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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 314 - SPEED: Missing Survey Data: Analysis, Imputation, Design, and Prevention
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 : 9:25 AM to 10:10 AM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #332785
Title: Is There a 'safe Area' Where the Nonresponse Rate Has Only a Modest Effect on Bias Despite Non-Ignorable Nonresponse?
Author(s): Dan Hedlin*
Companies: Stockholm university
Keywords: response propensity; nonresponse bias

We study the relationship between response rate and bias, assuming non-ignorable nonresponse and focusing on estimates of totals or means. We show that there is a 'safe area' enclosed by the response rate on the one hand and the correlation between the response propensity and the study variable on the other hand; in this area, 1) the response rate does not greatly affect the nonresponse bias and 2) the nonresponse bias is small. The result is theoretical, based on Bethlehem's (1988) approximate expression for nonresponse bias. We show how this expression is related to other nonresponse bias expressions suggested in the literature and give simulation results that support its validity. Bethlehem, J. (1988). Reduction of nonresponse bias through regression estimation. Journal of Official Statistics, 4(3), 51-60.

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