca d'Italia
2:45 PM How Wealthy Are Households - Coherence Between Macro and Micro Statistics
Juha Honkkila, European Central Bank
3:25 PM The Funtions of Wealth: Renters, Owners and Capitalists Across Europe and the US
Pirmin Fessler; Martin Schürz, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/1/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 204
Statistical Explorations for the Post-Enumeration Survey of the U.S. 2020 Census — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Timothy Kennel, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair(s): Vincent Mule, U.S. Census Bureau
2:05 PM Evolution of the Modern Post-Enumeration Survey: How Did We Get Here and Where Should We Go Next?
Howard Hogan, U. S. Census Bureau
2:25 PM Considerations in Designing the 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Sample
Laura A. Davis, US Census Bureau; T. Trang Nguyen, US Census Bureau; Courtney Hill, U.S. Census Bureau
2:45 PM Creating a Hard-To-Enumerate Score to Stratify the 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey Sample
Krista Heim, U.S. Census Bureau; Courtney Hill, U.S. Census Bureau; T. Trang Nguyen, US Census Bureau; Timothy Kennel, U.S. Census Bureau
3:05 PM Using Imputation Methods to Predict Listing Housing Unit Counts for Small Geographies
Courtney Hill, U.S. Census Bureau; Timothy Kennel, U.S. Census Bureau; T. Trang Nguyen, US Census Bureau
3:25 PM Calibrating Components of Coverage from a Post-Enumeration Survey
Timothy Kennel, U.S. Census Bureau
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/1/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 210
Federal Statistics, Multiple Data Sources, and Privacy Protection — Topic Contributed Panel
Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, Committee on Privacy and Confidentiality
Organizer(s): Brian Harris-Kojetin, National Academy of Sciences
Chair(s): Gina Walejko, U.S. Census Bureau
2:05 PM Using Multiple Data Sources for Federal Statistics: Next Steps and Applications
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3 Presentation 4
Panelists: Frauke Kreuter, Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Nancy Kirkendall, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Peter Miller, Northwestern University
Hubert Hamer, National Agricultural Statistics Service
3:40 PM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/1/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 205
Advances in Small Area Estimation — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Xingyou Zhang, Economic Research Service, USDA
2:05 PM Substate Small Area Estimates Using Data from the 2014-2016 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHs)
Neeraja Sathe, RTI International; Matthew Williams, SAMHSA/CBHSQ; Kathy Spagnola, RTI International; Akhil Vaish, RTI International
2:20 PM Small Area Population Models: Estimating the Number of Children in School Districts
Jerry Maples, U.S. Census Bureau; Patrick Joyce, U.S. Census Bureau
2:35 PM Comparison of NSDUH Population Percentages from the United States, Census Regions, States, and the District of Columbia
Kathy Spagnola, RTI International; Matthew Williams, SAMHSA/CBHSQ; Akhil Vaish, RTI International; Neeraja Sathe, RTI International
2:50 PM Evaluating the Census Planning Database, MSG, and Paradata as Predictors of Household Propensity to Respond
Xiaoshu Zhu, Westat; Robert Baskin, Westat; David Morganstein, Westat
3:05 PM Leading Policy with Localized Item Response Theory: Detection of Differential Item Functioning Across Space
Samantha Robinson, University of Arkansas
3:20 PM Model-Based Crop Yield Forecasting: Adjustment for Within-State Heterogeneity, Covariate Selection and Variance Estimation
Habtamu Benecha, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Nathan Cruze, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Nell Sedransk, National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS)
3:35 PM Incorporating Design Weights and Historical Data into Model-Based Small-Area Estimation
Hui Xie, CDC; Lawrence Barker, CDC; Deborah Rolka, CDC

Wed, 8/1/2018, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM F-Malaspina
Survey Research Methods Section Business Meeting — Other Cmte/Business
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Karol Krotki, RTI International

Thu, 8/2/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 217
In Memoriam: Alastair Scott — Invited Papers
Memorial, Survey Research Methods Section, International Association of Survey Statisticians, History of Statistics Interest Group
Organizer(s): Stas Kolenikov, Abt Associates
Chair(s): Stas Kolenikov, Abt Associates
8:35 AM Impact of Alastair Scott's Contributions to Sample Survey Theory and Methods
J. N. K. Rao, Carleton University
9:05 AM Taking the Rao--Scott Working Likelihood Seriously
Thomas Lumley, University of Auckland
9:35 AM Alastair in New Zealand
Chris Wild, University of Auckland
10:05 AM Floor Discussion

Thu, 8/2/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 121
Spatial Statistics When Sampling Is Informative — Invited Papers
SSC, Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute, Section on Statistics and the Environment, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Patrick E Brown, University of Toronto
Chair(s): Patrick E Brown, University of Toronto
8:35 AM Modeling Preferential Site Selection in Networks Used to Monitor Environmental Spatio-Temporal Processes
Jim Zidek, University of British Columbia; Joe Watson, UBC; Gavin Shaddick , University of Exeter
9:00 AM Real Time PM2.5 Mapping and Anomaly Detection from AirBoxes in Taiwan
Guowen Huang, National Tsing Hua University
9:25 AM Spatial Modeling for Ecological Surveys - Contributions from and to Point Process Modeling
Janine Illian, University of St Andrews
9:50 AM EM, EMS, and a Root Gaussian Cox Process for Aggregated Spatio-Temporal Data
Jamie Stafford, University of Toronto
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 116
Prospects for Combining Survey and Administrative Data for Income Measurement — Invited Papers
Business and Economic Statistics Section, Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Bruce D Meyer, University of Chicago
Chair(s): Quentin Brummet, U.S. Census Bureau
8:35 AM Administrative Data Linkage and Microsimulation: Challenges and Opportunities
Laura Lynn Wheaton, The Urban Institute
8:55 AM Linking Survey and Administrative Data to Measure Family and Household Income, Inequality and Mobility
Derek Wu, University of Chicago; Bruce D Meyer, University of Chicago; Carla Medalia, U.S. Census Bureau
9:15 AM Linking Administrative and Survey Data to Revolutionize 21st Century Poverty and Inequality Measurement
David Johnson, University of Michigan
9:35 AM Prospects for Combining Survey and Administrative Data for Income Measurement
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Trudi Jane Renwick, U.S. Census Bureau; Liana Fox, U.S. Census Bureau; Ashley Edwards, U.S. Census Bureau; Jonathan Rothbaum, U.S. Census Bureau
9:55 AM Discussant: John Czajka, Mathematica Policy Research
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 202
Privacy Protections for Transportation Data in the Big Data Environment — Topic Contributed Papers
Committee on Privacy and Confidentiality, Survey Research Methods Section, Transportation Statistics Interest Group
Organizer(s): Jacob Bournazian, US Energy Information Administration
Chair(s): Stephanie Shipp, Biocomplexity Institute of Virginia Tech
8:35 AM Power vs. Responsibility: Naturalistic Driving Data Use Cases
Miguel A. Perez, Virginia Tech
8:55 AM Balancing Participant Privacy Protection with Data Utility in Large Scale Transportation Studies
Suzie Lee, VTTI
9:15 AM Geospatial Data Anonymization Methods in Support of Transportation Planning
William Bachman, Westat
9:35 AM SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data: Potential Framework for Participant Disclosure Risk Assessment and Management
Christian Richard, Battelle; Filmon Habtemichael, Battelle; James Brown, Battelle
9:55 AM Discussant: Tom Krenzke, Westat
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 120
Using Para-Data to Analyze the Determinants and Impact of Interview Length — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Tobias Schmidt, Deutsche Bundesbank
Chair(s): Bella Struminskaya
8:35 AM Two Short or One Long: An Experiment Comparing Survey Length vs. Quantity of Surveys
Rebecca Powell, RTI International; Paul Biemer, RTI Internatinoal; Sarah Cook, RTI International; Kathleen Considine, RTI International; Carolyn Halpern, Carolina Population Center-UNC; Kathleen Harris, Carolina Population Center-UNC; Sarah Dean, Carolina Population Center-UNC
8:55 AM Interviewers' Willingness to Spend Time and Effort on the Survey, a Missing Link Between Interview Speed and Contact Process?
Celine Wuyts
9:15 AM What Do Interviewers Learn? An Examination of Interview Length and Interviewer Behaviors
Kristen Olson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Jolene Smyth, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
9:35 AM What Took You So Long? The Role of Experience as a Determinant of Interview Length
Tobias Schmidt, Deutsche Bundesbank; Kristina Altmann, Deutsche Bundesbank
9:55 AM Discussant: Jesse Bricker, Federal Reserve Board
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 211
Establishing and Maintaining Public Confidence in Official Statistics — Topic Contributed Panel
Government Statistics Section, Significance Magazine, Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, History of Statistics Interest Group, Committee on ASA Archives and Historical Materials
Organizer(s): Wendy L Martinez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chair(s): James Cochran, University of Alabama
8:35 AM Establishing Public Confidence in Official Statistics
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Panelists: Anil Arora, Statistics Canada
Barry Nussbaum
John L. Eltinge, United States Census Bureau
10:10 AM Floor Discussion

Thu, 8/2/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 119
The Use of Auxiliary Data in Frame Development, Coverage Assessment, and Field Data Collection — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
8:35 AM Relationship Between Positive Responses to Child-Specific Probes on the 2010 Census Questionnaire and 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Nonmatching Young Children
Mary Mulry, U.S. Census Bureau
8:50 AM The Effects of Address Coverage Enhancement on Estimates from a Study using an ABS Frame
Michael Jones, Westat; J. Michael Brick, Westat; Andrea Piesse, Westat
9:05 AM Switching from Field Enumeration to an ABS Frame: The Effect on Coverage Bias
Ashley Amaya, RTI International; Matthew Williams, SAMHSA/CBHSQ; Devon Cribb, RTI International; Rachel Harter, RTI International; Katherine B Morton, RTI International
9:20 AM Virtual Listing: GIS Approaches to Improve Survey Listing Efficiency
Michael Giangrande, Westat; J. Michael Brick, Westat; David Morganstein, Westat; Katie Lewis, U.S. Energy Information Administration
9:35 AM Selecting a Sample from a Changing Frame of Program Beneficiaries
Eric Grau, Mathematica Policy Research
9:50 AM Using Area Characteristics to Model Nonresponse and Late Reporting in the Current Employment Statistics Survey
John Dixon, Bureau of Labor Statistics
10:05 AM A Simulation-Based Approach to Refining Estimates of Sampling Variability for the Planning Database's Low Response Score
Luke J Larsen, U.S. Census Bureau

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 301
Data Science for Social Good — Invited Papers
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, Statistics and Public Policy, Social Statistics Section, Section on Statistical Computing, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Gayle S Bieler, RTI International
Chair(s): Gayle S Bieler, RTI International
10:35 AM Data for Good: Designing for Impact
Jake Porway, DataKind
11:00 AM Data Science + Social Science: Using Data Science to Track Arrest-Related Deaths in the US
Duren Banks, RTI International; Peter Baumgartner, RTI International; Michael G. Planty, RTI International
11:25 AM A Model for Prioritizing Interventions for People at Risk of Incarceration
Erika Salomon, University of Chicago
11:50 AM Discussant: Craig A. Hill, RTI International
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-East 16
Current Federal Research on Improving Measurement of LGBT Populations — Invited Papers
ASA LGBT Concerns Committee, Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, Social Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Jennifer Truman, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Chair(s): Darcy Miller, National Agricultural Statistics Service
10:35 AM Assessing the Feasibility of Asking Questions on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on the Current Population Survey (CPS)
Renee Ellis, U.S. Census Bureau; Jessica Holzberg, U.S. Census Bureau; Matthew Virgil , U.S. Census Bureau; Jennifer Edgar, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Polly Phipps, Bureau of Labor Statistics
10:55 AM Improving the Measurement of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Among Youth
Jessica Stroop, Bureau of Justice Statistics; Darby Steiger, Westat; Leanne Heaton, Westat; Crystal MacAllum, Westat; Jessica Behm, Westat; Cecilia Avison, Westat
11:15 AM Prevalence of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Behaviors: An Approach for State-Level and National Estimation Derived from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Ronaldo Iachan, ICF; Yangyan Deng, ICF
11:35 AM Differences in Rates of Suicidal Ideation and Potential Suicide Attempt Among Disabled and Gender Minority Medicare Beneficiaries from 2009--2014
Ana M. Progovac, Harvard Medical School / Cambridge Health Alliance; Brian Mullin, Cambridge Health Alliance; Alex McDowell, Harvard Medical School / Cambridge Health Alliance; Maria Jose Sanchez, Cambridge Health Alliance; Sari L. Reisner, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health ; Emilia Dunham, Massachusetts Department of Public Health ; Cynthia Telingator, Cambridge Health Alliance; Benjamin Le Cook, Harvard Medical School / Cambridge Health Alliance
11:55 AM Recent Updates to the Medicare Transgender Cohort: Results from ICD-10
Paul Guerino, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Erin Ewald, NORC at the University of Chicago; Alison Laffan, NORC at the University of Chicago; Christina Dragon, CMS Office of Minority Health; Carl Streed, ?Brigham and Women's Hospital; Zil Goldstein, The Mount Sinai Hospital
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 205
Statistical Challenges in Combining Survey and Administrative Data — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): Lingzhou Xue, Penn State University and National Institute of Statistical Sciences
Chair(s): Joel Dubin, University of Waterloo
10:35 AM Combining Survey and Administrative Data to Produce Official Statistics
Andreea Erciulescu, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Nathan Cruze, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Habtamu Benecha, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Valbona Bejleri, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Balgobin Nandram, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
10:55 AM Promises and Challenges of Data Integration
Mauricio Sadinle, University of Washington
11:15 AM Statistical Challenges in Linking a Retail Gasoline Price Survey with Commercial Data
Maura Bardos, Energy Information Administration; Amerine Woodyard, Energy Information Administration; Jeramiah Yeksavich, Energy Information Administration
11:35 AM Calibrating to Estimated Totals: Lessons from the American Teacher Panel
Michael Robbins, RAND Corporation
11:55 AM Floor Discussion

Thu, 8/2/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 208
Practical Aspects of Survey Design and Analysis — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Bella Struminskaya
10:35 AM Ad-Hoc Calibration for Rounding Rules with Nonlinear Benchmarks
Luca Sartore, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Nathan Cruze, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Habtamu Benecha, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Andreea Erciulescu, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Kelly Toppin, National Agricultural Statistics Service; Clifford Spiegelman, Texas A&M University
10:50 AM TRUMP in Power Supports Five Family Members
Sarjinder Singh, Texas A&M University-Kingsville; Stephen A Sedory, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
11:05 AM Weighting on Reaction Time - Measures Beyond Liking
Shankang Qu, PepsiCo
11:20 AM First Reproducible Nationwide Survey on Substance Use in Brazil: Survey Design and Weighting
Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva, IBGE-ENCE; Mauricio Teixeira Leite de Vasconcellos, IBGE-ENCE; Raquel B De Boni, FIOCRUZ; Francisco Inacio Pinkusfeld Monteiro Bastos, FIOCRUZ; Neilane Bertoni dos Reis, Instituto Nacional de Câncer; Carolina Fausto de Souza Coutinho, FIOCRUZ; Jurema Corrêa da Mota, FIOCRUZ; Lidiane da Silveira Gouvea Toledo, FIOCRUZ
11:35 AM Calibrating Forecasts to Volatile Time Series
Janice Lent, U.S. Energy Information Administration
11:50 AM Floor Discussion

Thu, 8/2/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 209
Imputation and Analysis of Missing Survey Data — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Katherine McLaughlin, Oregon State University
10:35 AM Relaxation of Ignorability and Independence Assumptions Under the Availability of Auxiliary Moment Conditions: Application to Data Fusion
Keisuke Takahata, Keio University; Takahiro Hoshino, Keio University
10:50 AM Simultaneous Edit and Imputation for Household Data with Structural Zeros
Olanrewaju Michael Akande, Duke University; Jerome P. Reiter, Duke University; Andrés Barrientos, Duke University
11:05 AM Multiple Imputation of Non-Ignorable and Hierarchical Missing Data
Angelina Hammon
11:20 AM "Robust-Squared" Imputation Models Using BART
Yaoyuan Tan, University of Michigan; Carol A.C. Flannagan, University of Michigan, Transport Research Institute; Michael Elliott, University of Michigan
11:35 AM Identification of Missing Mechanism in an Incomplete Two-Way Contingency Table with Two Supplemental Margins
Saebom Jeon, Mokwon University
11:50 AM Simplifying the Noninterview Adjustment Used in Weighting the American Community Survey Housing Unit Sample
Evan B. Gutentag, U.S. Census Bureau; Edward C. Castro Jr., U.S. Census Bureau; Mark E. Asiala, U.S. Census Bureau
12:05 PM Evaluation of Patterns of Missing Prices in CPI Data
Harold Gomes, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics