CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
Sun, 7/28/2019,
8:30 AM -
5:00 PM
Teaching Data Science (ADDED FEE) — Professional Development Continuing Education Course
ASA , Section on Statistical Computing, Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Instructor(s): Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University
Success in data science and statistics is dependent on the development of both analytical and computational skills. As statistics educators we are more familiar and comfortable with teaching the former, but the latter is becoming increasingly important. The goal of this workshop is to equip educators with concrete information on content and infrastructure for painlessly introducing modern computation into a data science and/or statistics curriculum. In addition to gaining technical knowledge, participants will engage in discussion around the decisions that go into choosing infrastructure and developing curriculum. Workshop attendees will work through several exercises from existing courses and get first-hand experience with using relevant tool-chains and techniques, including R/RStudio, literate programming with R Markdown, and collaboration, version control, and automated feedback with Git/GitHub. We will also discuss best practices for configuring and deploying classroom infrastructures to support these tools.
This workshop is aimed at participants who are interested in the role of computing in either a Statistics or Data Science curriculum, including faculty designing new courses/programs and those interested in adding or improving a computational component to an existing course. A basic knowledge of R is assumed and familiarity with Git is preferred.
8:30 AM
Teaching Data Science (ADDED FEE)
Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University
6 *
Sun, 7/28/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Advocating, Implementing and Explaining Bayesian Analyzes in Statistical Consultations — Invited Papers
Section on Statistical Consulting , Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
Organizer(s): Harry Dean Johnson, Washington State University
Chair(s): Bruce A. Craig, Purdue University
2:05 PM
The Jury Is Out: Communicating Bayesian Statistics in a Courtroom Trial
Mark Glickman, Harvard University
2:30 PM
Bayesian Clinical Trial Consulting
Scott Berry, Berry Consultants
2:55 PM
The Primordial Soup for Bayesian Analysis in Collaborative Settings: Technical Skill, Communication, and Trust
Christopher Franck, Virginia Tech
3:20 PM
Discussant: Chris Holloman, Information Control Company
3:40 PM
Floor Discussion
16 !
Sun, 7/28/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
To the Point: Critical Skills and Knowledge to Be Successful in Academia, Industry and the Government — Invited Panel
Committee on Career Development , Section on Statistical Consulting, Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Organizer(s): Adin-Cristian Andrei, Northwestern University
Chair(s): Adin-Cristian Andrei, Northwestern University
2:05 PM
To the Point: Critical Skills and Knowledge to Be Successful in Academia, Industry and the Government
David Morganstein, Westat
Jeri Metzger Mulrow, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice, Washington, DC
Joan Chmiel, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
John Bailer, Miami University
Mary J Kwasny, Northwestern University
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion
49 !
Sun, 7/28/2019,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Field One Student at a Time — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education , ENAR, Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): Brianna Heggeseth, Macalester College
Chair(s): Brittney Bailey, Amherst College
4:05 PM
Cultivating an Equitable and Inclusive Classroom Dynamic
Brianna Heggeseth, Macalester College
4:25 PM
Cultivating Diversity by Encouraging Deeper Learning of Fundamental Concepts
Gretchen Falk Martinet, University of Virginia ; Jeffrey J. Holt, University of Virginia
4:45 PM
Equity for Underprepared Intro Stat Students: Complex Instruction and Corequisite Design
Alana Unfried, California State University, Monterey Bay
5:05 PM
Breaking Down Barriers: a Cohort Model for Broadening Participation in STEM
Jessica Chapman, St. Lawrence University
5:25 PM
Bridging the Gap: Increasing Underrepresented Minority Representation in the Statistical Sciences
Felicia R Simpson, Winston-Salem State University
5:45 PM
Floor Discussion
61 * !
Sun, 7/28/2019,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
Advancing Career Development with Interdisciplinary Skills — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistical Consulting , Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences, Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): Shuyan Wan, Merck & Co., Inc
Chair(s): Xiaofei Hu, Abbvie
4:05 PM
Persuade or Influence a Non-Statistician Collaborator
Shuyan Wan, Merck & Co., Inc
4:25 PM
Practical Statistical Application and Communication in Financial Industry
Weijian Liang, Vanguard
4:45 PM
How to Talk Variable Selection to Investigators Without Mentioning LASSO
Yixin Fang
5:05 PM
How to Talk Statistics to Clinicians
Christine Gause, Merck & Co., Inc
5:25 PM
Role of Biostatisticians in Transnational Researches in the Era of Big Data
Hua Zhong, New York University
5:45 PM
Floor Discussion
104 *
Mon, 7/29/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Communicating Teaching Through Peer-Reviewed Publication — Invited Papers
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences , Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): Laila Poisson
Chair(s): Laila Poisson
8:35 AM
Writing Statistics Tutorials for Biologists
Martin Krzywinski, Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre; Naomi S Altman, Pennsylvania State University
8:55 AM
Statistics Education in the Health Sciences: Opportunities for Scholarship
Matthew Jason Hayat, Georgia States University
9:15 AM
Creative Scholarly Works for the Statistical Educator: Teaching Resources
Amy Sue Nowacki, Cleveland Clinic
9:35 AM
Opportunities to Publish in Statistics in Medicine
Joel B Greenhouse, Carnegie Mellon University
9:55 AM
Discussant: Felicity Enders, Mayo Clinic
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
110 * !
Mon, 7/29/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Data in the 21st Century: Corporate and Non-Profit Decision Making in the Digital Age — Invited Papers
Business Analytics/Statistics Education Interest Group , Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, Business and Economic Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Michael William Kotarinos, University of South Florida & Solarbeam Capital LLC
Chair(s): Jennifer Lewis Priestley, Kennesaw State University
8:35 AM
From Statistics to Artificial Intelligence: The Evolution of Data Science
Robert J McGrath, University of New Hampshire
8:50 AM
New Statistical Approaches to Financial Time Dependent Information
Doo Young Kim, Sam Houston State University
9:05 AM
New Approaches to Old Problems: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Fighting Cancer in the 21st Century
Ke Meng, UNC Chapel Hill
9:20 AM
21st Century Equity Markets: Evaluating, Assimilating, and Inte- Grating Information in Real-Time
Michael William Kotarinos, University of South Florida & Solarbeam Capital LLC
9:35 AM
Crafting Manifolds: Application Lifecycle Analysis in a Mobile World
Julius D'souza, Google
9:50 AM
Data in the 21st Century: Corporate and Non-Prot Decision Making in the Digital Age
Ryan Kania, Advocates for World Health
10:05 AM
Floor Discussion
117 !
Mon, 7/29/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Teaching and Displaying Social Statistics — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education , International Statistical Institute, Text Analysis Interest Group
Organizer(s): Milo A Schield, Augsburg University
Chair(s): Christine A Franklin, American Statistical Association and University of Georgia
8:35 AM
Quantitative Literacy Should Not Be Optional
Gail Burrill, Michigan State University
8:55 AM
Serving up Tasty Morsels: Mapping from Literacy to Capability
Chris Wild, University of Auckland
9:15 AM
Statistical Literacy: A Study in Confounding
Milo A Schield, Augsburg University
9:35 AM
Creating a Learning Progression to Support Secondary Mathematics Teachers to Develop a Critical Statistical Literacy
Travis Weiland
9:55 AM
Data Visualization: Modernizing the ASA Poster Competition for Grades K-12
Jamis Perrett, Bayer U.S.- Crop Science
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
Mon, 7/29/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
SPEED: Modernization of What, How, and Where We Teach Statistics Part 1 — Contributed Speed
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Chair(s): Kameryn Denaro, University of California, Irvine
Poster Presentations
for this session.
8:35 AM
Causal Inference in Introductory Statistics Courses
Kevin Cummiskey, West Point ; Bryan Adams, West Point; James Pleuss, West Point; Dusty Turner, West Point; Nicholas Clark, West Point; Krista Watts, West Point
8:40 AM
Teaching Data Intuition: a Book
Rebecca Barter, University of California Berkeley ; Bin Yu, UC Berkeley
8:45 AM
Students’ Understanding of Definitional and Relational Characteristics of Confidence Intervals: Initial Results
Kristen E. Roland, University of Georgia ; Jennifer J. Kaplan, University of Georgia
8:50 AM
Creating Labs to Solve an Investigative Question Using Both Individual and Team Components
Megan Mocko, University of Florida
8:55 AM
Transition from Education to Profession: Experiences of Statisticians
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Layla Guyot, Texas State University
9:00 AM
Successful and Sustainable Undergraduate Research in Statistics Through Vertical Integration of Experience and Horizontal Integration of Disciplines
Audrey E Hendricks, University of Colorado Denver
9:05 AM
Statistics Races and Jeopardy Games
David DiMarco ; Ryan Savitz, Neumann University
9:10 AM
Service Learning in Analytics Courses: a Case Study of the Benefits of Teaching Through Helping Others
Kathleen Garwood, Saint Joseph's University ; Vipul Gupta, Saint Joseph's University
9:15 AM
Active-Learning for Bayesian Inference: An Introductory Exercise Using MandM's Candy
Gwendolyn Marie Eadie, University of Washington ; Daniela Huppenkothen, University of Washington; Aaron Springford, Weyerhaeuser; Tyler McCormick, University of Washington
9:20 AM
Undergraduate Statistics Research: a Viewpoint from a Non-Statistician
Ryan Scherenberg ; Megan Sorenson, University of Colorado Denver; Audrey E Hendricks, University of Colorado Denver
9:30 AM
Digital Metaphors: a Tool to Provide Insights into Introductory Statistics Students’ Motivation and Success
Ginger Holmes Rowell, Middle Tennessee State University ; Ameneh Kassaee, Middle Tennessee State University
9:35 AM
Studying the Relationship Between Students’ Perception of the Mean and Their Understanding of Variance
Robert Sigley, Texas State University ; Layla Guyot, Texas State University; Alexander White, Texas State University
9:40 AM
Online Learning and Student Experience—a Study of the Impact of Non-Traditional Learning Environments on the Development of Students’ Relationships and Academic Performance
Alicia Lamere, Bryant University ; Kristin Kennedy, Bryant University
9:45 AM
Making an Impact - Take-Aways from Creating a Student-Driven Statistical Consulting Group for Non-Profits
Kristin Kennedy, Bryant University ; Alicia Lamere, Bryant University; Rick Gorvett, Bryant University; Son Nguyen, Bryant University
9:50 AM
Using Think-Aloud Interviews and Cognitive Task Analysis to Identify Misconceptions in Undergraduate Statistics Education
Mikaela Meyer, Carnegie Mellon University ; Josue Orellana, Carnegie Mellon University; Alex Reinhart, Carnegie Mellon University
9:55 AM
Incorporating Real-Time Clustering of Student Responses into an E-Learning System
Philipp Burckhardt, Carnegie Mellon University ; Christopher Genovese, Statistics, CMU; Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University; Ronald J. Yurko, Carnegie Mellon University
10:00 AM
Paradox Problems as a Tool for Understanding Statistical Reasoning
Andrew Neath, SIU Edwardsville
10:05 AM
Computational Workshops to Facilitate Implementation of Statistics in Scientific Research
Allison Theobold, Montana State Univ ; Stacey Hancock, Montana State University
10:10 AM
Interactive Examples in Statistics Courses Using R Shiny
Ryne VanKrevelen, Elon University
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
152 * !
Mon, 7/29/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Making an Impact in Statistics Education: Waller Award Winner Perspectives — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Organizer(s): Stacey Hancock, Montana State University
Chair(s): Stacey Hancock, Montana State University
10:35 AM
Is the Act All That Matters in Active Learning?
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
James Cochran, University of Alabama
10:50 AM
Technology for Teaching Statistics - Can it Get Any Better Than This?
Robin Lock, St. Lawrence University
11:05 AM
Roles of Statistics Educators Beyond the Classroom
Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University
11:20 AM
Teaching with Simulation-Based Inference Methods in 2020 and Beyond
Nathan Tintle, Dordt College
11:35 AM
Recognizing Human Progress
Allan Rossman, Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
11:50 AM
Incorporating Community-Based Learning into the Classroom
Lynne Steuerle Schofield, Swarthmore College
12:05 PM
Floor Discussion
Mon, 7/29/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-Hall C
Contributed Poster Presentations: Section on Statistical Education — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Chair(s): Wendy Meiring, University of California At Santa Barbara
Teaching Statistical Distributions Using Roulette Martingale Strategies
Peter Pflaumer
Correction in the Formula for Evaluating the Null Hypothesis
Donald R Taves, Univ of Wash
Dennis Pearl, Penn State University ; Lawrence M Lesser, The University of Texas at El Paso; John Weber, Perimeter College at Georgia State University
Ensuring All Students Can Be Successful, Using Open Education Resources (OER)
Leah Dorazio, OpenIntro, SF University High School
Predicting Undergraduate Student Success Using Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression
James Roddy, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville ; Samantha Robinson, University of Arkansas
"Why Am I Failing?": The Importance of Basic Quantitative Skills in a Business Statistics Course
Deborah Gougeon, Univ of Scranton
Ayona Chatterjee, California State University East Bay ; Chinki Rai, CSUEB; Fanny Yeung, CSUEB
Development and Implementation of WISE (Workshop to Inspire Statistical Excellence) to Recruit Future Statisticians
Michelle Smith, Eastern Kentucky University ; Amanda Rae Ellis, Eastern Kentucky University; Shane P Redmond, Eastern Kentucky University
Making an Impact on Undergraduates Through Experiential Learning in Statistics
Tracy Morris, University of Central Oklahoma ; Tyler Cook, University of Central Oklahoma ; Cynthia Murray, University of Central Oklahoma
Conditional Probability and SQL for Data Science
Eric Suess, CSU East Bay
Corequisite Support for an Introductory Statistics Course
Lisa Kay, Eastern Kentucky University
Mon, 7/29/2019,
11:35 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-Hall C
SPEED: Modernization of What, How, and Where We Teach Statistics Part 2 — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Chair(s): Kameryn Denaro, University of California, Irvine
Oral Presentations
for this session.
Causal Inference in Introductory Statistics Courses
Kevin Cummiskey, West Point ; Bryan Adams, West Point; James Pleuss, West Point; Dusty Turner, West Point; Nicholas Clark, West Point; Krista Watts, West Point
Students’ Understanding of Definitional and Relational Characteristics of Confidence Intervals: Initial Results
Kristen E. Roland, University of Georgia ; Jennifer J. Kaplan, University of Georgia
Creating Labs to Solve an Investigative Question Using Both Individual and Team Components
Megan Mocko, University of Florida
Transition from Education to Profession: Experiences of Statisticians
Layla Guyot, Texas State University
Successful and Sustainable Undergraduate Research in Statistics Through Vertical Integration of Experience and Horizontal Integration of Disciplines
Audrey E Hendricks, University of Colorado Denver
Statistics Races and Jeopardy Games
David DiMarco ; Ryan Savitz, Neumann University
Service Learning in Analytics Courses: a Case Study of the Benefits of Teaching Through Helping Others
Kathleen Garwood, Saint Joseph's University ; Vipul Gupta, Saint Joseph's University
Active-Learning for Bayesian Inference: An Introductory Exercise Using MandM's Candy
Gwendolyn Marie Eadie, University of Washington ; Daniela Huppenkothen, University of Washington; Aaron Springford, Weyerhaeuser; Tyler McCormick, University of Washington
Undergraduate Statistics Research: a Viewpoint from a Non-Statistician
Ryan Scherenberg ; Megan Sorenson, University of Colorado Denver; Audrey E Hendricks, University of Colorado Denver
Digital Metaphors: a Tool to Provide Insights into Introductory Statistics Students’ Motivation and Success
Ginger Holmes Rowell, Middle Tennessee State University ; Ameneh Kassaee, Middle Tennessee State University
Studying the Relationship Between Students’ Perception of the Mean and Their Understanding of Variance
Robert Sigley, Texas State University ; Layla Guyot, Texas State University; Alexander White, Texas State University
Online Learning and Student Experience—a Study of the Impact of Non-Traditional Learning Environments on the Development of Students’ Relationships and Academic Performance
Alicia Lamere, Bryant University ; Kristin Kennedy, Bryant University
Making an Impact - Take-Aways from Creating a Student-Driven Statistical Consulting Group for Non-Profits
Kristin Kennedy, Bryant University ; Alicia Lamere, Bryant University; Rick Gorvett, Bryant University; Son Nguyen, Bryant University
Using Think-Aloud Interviews and Cognitive Task Analysis to Identify Misconceptions in Undergraduate Statistics Education
Mikaela Meyer, Carnegie Mellon University ; Josue Orellana, Carnegie Mellon University; Alex Reinhart, Carnegie Mellon University
Incorporating Real-Time Clustering of Student Responses into an E-Learning System
Philipp Burckhardt, Carnegie Mellon University ; Christopher Genovese, Statistics, CMU; Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University; Ronald J. Yurko, Carnegie Mellon University
Paradox Problems as a Tool for Understanding Statistical Reasoning
Andrew Neath, SIU Edwardsville
Computational Workshops to Facilitate Implementation of Statistics in Scientific Research
Allison Theobold, Montana State Univ ; Stacey Hancock, Montana State University
Interactive Examples in Statistics Courses Using R Shiny
Ryne VanKrevelen, Elon University
Teaching Data Intuition: a Book
Rebecca Barter, University of California Berkeley ; Bin Yu, UC Berkeley
Oral Presentations
for this session.
219 * !
Mon, 7/29/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Making an Impact in Statistics Education Through Innovation and Outreach — Invited Papers
ENAR , Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, International Association for Statistical Education
Organizer(s): Margaret Taub, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Chair(s): Leah Jager, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2:05 PM
Teaching Students to Talk About Data Science
Alison Hill, RStudio
2:30 PM
Rmarkdown Workflows Make New Statistical Methods Accessible to Biomedical Researchers
Michael Love, UNC-Chapel Hill
2:55 PM
Overcoming the Barriers of Entry into Data Science for Non-Traditional Learners with Cloud Computing
Shannon E. Ellis, UCSD
3:20 PM
Teaching Data Science Through Case Studies in Public Health
Stephanie Hicks, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion
230 * !
Mon, 7/29/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Innovative STEAMS Methdology Over STEM — Topic Contributed Papers
Quality and Productivity Section , Committee on Outreach Education, Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Organizer(s): Charles Chen, Applied Materials
Chair(s): Charles Chen, Applied Materials
2:05 PM
STEAMS Applications on Gaming Science and Analytics
Mason Chen, Mission San Jose High School, Stanford OHS ; Luke Liu, Stratford School
2:25 PM
STEAMS Approach on NBA Basketball Games
Alan Yao, Mission San Jose High School, and Stanford Online High School ; Mason Chen, Mission San Jose High School, Stanford OHS
2:45 PM
STEAMS Application on Chronic Low Back pain and Exercise Intervention
Julianne Chiu ; Kaitlyn Zhang, Stanford OHS; Mason Chen, Mission San Jose High School, Stanford OHS
3:05 PM
STEAMS Applications on Foods Science and Analytics
Kaitlyn Zhang, Stanford OHS ; Mason Chen, Mission San Jose High School, Stanford OHS
3:25 PM
Discussant: Patrick Giuliano, Abbott
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion
232 * !
Mon, 7/29/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Undergraduate Research in Statistics — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Organizer(s): Peter E. Freeman, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair(s): Debra Hydorn, University of Mary Washington
2:05 PM
Introducing Early Undergraduates to Statistical Practice: How You Can (And Why You Should) Provide Such Opportunities at Your Institution
Peter E. Freeman, Carnegie Mellon University
2:25 PM
Transformative Failure in Client-Based Projects for Introductory Data Science
Karl Schmitt, Valparaiso University ; Lissa Yogan, Valparaiso University; Adali Johnson, Valparaiso University
2:45 PM
Moving Beyond Classroom Projects to Guided Research
Shonda Kuiper, Grinnell College
3:05 PM
Strategies for Achieving Success with Advanced Undergraduate Research Students in Statistics
Vittorio Addona, Macalester College
3:25 PM
15 Years of a Center for Interdisciplinary Research: Reflections and Projections
Paul Roback, St. Olaf College
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion
282 !
Tue, 7/30/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Data Science Education at the School Level — Invited Panel
International Association for Statistical Education , National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Organizer(s): Tim Erickson, Epistemological Engineering
Chair(s): Tim Erickson, Epistemological Engineering
8:35 AM
Data Science Education at the School Level
Andee Rubin, TERC
Anna Fergusson, University of Auckland
Michelle Wilkerson, University of California at Berkeley
Rob Gould, ASA
William Finzer, Concord Consortium
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
Tue, 7/30/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Statistical Sleuths, Data Thugs, or Methodological Terrorists? Recent Stories from the New Field of Error Detection in the Published Literature — Invited Panel
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Organizer(s): Regina Nuzzo, American Statistical Association; Kristin Sainani, Stanford University
Chair(s): Regina Nuzzo, American Statistical Association
8:35 AM
Statistical Sleuths, Data Thugs, or Methodological Terrorists? Recent Stories from the New Field of Error Detection in the Published Literature
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Andrew W. Brown, Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington
James Heathers, Northeastern University
Kristin Sainani, Stanford University
Nick Brown, University of Groningen
10:10 AM
Floor Discussion
306 * !
Tue, 7/30/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Statistics from Content to Modality — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Chair(s): Elizabeth Fry, University of Minnesota
8:35 AM
Acknowledging Our Foundations: Promoting Discussion of Historical and Philosophical Challenges Underlying Statistical Inference
Megan Higgs, Montana State University
8:50 AM
Growing Certain: Students’ Mechanistic Reasoning About the Empirical Law of Large Numbers in a Simulation-Based Inference Course
Ethan Brown, University of Minnesota ; Robert delMas, University of Minnesota
9:05 AM
Developing “Data Mentors” for Beginning Teachers
Debra Hydorn, University of Mary Washington
9:20 AM
Capstone Assessment Tools for the Undergraduate Statistics Major
Matthew D Beckman, Pennsylvania State University
9:35 AM
Teaching a Mixed-Mode Biostatistics Course Using Canvas
Julia Soulakova, University of Central Florida ; Victoria L Owens, College of Medicine, UCF
9:50 AM
Teaching Graduate Level Statistics Courses in a Synchronous Classroom
Samantha Seals, University of West Florida
10:05 AM
Making an Impact Through Testing
Rosanna Overholser
330 !
Tue, 7/30/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Snapshots in History: Statisticians Making an Impact — Topic Contributed Papers
History of Statistics Interest Group , Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): Wendy L Martinez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chair(s): Jeffrey Smith, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
10:35 AM
Abraham DeMoivre: Progenitor of Statistics
Herbert Weisberg
10:55 AM
Two Chapters in the Development of Human Population Sampling (1895/1934)
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Dominic Lusinchi
11:15 AM
Brewing up Statistics: a Look at Gosset’s Contributions
Martha McRoy, Pew Research Center
11:35 AM
Using Primary Historical Sources to Teach Statistics
Beverly Wood, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
11:55 AM
A One-Credit History of Statistics Course Using “The Lady Tasting Tea” by David Salsburg with Supplementary Readings
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Phyllis Curtiss, Grand Valley State University ; Kirk Anderson, Grand Valley State Univ
12:15 PM
Floor Discussion
388 * !
Tue, 7/30/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Building Bridges for Data Science Education — Invited Panel
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education , Section on Statistical Computing, Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
Organizer(s): Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University
Chair(s): Beth Chance, Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
2:05 PM
Building Bridges for Data Science Education
Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University
Michael Posner, Villanova University
Jeff Forbes, Duke University
Andrea Danyluk, Williams College
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion
402 *
Tue, 7/30/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty — Topic Contributed Panel
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences , Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Organizer(s): Monnie McGee, Southern Methodist University
Chair(s): Ed Gracely, Drexel University
2:05 PM
Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Presentation 4
Presentation 5
Monnie McGee, Southern Methodist University
Jacqui Milton, Boston University
Jana Anderson, Colorado State University
Jeremiah Aakre, Mayo Clinic
Amy L Phelps, Duquesne University
3:40 PM
Floor Discussion
445 * !
Wed, 7/31/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Communicating to the Masses: Sharing Statistics and Data Science in a World of Sound Bites, Social Media, and Popular Press — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education , Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): Jennifer L Green, Montana State University
Chair(s): Erin E Blankenship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
8:35 AM
Writing for Newspapers, Magazines, Comics and More: Making a Real Impact on the Broadest Audience
Regina Nuzzo, American Statistical Association
9:00 AM
The Art of Storytelling: Engaging Audiences with Podcasts and Curiosity Cafes
Jennifer L Green, Montana State University ; Shannon Willoughby, Montana State University; Brock LaMeres, Montana State University; Bryce Hughes, Montana State University; Leila Sterman, Montana State University; Christopher Organ, Montana State University; Kent Davis, Montana State University
9:25 AM
Statistics and Data Science Outreach Using Twitter: Communicating the Power of Statistics in 280 Characters
Nicholas J. Horton, Amherst College
9:50 AM
Fake News Sells
Liberty Vittert, University of Glasgow
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
483 * !
Wed, 7/31/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Teaching Statistics: Stepping Out of the Classroom — Invited Papers
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences , Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, American Educational Research Association
Organizer(s): Jaya M Satagopan, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Ananda Sen, University of Michigan
Chair(s): Ananda Sen, University of Michigan
10:35 AM
Out of the Classroom and into the "Real" World: Learning Statistics by Doing Statistics with "The Islands"
Ann M Brearley, University of Minnesota ; Laura J Le, University of Minnesota
11:05 AM
Using and Building Shiny Apps for Teaching Introductory Biostatistics
Adam Ciarleglio, The George Washington University
11:35 AM
Biostatistics for Public Health Students: What Benefits Does a “Flipped” Classroom Have?
Thomas M Braun, University of Michigan School of Public Health
12:05 PM
Floor Discussion
514 * !
Wed, 7/31/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Teaching Data Science: R, Git, and the Undergraduate Curriculum — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Chair(s): Daniel Kaplan, Macalester College
10:35 AM
DemoR: Tools for Teaching and Presenting R Code
Kelly Bodwin, California Polytechnic State University ; Hunter Glanz, California Polytechnic State University
10:50 AM
Ghclass: An R Package for Managing Classes with GitHub
Colin Rundel, Duke University
11:05 AM
Using GitHub and RStudio to Facilitate Authentic Learning Experiences in a Regression Analysis Course
Maria Tackett, Duke University
11:20 AM
Teaching Introductory Statistics with Online Tools and Open Source Data
Shiju Zhang, St Cloud State University
11:35 AM
Teaching Soft Skills in Data Science Curriculum
Hunter Glanz, California Polytechnic State University ; Dennis L Sun, Cal Poly and Google; Alexander Dekhtyar, California Polytechnic State University
11:50 AM
Developing an Undergraduate Major in Data Science: a Statistics Educator's Perspective
Amy Froelich, Iowa State University
12:05 PM
The Evolution of an Undergraduate Data Science Program – a Reflection of the Past Five Years
Christopher Malone, Winona State University ; Silas Bergen, Winona State University; Brant Deppa, Winona State University; Todd Iverson, Winona State University; Tisha Hooks, Winona State University; April Kerby, Winona State University
569 !
Wed, 7/31/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Student Engagement and Interaction in Online/Hybrid Courses — Topic Contributed Panel
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences , ASA-MAA Joint Committee on Undergraduate Statistics, Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Organizer(s): Hollylynne S Lee, NC State University
Chair(s): Jacqueline Milton Hicks, Boston University
2:05 PM
Student Engagement and Interaction in Online/Hybrid Courses
Christy Brown, Clemson University
Emily Slade, University of Kentucky
Hollylynne S Lee, NC State University
Matt Brems, General Assembly
Melissa Pittard, University of Kentucky
Sabrina Ripp, Tulsa Community College
3:40 PM
Floor Discussion