CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Mon, 7/30/2018,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
CC-West 112
Replicate Weights and Variance Estimation — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Christine Wells, UCLA
2:05 PM
Why Weight, Replicate Now! The Use of Replicate Weights for Complex Survey Data Analysis in SPSS
Kelly Lin, Marketing Systems Group ; Jeffrey S. Bareham, Marketing Systems Group; Ashley Hyon, Marketing Systems Group
2:20 PM
Population Based Case Control Studies with Frequency Matching: Capturing a Further Component of Variability
Sabrina Zhang, Westat ; Ralph DiGaetano, Westat; Jane Li, Westat
2:35 PM
Jackknife and Other Replication Methods with a Reduced Number of Replicates
Stephen Ash, US Census Bureau
2:50 PM
Strategies for Minimizing Unequal Weighting Effects in Two-Phase Sampling for Nonresponse
Dan Liao, RTI International ; Paul Biemer, RTI Internatinoal; Darryl Cooney, RTI International
3:05 PM
Variance Estimation Under Imputation Using the Rescaling Bootstrap
Christian Bruch, University of Mannheim
3:20 PM
Estimating HIV Incidence Using Complex Survey Data
Jean Opsomer, Westat ; Ismael Flores Cervantes, Westat; Anindya De, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Rommel Bain, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Paul Stupp, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
3:35 PM
On Generalized Variance Functions for Sample Means and Medians
Justin McIllece, Bureau of Labor Statistics