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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 692
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Thursday, August 4, 2016 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistics and the Environment
Abstract #319013 View Presentation
Title: A Bivariate Bayesian Occupancy Model for Large Herbivores in Serengeti National Park
Author(s): Staci Hepler* and Robert Erhardt and T. Michael Anderson
Companies: Wake Forest University and Wake Forest University and Wake Forest University
Keywords: occupancy ; spatial ; camera trap ; ecology ; presence ; Bayesian

Occupancy models are increasingly being used in ecology to model the spatial distribution of imperfectly detected species. These models allow researchers to study the effect that covariates have on the probability of presence, while accounting for imperfect detection and spatial dependence. Recently, bivariate extensions to these models have been proposed to better understand interactions among various species. In this work, we analyze data from Snapshot Serengeti, a camera-trap survey with 225 cameras covering a 1000 sq km grid over five years in Serengeti National Park in northern Tanzania, a region that has faced severe declines in large herbivore and carnivore populations. We develop a bivariate Bayesian occupancy model to study the predator/prey dynamics in response to the dramatic shifts in vegetation observed in this savanna ecosystem.

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