Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.
CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,
CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,
UC = Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
31 *
Sun, 7/31/2016,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Environmental Applications — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Huang Huang, KAUST
2:05 PM
In My Time of Dying: John Graunt's Observations About the Bills of Mortality Revisited Using Modern Spatial Epidemiological Methods
Olaf Berke, University of Guelph
2:20 PM
Study of K-Sample Capture-Recapture Experiments with Known Losses on Capture Under Partial Stratification
Lasantha Premarathna, Simon Fraser University ; Carl Schwarz, Simon Fraser University
2:35 PM
Visualizing Long-Term Monitoring Data: Tools for Researchers and Managers
Derek Sonderegger, Northern Arizona University
2:50 PM
Temporal Trend Estimation with Many Short Time Series
Brian Gray, U.S. Geological Survey ; Richard Erickson, U.S. Geological Survey ; Eric Eager, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
3:05 PM
Statistical Models for the Movement of Halibut in the Gulf of Alaska
Margaret Short, University of Alaska Fairbanks ; Andrew Seitz, University of Alaska Fairbanks ; Julie Nielsen, University of Alaska Fairbanks
3:20 PM
A Generalized Measure of Uncertainty in Geostatistical Regression Model Selection
Chun-Shu Chen, National Changhua University of Education ; Jun Zhu, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Tingjin Chu, Renmin University of China
3:35 PM
Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Rainfall in the Murray-Darling Basin
Gen Nowak ; Alan Welsh, Australian National University ; Terry O'Neill, Bond University
58 * !
Sun, 7/31/2016,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
Challenges in the Analysis of Large Spatial Data — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Korean International Statistical Society , Section on Statistics in Imaging
Organizer(s): Chae Young Lim, Seoul National University
Chair(s): Jarrett Barber, Northern Arizona University
4:05 PM
Spatially Partitioning Curves Based on Functional Covariates, with Two Applications
Zhen Zhang, The University of Chicago
4:45 PM
Compression and Conditional Emulation of Climate Model Output
Joseph Guinness, North Carolina State University ; Dorit Hammerling, National Center for Atmospheric Research
5:05 PM
Computational Instability of Inverse of Spatial Covariance Matrices
Chae Young Lim, Seoul National University ; Wei-Ying Wu, National Dong Hwa University ; Chien-Hung Chen, National Dong Hwa University
5:25 PM
A Low-Rank Covariance Estimation Methodology for Understanding Brain Connectivity
Siddhartha Nandy, Michigan State University ; Chae Young Lim, Seoul National University ; Tapabrata Maiti, Michigan State University
5:45 PM
Floor Discussion
Sun, 7/31/2016,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
Environmental Extremes — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Risk Analysis
Chair(s): Whitney Huang, Purdue University
4:05 PM
Bivariate Quantile-Based Calibration of Numerical Model Outputs with Application to Climate Projections
Brooke Alhanti, Emory University ; Howard Chang, Emory University
4:20 PM
Detecting Change Points in Climatic Data Using Extreme Values
Andrew Bartlett, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
4:35 PM
Modeling the Frequency and Magnitude of Extreme Events
Piyas Chakraborty, Purdue University ; Hao Zhang, Purdue University
4:50 PM
Quantifying Waves of Extreme Weather
Joshua French, University of Colorado Denver ; Piotr Kokoszka, Colorado State University ; Stilian Stoev, University of Michigan
5:05 PM
Bayesian Clustering and Dimension Reduction in Multivariate Extremes
Sabrina Vettori, KAUST ; Raphaël Huser, KAUST ; Marc Genton, KAUST
5:20 PM
Censored Local Likelihood Inference for Modeling Nonstationarity in Spatial Extremes
Daniela Castro, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; Raphaël Huser, KAUST
5:35 PM
Bayesian Modeling of Days in Risk Due to Concentration of PM10 in Kuwait
Fahimah Alawadhi, Kuwait University
112 * !
Mon, 8/1/2016,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Advances in Modeling and Inference for Spatial Nonstationarity with Environmental Applications — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Chair(s): Marc Genton, KAUST
8:35 AM
Mixtures of Regression Models for Large Spatial Data Sets
Amanda Hering, Colorado School of Mines ; Karen Kazor, Colorado School of Mines ; Laura Condon, Colorado School of Mines ; Reed Maxwell, Colorado School of Mines
8:55 AM
High-Resolution Simulation of Nonstationary Random Fields
William Kleiber, University of Colorado
9:15 AM
Regression-Based Covariance Functions for Nonstationary Spatial Modeling
Mark Risser, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
9:35 AM
Fused Adaptive Lasso for Spatial and Temporal Quantile Function Estimation
Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; Huixia Wang, The George Washington University ; Montse Fuentes, North Carolina State University
9:55 AM
Collective Nonparametric Spectral Density Estimation with Applications in Clustering
Mehdi Maadooliat, Marquette University ; Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
Mon, 8/1/2016,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
SPEED: Environmental Statistics — Contributed Speed
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Sandy Burden, University of Wollongong
8:35 AM
Underestimation of Standard Errors in Regression Analysis for Pollution Exposure Assessment Using Multi-Source Data
Tomoshige Nakamura, Keio University ; Mihoko Minami, Keio University
8:40 AM
Modeling Nonconstant Detection Rates in Removal-Sampled Point-Count Surveys
Adam Martin-Schwarze ; Philip Dixon, Iowa State University ; Jarad Niemi, Iowa State University
8:45 AM
Modeling Blood Organic Mercury as a Function of Usual Fish Consumption and Demographics Using NHANES Data
John Rogers, Westat ; Rebecca Birch, Westat
8:50 AM
Spatial Confounding in Semiparametric Regression Models for Spatial Data
Guilherme Ludwig, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Jun Zhu, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Chun-Shu Chen, National Changhua University of Education
8:55 AM
Design Considerations for Vaccine Efficacy Trials in Outbreak Settings
Natalie Dean, University of Florida ; M Elizabeth Halloran, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ; Ira Longini, University of Florida
9:00 AM
Using Wavelets to Discover Relationships Among Tree-Ring Records
Megan Heyman, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology ; Snigdhansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities ; Scott St. George, University of Minnesota
9:05 AM
Sequential Policy Making in Management of Emerging Infectious Disease with Monte Carlo Tree Search
Sihan Wu, North Carolina State University
9:10 AM
A Standardized Signed Likelihood Ratio Test for the Threshold in a Generalized Pareto Distribution
David Smith, Tennessee Tech University
9:15 AM
Combining Information from Multiple Marks in a Marked Point Pattern
Philip Dixon, Iowa State University
9:20 AM
Can Sentinel Site Data Be Used to Estimate Vaccination Coverage in the United States?
Xia Lin, CDC ; Elizabeth Zell ; Loren Rodgers, CDC ; Laura Pabst, CDC
9:30 AM
Where Do Marine Mammals Go? Bayesian Data Fusion Provides the Answer
Yang Seagle Liu, University of British Columbia ; James V. Zidek, University of British Columbia ; Brian C. Battaile, University of British Columbia ; Andrew W. Trites, University of British Columbia
9:35 AM
Modeling Short-Term Population Dynamics with Unobserved Latent Stages
Gabriel Demuth, Iowa State University ; Philip Dixon, Iowa State University
9:40 AM
Application of INGARCH(P,Q) Models to Hurricane Count Series
Yunwei Cui, Towson University ; Rongning Wu, Baruch College
9:50 AM
Predictive Models in Horticulture: A Case Study with Royal Gala Apples
Tom M. Logan, University of Michigan ; Stella McLeod, Mr. Apple New Zealand ; Seth Guikema, University of Michigan
9:55 AM
Using the R Caret Package as a Teaching Tool for Topics in Classification and Prediction Methods: A Case Study
Keith Williams, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
10:00 AM
Analyzing Changes in the Proportions of Phytoplankton of a Freshwater Lake
Stephen Colegate, Miami University ; Thomas Fisher, Miami University ; Jing Zhang
10:05 AM
Floor Discussion
Mon, 8/1/2016,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Methods for Massive Spatial Data — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): James P. Howard, II, University of Maryland University College
10:35 AM
Is Gun Violence Contagious? Descriptive Spatio-Temporal Testing and Modeling with Large-Scale Point Process
Charles Loeffler, University of Pennsylvania ; Seth Flaxman, University of Oxford ; William Herlands, Carnegie Mellon University ; Hannes Nickisch, Philips Research Hamburg
10:50 AM
Spatio-Temporal Error Characterization of Geophysical Variables Using Collocation Methods
Seyed Hamed Alemohammad, MIT ; Kaighin A. McColl, MIT ; Alexandra G. Konings, Stanford University ; Dara Entekhabi, MIT
11:05 AM
A Penalized Quasi-Likelihood Approach for Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Spatially Correlated Binary and Count Data
Abdhi Sarkar, Michigan State University ; Chae Young Lim, Seoul National University ; Tapabrata Maiti, Michigan State University
11:20 AM
Approximate Optimal Weighted Composite Likelihood Approach for Large Spatial Data
Furong Li, Texas A&M University ; Huiyan Sang, Texas A&M University
11:35 AM
Process-Based Hierarchical Models for Coupling High-Dimensional LiDAR and Forest Variables Over Large Geographic Domains
Andrew Finley, Michigan State University ; Sudipto Banerjee, University of California at Los Angeles ; Yuzhen Zhou, University of Nebraska - Lincoln ; Bruce Cook, NASA
11:50 AM
Semiparametric Inference via Sparsity-Induced Kriging for Massive Spatial Data Sets
Pulong Ma, University of Cincinnati ; Emily Lei Kang, University of Cincinnati
12:05 PM
Global Nonstationary Spatial Covariance Through Deformations and Geographical Indicators
Jaehong Jeong, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; Marc Genton, KAUST
Mon, 8/1/2016,
10:30 AM -
11:15 AM
CC-Hall F1 West
SPEED: Environmental Statistics, Part 2A — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Genevera Allen, Rice University
Underestimation of Standard Errors in Regression Analysis for Pollution Exposure Assessment Using Multi-Source Data
Tomoshige Nakamura, Keio University ; Mihoko Minami, Keio University
Modeling Nonconstant Detection Rates in Removal-Sampled Point-Count Surveys
Adam Martin-Schwarze ; Philip Dixon, Iowa State University ; Jarad Niemi, Iowa State University
Modeling Blood Organic Mercury as a Function of Usual Fish Consumption and Demographics Using NHANES Data
John Rogers, Westat ; Rebecca Birch, Westat
Spatial Confounding in Semiparametric Regression Models for Spatial Data
Guilherme Ludwig, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Jun Zhu, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Chun-Shu Chen, National Changhua University of Education
Design Considerations for Vaccine Efficacy Trials in Outbreak Settings
Natalie Dean, University of Florida ; M Elizabeth Halloran, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ; Ira Longini, University of Florida
Using Wavelets to Discover Relationships Among Tree-Ring Records
Megan Heyman, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology ; Snigdhansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities ; Scott St. George, University of Minnesota
Sequential Policy Making in Management of Emerging Infectious Disease with Monte Carlo Tree Search
Sihan Wu, North Carolina State University
A Standardized Signed Likelihood Ratio Test for the Threshold in a Generalized Pareto Distribution
David Smith, Tennessee Tech University
Combining Information from Multiple Marks in a Marked Point Pattern
Philip Dixon, Iowa State University
Can Sentinel Site Data Be Used to Estimate Vaccination Coverage in the United States?
Xia Lin, CDC ; Elizabeth Zell ; Loren Rodgers, CDC ; Laura Pabst, CDC
The oral portion will take place during Session 213153
Mon, 8/1/2016,
11:35 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-Hall F1 West
SPEED: Environmental Statistics, Part 2B — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Genevera Allen, Rice University
Where Do Marine Mammals Go? Bayesian Data Fusion Provides the Answer
Yang Seagle Liu, University of British Columbia ; James V. Zidek, University of British Columbia ; Brian C. Battaile, University of British Columbia ; Andrew W. Trites, University of British Columbia
Modeling Short-Term Population Dynamics with Unobserved Latent Stages
Gabriel Demuth, Iowa State University ; Philip Dixon, Iowa State University
Application of INGARCH(P,Q) Models to Hurricane Count Series
Yunwei Cui, Towson University ; Rongning Wu, Baruch College
Predictive Models in Horticulture: A Case Study with Royal Gala Apples
Tom M. Logan, University of Michigan ; Stella McLeod, Mr. Apple New Zealand ; Seth Guikema, University of Michigan
Using the R Caret Package as a Teaching Tool for Topics in Classification and Prediction Methods: A Case Study
Keith Williams, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Analyzing Changes in the Proportions of Phytoplankton of a Freshwater Lake
Stephen Colegate, Miami University ; Thomas Fisher, Miami University ; Jing Zhang
The oral portion will take place during Session 213153
244 *
Mon, 8/1/2016,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Data Fusion for Environmental Applications — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Risk Analysis
Chair(s): Karen Ryberg, U.S. Geological Survey
2:05 PM
Spatio-temporal modeling for regional climate model comparison: application on perennial bioenergy crop impacts
Meng Wang, Arizona State University ; Yiannis Kamarianakis, Arizona State University ; Alex Mahalov, Arizona State University ; Melissa Wagner, Arizona State University ; Matei Georgescu, Arizona State University ; Gonzalo Miguez-Macho, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela ; Mohamed Moustaoui, Arizona State University
2:20 PM
Spatial Data Fusion for Large Non-Gaussian Remote Sensing Data Sets
Hongxiang Shi, University of Cincinnati ; Emily Lei Kang, University of Cincinnati
2:35 PM
Downscaling of Climate Model Projections of Temperature and Related Uncertainty Quantification
Ernst Linder, University of New Hampshire ; Yiming Liu, University of New Hampshire ; Meng Zhao, University of New Hampshire
2:50 PM
Tales of Five Chinese Cities: PM2.5 Data Reliability and Compatibility in Air Quality Assessment
Xuan Liang, Peking University ; Shuo Li, Peking University ; Shuyi Zhang, Peking University ; Hui Huang, Peking University ; Song Xi Chen, Peking University/Iowa State University
3:05 PM
Stochastic Simulation of Predictive Space-Time Scenarios of Wind Speed Using Observations and Physical Models
Julie Bessac, Argonne National Lab ; Emil Mihai Constantinescu, Argonne National Lab ; Mihai Anitescu, Argonne National Lab
3:20 PM
Evaluating Climate Models
Eric Gilleland, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Barbara G. Brown, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Caspar Ammann, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; William Gutowski, Iowa State University ; Tressa Fowler, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; John Halley Gotway, National Center for Atmospheric Research
3:35 PM
Estimating Rate of Change of Carbon Dioxide Emission Using Functional Approach
Ram Kafle, Sam Houston State University ; Netra Khanal, University of Tampa ; Chris P. Tsokos, University of South Florida
289 * !
Tue, 8/2/2016,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Environmental and Health Effects of Air Pollution in a Changing Climate — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Royal Statistical Society , Section on Risk Analysis
Organizer(s): Elizabeth Mannshardt, EPA
Chair(s): Kimberly Kaufeld
8:35 AM
Statistical Methods for Projecting Future Ambient Air Quality Under a Changing Climate
Howard Chang, Emory University ; Brooke Alhanti, Emory University ; Stefanie E Sarnat, Emory University ; Xinyi Zhao, Emory University
8:55 AM
Implication of Nonlinear Air Pollutant Concentrations: Response Functions in Risk Assessment
Ana G. Rappold, EPA ; James Crooks, National Jewish Health
9:15 AM
Estimating Pathways and Health Benefits in Air Pollution Interventions
Roger Peng, The Johns Hopkins University
9:35 AM
A Dynamic Spatial Factor Model for Speciated Pollutants
Montse Fuentes, North Carolina State University ; Maria Terres, Climate Corporation
9:55 AM
Discussant: Elizabeth Mannshardt, EPA
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
Tue, 8/2/2016,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Nonstationary Models for Spatial Data — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Dan Cooley, Colorado State University
10:35 AM
Clustering Multiscale Spatial Functional Data with Application to Precipitation Regimes Identification
Haozhe Zhang, Iowa State University ; Zhengyuan Zhu, Iowa State University ; Shuiqing Yin, Beijing Normal University
10:50 AM
Cluster Detection of Spatial Regression Coefficients
Junho Lee, University of Wisconsin ; Ronald Gangnon, University of Wisconsin ; Jun Zhu, University of Wisconsin - Madison
11:05 AM
Quantifying and Mapping Spatial Variability in Forest Stands
Gavin Corral, USDA/NASS
11:20 AM
Spatial Basis Function Approach to Accommodate Teleconnection Patterns in Climate Data
Whitney Huang, Purdue University ; Hao Zhang, Purdue University
11:35 AM
Modeling Nonstationarity in Space and Time with Dimension Expansion
Lyndsay Shand ; Bo Li, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11:50 AM
Modeling Nonstationary and Anisotropic Geostatistical Data Processes
Claude Hill, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center ; David M. Thompson, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
12:05 PM
Floor Discussion
429 *
Tue, 8/2/2016,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Statistical Analysis of Air Pollution Data — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Risk Analysis
Chair(s): Joshua French, University of Colorado Denver
2:05 PM
Spatial Prediction of Naturally Occurring Indoor Gamma Radiation Dose Rates in Great Britain
Mark Peter Little, National Cancer Institute ; Pavel Chernyavskiy, National Cancer Institute ; Gerald M. Kendall, University of Oxford ; Philip S. Rosenberg, National Cancer Institute ; Richard Wakeford, University of Manchester
2:20 PM
Bayesian Spatial Multivariate Receptor Modeling for Multisite Multipollutant Data
Eun Sug Park, Texas A&M Transportation Institute ; Inyoung Kim, Virginia Tech ; Shuman Tan, Texas A&M Transportation Institute ; Clifford Spiegelman, Texas A&M University
2:35 PM
The Positive Effects of Population-Based Preferential Sampling in Environmental Epidemiology
Joseph Antonelli, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health ; Matthew Cefalu, RAND Corporation ; Luke Bornn, Simon Fraser University
2:50 PM
Analysis of Methane Data Collected by Google Street View Vehicles
Zachary Weller ; Jennifer Hoeting , Colorado State University ; Adam Gaylord, Colorado State University ; Joe von Fischer, Colorado State University
3:05 PM
Dynamic PCA for Multiple Air Pollutants
Oleg Melnikov, Rice University ; Katherine B. Ensor, Rice University ; Loren Raun, Rice University
3:20 PM
A Comparison of Spatial Prediction Models for Traffic-Related Air Pollution Data
Zheng Zhu ; Roman Jandarov, University of Cincinnati
3:35 PM
Floor Discussion
Tue, 8/2/2016,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
CC-Hall F1 West
Contributed Poster Presentations: Section on Statistics and the Environment — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Genevera Allen, Rice University
Statistical Emulator for NARCCAP Surface Precipitation and Temperature Using Spatially Varying Bayesian Model Averaging
Marcela Alfaro Cordoba, North Carolina State University ; Montse Fuentes, North Carolina State University ; Joseph Guinness, North Carolina State University ; Dorit Hammerling, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research
A Statistical-Dynamical Approach to Probabilistic Decadal Climate Predictions
Francisco Beltran, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Local Warming: A Tale of Two Cities
Lewis VanBrackle, Kennesaw State University
Negative Dependence in Markov Random Field Models
Kenneth Wakeland, Iowa State University ; Mark Kaiser, Iowa State University ; Daniel Nordman, Iowa State University
Simultaneous Analysis of Microbial Densities and Detection Errors
Yu-Ting Hsu, Penn State University
An Estimation of the Variogram of Temperature Anomalies on the Earth
Jacob Shields ; Chunfeng Huang, Indiana University ; Scott Robeson, Indiana University
Calculation of the Steam Electric Power Plant Effluent Limits Using the Modified Delta-Lognormal (MDL) Distribution
Yan Zhuang, Westat ; John Rogers, Westat ; David A. Marker, Westat
An Image Compression Algorithm for Large Spatio-Temporal Data Sets
Indranil Sahoo, North Carolina State University ; Brian J. Reich, North Carolina State University ; Joseph Guinness, North Carolina State University
Robust Statistical Methods for the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Colette Smirniotis, San Diego State University ; Barbara Ann Bailey, San Diego State University
A Bayesian Hierarchical Data Fusion Approach Leveraging Lidar and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Information to Improve Aboveground Forest Carbon Estimation for Interior Alaska, USA
Chad Babcock, University of Washington
Spatio-temporal analysis of precipitation data via a sufficient dimension reduction in parallel
Sai Kumar Popuri, University of Maryland Baltimore County ; Nagaraj K. Neerchal, University of Maryland Baltimore County ; Kofi Adragni, University of Maryland Baltimore County ; Amita Mehta, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology
525 *
Wed, 8/3/2016,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
ENVR Student Paper Award Winners — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , International Chinese Statistical Association
Organizer(s): Elizabeth Mannshardt, EPA
Chair(s): Elizabeth Mannshardt, EPA
10:35 AM
Dynamic Social Networks Based on Movement
Henry Scharf, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University ; Bailey Fosdick, Colorado State University ; Devin Johnson, Alaska Fisheries Science Center (NOAA) ; Josh London, Alaska Fisheries Science Center (NOAA) ; John Durban, Southwest Fisheries Science Center
10:55 AM
A Space-Time Skew-T Model for Threshold Exceedances
Samuel Morris, North Carolina State University ; Brian J. Reich, North Carolina State University ; Emeric Thibaud, Colorado State University ; Dan Cooley, Colorado State University
11:15 AM
Temperatures in Transient Climates: Improved Methods for Simulations with Evolving Temporal Covariances
Andrew Poppick, The University of Chicago ; David McInerney, University of Adelaide ; Elisabeth Moyer, The University of Chicago ; Michael Stein, The University of Chicago
11:35 AM
The Role of Regimes in Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting at Multiple Wind Farms
Karen Kazor, Colorado School of Mines ; Amanda Hering, Colorado School of Mines
11:55 AM
Floor Discussion
Wed, 8/3/2016,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Non-Gaussian Methods for Environmental Data — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Eric Gilleland, National Center for Atmospheric Research
10:35 AM
Adjusting for Capture, Recapture, and Identity Uncertainty When Estimating Detection Probability from Capture-Recapture Surveys
Stacy Edmondson, Whitman College
10:50 AM
A Hidden Markov Model for Animal Soical Networks
Meridith L. Bartley, Penn State University ; Ephraim M. Hanks, Penn State University ; David P. Hughes, Penn State University
11:05 AM
Spatial Envelope
Hossein Rekabdarkolaee, Virginia Commonwealth University
11:20 AM
Clustering of Soil Geochemical and Mineralogical Data from the Conterminous United States Using a Bayesian Finite Mixture Model
Karl Ellefsen, U.S. Geological Survey ; Laurel Woodruff, U.S. Geological Survey ; David Smith, U.S. Geological Survey ; William Cannon, U.S. Geological Survey ; Federico Solano, U.S. Geological Survey
11:35 AM
Non-Gaussian Bivariate Modeling for Geophysical Inversions
Andrew Zammit-Mangion, University of Wollongong ; Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong
11:50 AM
Factor Copula Models for Spatial Data
Pavel Krupskiy, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; Marc Genton, KAUST ; Raphaël Huser, KAUST
12:05 PM
Geostatistical Binary Data: Models, Properties, and Connections
Victor De Oliveira, The University of Texas at San Antonio
589 *
Wed, 8/3/2016,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Recent Developments in Bayesian Modeling to Analyze Large-Scale Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Sets — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) , Section on Bayesian Statistical Science , International Chinese Statistical Association
Organizer(s): RAJARSHI GUHANIYOGI, University of California at Santa Cruz
Chair(s): Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Virginia Commonwealth University
2:05 PM
Computational Considerations for Applying Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes to Large Spatial Data Sets: A Case Study from Forest Biomass Prediction Across Alaska
Sudipto Banerjee, University of California at Los Angeles ; Abhirup Datta, University of Minnesota ; Bruce Cook, NASA ; Andrew Finley, Michigan State University
2:30 PM
Some Scalable Spatial Modeling Framework for Large Spatial Data
RAJARSHI GUHANIYOGI, University of California at Santa Cruz ; Sudipto Banerjee, University of California at Los Angeles
2:55 PM
Parallel Computing for Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Models
Francisco Beltran, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ; Bruno Sanso, University of California at Santa Cruz
3:20 PM
Discussant: Christopher Wikle, University of Missouri
3:40 PM
Floor Discussion
627 *
Thu, 8/4/2016,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Spatial Uncertainty in Environmental Statistics — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) , Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
Organizer(s): Matthew J. Heaton, Brigham Young University
Chair(s): Matthew J. Heaton, Brigham Young University
8:35 AM
Spatial Uncertainty in Environmental Statistics
Alan E. Gelfand
9:00 AM
Modeling Environmental Impacts on Bronchiolitis in the Presence of Spatial Uncertainty
Candace Berrett, Brigham Young University ; Matthew J. Heaton, Brigham Young University ; Chantel Sloan, Brigham Young University
9:25 AM
Multivariate Latent Structure in Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Health Models
Andrew B. Lawson, Medical University of South Carolina
9:50 AM
The New Normal: Exploring the Impact of American Community Survey Demographics on Small-Area Health Studies
Lance Waller, Emory University
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
Thu, 8/4/2016,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Modern Biosurveillance at the Edge of Online Social Media, Social Networks, and Nontraditional Big Data — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Statistics in Epidemiology
Organizer(s): Georgiy Bobashev, RTI International, Yulia R. Gel, The University of Texas at Dallas
Chair(s): Julia Kozlitina, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
10:35 AM
Improving Influenza Forecast by Counteracting Structural Errors
Sen Pei, Columbia University ; Jeffrey Shaman
10:55 AM
Harnessing the Power of Twitter with Offline Contact Networks for Probabilistic Flu Forecasting
Kusha Nezafati, The University of Texas at Dallas ; Leticia Ramirez-Ramirez, Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology ; Yulia R. Gel, The University of Texas at Dallas
11:15 AM
Can Wikipedia Improve Flu Forecasts in the United States?
Dave Osthus, Los Alamos National Laboratory ; Reid Priedhorsky, Los Alamos National Laboratory ; Jim Gattiker, Los Alamos National Laboratory ; Sara Del Valle, Los Alamos National Laboratory
11:35 AM
Forecasting of Cases for Climate Sensitive Mosquito-Borne Diseases Using Online/Social Media Information
Lilia Leticia Ramirez Ramirez, Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas ; Yulia R. Gel, The University of Texas at Dallas ; Vyacheslav Lyubchich, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
11:55 AM
Inbound Call Survey (ICS) Technology and Rapid Surveillance
Georgiy Bobashev, RTI International ; Burton Levine, RTI International ; Karol Krotki, RTI International ; Scott Richards, Reconnect Research
12:15 PM
Floor Discussion
Thu, 8/4/2016,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Statistical Methods for Ecology — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University
10:35 AM
Bayesian Multispecies Ecological Models for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
John Tipton, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University ; Robert Booth, Lehigh University ; Connor Nolan, University of Arizona
10:50 AM
Adaptive Control Algorithms for Managing Infectious Diseases on a Network
Nicholas Meyer, North Carolina State University ; Eric Laber, North Carolina State University ; Brian J. Reich, North Carolina State University ; Krishna Pacifici, North Carolina State University
11:05 AM
Dynamically Induced Spatial Confounding
Trevor Hefley, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University ; Ephraim M. Hanks, Penn State University ; Dan Walsh, National Wildlife Health Center ; Robin Russell, National Wildlife Health Center
11:20 AM
A Bivariate Bayesian Occupancy Model for Large Herbivores in Serengeti National Park
Staci Hepler, Wake Forest University ; Robert Erhardt, Wake Forest University ; T. Michael Anderson, Wake Forest University
11:35 AM
A Spatio-Temporal Model for Ecological Colonizations
Perry Williams, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University ; Jamie N. Womble, National Park Service ; George G. Esslinger, U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Science Center ; Michael R. Bower, National Park Service
11:50 AM
A Score Test of Homogeneity for Generalized Additive Models for Zero-Inflated Count Data
Wei-Wen Hsu, Kansas State University ; Gaowei Nian, IMS Health China Beijing Branch ; David Todem, Michigan State University ; KyungMann Kim, University of Wisconsin - Madison
12:05 PM
Biomass Prediction Using Density-Dependent Diameter Distribution Models
Erin M. Schliep, University of Missouri ; Alan E. Gelfand ; James S. Clark, Duke University ; Bradley J. Tomasek, Duke University