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Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.

CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,   CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,   UC= Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

29 * !
Sun, 7/31/2016, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-W181a
Reliability, Degradation, and Competing Risks — Contributed Papers
Quality and Productivity Section , Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Chair(s): Ming Li, Walmart
2:05 PM Degradation Analysis with Measurement Errors Chien-Yu Peng, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
2:20 PM Bayesian Estimation and Variable Selection for Reliability in Multicomponent Systems Yiqing Tian, North Carolina State University ; Howard Bondell, North Carolina State University ; Alyson Wilson, North Carolina State University
2:35 PM Frequentist and Bayesian Simulation Using a Random Coefficients Model to Establish Shelf-Life Specification Limits for a Drug Product Richard Montes, Hospira, a Pfizer Company ; David LeBlond, CMCStats
2:50 PM Guardbanding Techniques for the Semiconductor Industry: A Comparative Study Thomas Nowak, University of Graz ; Vera Hofer, University of Graz ; Johannes Leitner, University of Graz ; Horst Lewitschnig , Infineon Technologies Austria AG
3:05 PM Statistical Lifetime Inference Based on Skew-Normal Accelerated Destructive Degradation Test Model Chih-Chun Tsai, Tamkang University ; Chien-Tai Lin, Tamkang University
3:20 PM Component Integrated Importance: Modeling Complex Aging Systems Peng Liu, SAS Institute ; Leo Wright, SAS Institute
3:35 PM Floor Discussion

Sun, 7/31/2016, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-W187c
Optimization in Nonregular Designs — Contributed Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Chair(s): Roshan J. Vengazhiyil, Georgia Tech
4:05 PM A Study of Optimal Designs for GLMs Using Particle Swarm Optimization Zhongshen Wang, Arizona State University ; John Stufken, Arizona State University ; Wanchunzi Yu, Arizona State University
4:20 PM Standardized Maximim D-Optimal Designs for Enzyme Kinetic Inhibition Models Ray-Bing Chen, National Cheng Kung University ; Ping-Yang Chen, National Cheng Kung University ; Heng-Chin Tung, National Cheng Kung University ; Weng Kee Wong, University of California at Los Angeles
4:35 PM Optimal Designs for Logistic Mixed Models Using Penalized Quasi-Likelihood Method Wanchunzi Yu, Arizona State University ; John Stufken, Arizona State University ; Zhongshen Wang, Arizona State University
4:50 PM Model Fitting and Optimal Design for a Class of Binary Response Models Subir Ghosh, University of California at Riverside ; Hans Nyquist, Stockholm University
5:05 PM Bayesian Model Selection Applied to Definitive Screening Designs Patrick Gaffney, Eli Lilly and Company
5:20 PM Decision-Theoretic Frequentist Optimal Design of Experiments Antony Overstall, University of Glasgow
5:35 PM Bayesian Networks--Based Usable Access Control Anna Valeva, Western Illinois University ; Binto George, Western Illinois University

Sun, 7/31/2016, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM H-4E
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences Executive Committee Meeting (Closed) — Other Cmte/Business
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Chair(s): Jennifer Van Mullekom, DuPont

Register 94
Mon, 8/1/2016, 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM CC-W375a
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences A.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) — Roundtables AM Roundtable Discussion
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Organizer(s): Byran Smucker, Miami University

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Mon, 8/1/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W190b
Statistical Aspects of Computer Experiments — Invited Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , International Chinese Statistical Association , Quality and Productivity Section
Organizer(s): Qiong Zhang, Virginia Commonwealth University
Chair(s): Qiong Zhang, Virginia Commonwealth University
8:35 AM On the Convergence Rates of Expected Improvement Methods llya O. Ryzhov, University of Maryland
9:00 AM Prediction Based on the Kennedy-O'Hagan Calibration Model: Asymptotic Consistency and Other Properties Rui Tuo, Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology
9:25 AM Simulation and Optimization Using Minimum Energy Designs Roshan Joseph Vengazhiyil, Georgia Institute of Technology ; Dasgupta Tirthankar, Harvard ; Rui Tuo, Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology
9:50 AM Deep Learning for Emulation in Uncertainty Quantification Jared D. Huling, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Peter Qian, University of Wisconsin - Madison
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

Mon, 8/1/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W183b
SPEED: Statistics in Government and Engineering — Contributed Speed
Government Statistics Section , Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Chair(s): Wendy Martinez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
8:35 AM Evaluating the Use of Child Restraint Systems and Resulting Injury and Fatalities using Demographic and Social Characteristics of Driver's Home Zip Code Anastasia Vishnyakova, Temple University
8:40 AM Crash-Safety Ratings and the True Assessment of Injuries by Vehicle Cody Philips, Miami University
8:45 AM Visualizing Crash Data Over Time Richard M. Heiberger, Temple University Fox School of Business
8:50 AM Predicting the Potential Economic Cost of a Car Accident Under Different Circumstances Tony Ng, Southern Methodist University ; Lynne Stokes, Southern Methodist University ; Yifan Zhong, Southern Methodist University ; Robert Farrow, Southern Methodist University ; Clayton Moore, Southern Methodist University ; Gunes Alkan, Southern Methodist University ; Haichen Liu, Southern Methodist University ; Ziyuan Xu, Southern Methodist University ; Yihan Xu, Southern Methodist University ; Yuzhi Yan, Southern Methodist University
8:55 AM Time-Dependent Clustering Tells a Danger on the Road Eunice Kim
9:00 AM Seeing Through the Data: Data Visualization Methods of the Occupational Requirements Survey Jenette Muhar, Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Michelle Myers, Bureau of Labor Statistics
9:05 AM Investigation of How Customers Respond to Demand Response Hung-Ming Chou, Texas A&M University ; Fang-Yu Lin, Texas A&M University
9:10 AM Implementation of the ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding System and Implications for the National Health Care Surveys Margaret Jean Hall, CDC ; Kellina Phan, CDC/NCHS ; Denys T. Lau, CDC/NCHS
9:30 AM Review of Statistical Software for Joint Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Models Allison Cullen, University of Michigan ; Jeremy M. G. Taylor, University of Michigan ; Ananda Sen, University of Michigan
9:35 AM Using Scores to Identify Small Cells in Tables for Disclosure Deidentification Stephen Cohen, NORC at the University of Chicago ; Linette Scott, California Department of Health Care Services ; Joshua Borton, NORC at the University of Chicago
9:40 AM Degree Profile of Hierarchical Lattice Networks Yarong Feng, The George Washington University ; Hosam Mahmoud, The George Washington University ; Ludger Ruschendorf, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg
9:45 AM Optimal Monetary Policy with Noisy Information Jacob Orchard, Brigham Young University ; James McDonald, Brigham Young University ; Kerk Phillips, Brigham Young University
9:50 AM Representing Inhomogeneous Microstructure in 3D Simulations of Stainless Steel Scott Vander Wiel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
9:55 AM Statistical Challenges in Military Research Zoran Bursac, University of Tennessee Health Science Center ; Melissa Little, University of Tennessee Health Science Center ; Karen Derefinko, University of Tennessee Health Science Center ; Rebecca Krukowski, University of Tennessee Health Science Center ; Lauren Colvin, University of Tennessee Health Science Center ; Gerald Wayne Talcott, University of Tennessee Health Science Center ; Robert Klesges, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
10:00 AM Mineral Species Frequency Distribution and the Prediction of Earth's Missing Minerals Grethe Hystad, Purdue University ; Robert T. Downs, University of Arizona ; Robert M. Hazen, Carnegie Institution
10:05 AM Model-Based Point Estimates and Variance for State-Level Prevalence of Hypertension and Uncontrolled Hypertension in the United States Using NHANES and BRFSS Soyoun Park, CDC/NCCDPHP/DHDSP ; Amy L. Valderrama, CDC/OPHPR/DSLR ; Jason Baumgardner, CDC/NCIPC/DVP ; Cathleen Gillespie, CDC/NCCDPHP/DHDSP ; Quanhe Yang, CDC/NCCDPHP/DHDSP ; Jing Fang, CDC/NCCDPHP/DHDSP ; Fleetwood Loustalot, CDC/NCCDPHP/DHDSP ; Yuling Hong, CDC/NCCDPHP/DHDSP
10:10 AM Using a Survey as a Sampling Frame: The UK Experience Matthew Greenaway, Office for National Statistics
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

Mon, 8/1/2016, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-Hall F1 West
Contributed Poster Presentations: Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Chair(s): Genevera Allen, Rice University
27: The Use of Limited Available Data for Tests in the One-Way Layout Yvonne Zubovic, Indiana University ; Chand Chauhan, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne
28: Maximum Likelihood and Least Squares Estimation Comparison for the Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution: Case Study of Statistical Software William Harper, Otterbein University ; Thomas R. James, Otterbein University
30: Evacuation from a Room with Two (Contiguous) Exits Guillermo Frank, CONICET ; Ignacio Sticco, University of Buenos Aires ; Claudio Dorso, University of Buenos Aires
31: A Common-Factor Approach for Multivariate Data Cleaning with an Application to Mars Phoenix Mission Data Dongping Fang, Zurich ; Elizabeth Oberlin, Tufts University ; Wei Ding, University of Massachusetts - Boston ; Samuel Kounave, Tufts University
32: Rat Vibrissae (Whiskers) as a Model to Study the Statistics of Sensory Data Acquisition: Analyzing the Natural Tactile Scene While Incorporating Sensor Dynamics Hayley M. Belli, Northwestern University ; Ian D. R. Abraham, Northwestern University ; Sara A. Solla, Northwestern University ; Todd D. Murphey, Northwestern University ; Mitra J. Z. Hartmann, Northwestern University
34: An Approach to Characterizing Driving Behavior Using Distributions of Headway Paths in a Function Space Ruofei Zhao
35: Using Mixed Model for Repeated Measures to Study the Changes of Physical Function for Breast Cancer Patients with Taxane-Based Chemotherapy Xueliang Pan ; Scott Monfort, The Ohio State University ; Ajit Chaudhari, The Ohio State University ; Maryam Lustberg, The Ohio State University

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Mon, 8/1/2016, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-W183b
Optimal Experimental Design for Physical Models — Invited Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , IMS , Royal Statistical Society , Quality and Productivity Section
Organizer(s): Antony Overstall, University of Glasgow
Chair(s): Antony Overstall, University of Glasgow
2:05 PM Random Designs for Misspecified Regression Models Tim Waite, University of Manchester ; David Woods, University of Southampton
2:30 PM Sequential Experimental Design for Differential Equation Models via Approximate Dynamic Programming Youssef Marzouk, MIT ; Xun Huan, MIT
2:55 PM Using Computer Experiments and Gaussian Process Emulation to Facilitate Bayesian Optimal Design for Physical Models Derived from Ordinary Differential Equations David Woods, University of Southampton ; Antony Overstall, University of Glasgow ; Benjamin Parker, University of Southampton
3:20 PM Discussant: Roshan Joseph Vengazhiyil, Georgia Institute of Technology
3:40 PM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 8/2/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W183c
Online Experimentation: What Is It, Why Use It, and How to Do It Well? — Invited Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Section on Statistics in Marketing , Quality and Productivity Section
Organizer(s): Xinwei Deng, Virginia Tech
Chair(s): Xinwei Deng, Virginia Tech
8:35 AM Multifactor Online Testing David M. Steinberg, Tel Aviv University ; Tamar Haizler, Tel Aviv University
9:00 AM Statistical Design for Online Experiments Across Desktops, Tablets, Smartphones (and Maybe Wearable Gadgets) Peter Qian, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Soheil Sadeghi, University of Wisconsin - Madison ; Neeraj Arora, University of Wisconsin - Madison
9:25 AM How NOT to Do A/B Testing David Charles Draper, University of California at Santa Cruz
9:50 AM Discussant: David Woods, University of Southampton
10:10 AM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 8/2/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W183a
A Roadmap for Promoting Statistical Collaboration — Topic Contributed Panel
Section on Statistical Consulting , Quality and Productivity Section , Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Committee on Applied Statisticians , Conference on Statistical Practice Steering Committee
Organizer(s): Erin Tanenbaum, NORC at the University of Chicago
Chair(s): Eric Vance, Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis
8:35 AM A Roadmap for Promoting Statistical Collaboration
Panelists: Robin Mogg, Merck Research Laboratories
Chuck Kincaid, Experis
Holly Shulman, CDC
Mark Otto, Fish and Wildlife Service
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 8/2/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W186a
Modern Statistics and Policy in Defense — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security , Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Chair(s): David Marchette, Naval Surface Warfare Center
8:35 AM How Modern Statistical Techniques Have Influenced DoD Policy and Guidance Kelly McGinnity, Institute for Defense Analyses
8:50 AM Probabilistic Graphical Model for Cyber Defensive Policy Assessment and Facilitation of Intuitive Optimal Policy Selection Pranab Banerjee, Boston Fusion Corp. ; Thomas Allen, Boston Fusion Corp.
9:05 AM Crime Linkage with Self-Exciting Point Process Models Michael D. Porter, University of Alabama
9:20 AM Improving Operational Reliability Estimates in the Department of Defense with Bayesian Statistics (Part 1) Rebecca Dickinson, Institute for Defense Analyses ; Kassie Froncyzk, IDA
9:35 AM Improving Operational Reliability Estimates in the Department of Defense with Bayesian Statistics (Part 2) Kassie Fronczyk ; Rebecca Dickinson, Institute for Defense Analyses
9:50 AM Applications of Modern Statistical Techniques to Operational Testing Matthew Avery
10:05 AM The U.S. Marine Corps' Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force: Experimental Design, Analysis, and Selected Results Yevgeniya Pinelis ; Paul Johnson, Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity

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Tue, 8/2/2016, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-W177
Efficient Designing of Experiments — Contributed Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Chair(s): Laura Lancaster, SAS Institute
10:35 AM Analysis of Split-Plot Designs with Whole-Plot and Split-Plot Measurements Jonathan Stallings, North Carolina State University
10:50 AM Box-Behnken--Type Experimental Designs for Multiple Responses with Different Models Wilmina Marget, John Carroll University ; Max D. Morris, Iowa State University
11:05 AM Assessing the Consequences After an Incorrect Multiple-Component Constraint Was Used to Develop a Constrained Mixture Experiment Design Greg Piepel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ; Scott Cooley, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
11:20 AM Run Order Considerations for Plackett and Burman Designs Kevin Quinlan ; Dennis K. J. Lin, Penn State University
11:35 AM A Meta-Analysis of Response Surface Studies Byran Smucker, Miami University ; Rebecca Ockuly, Miami University ; Maria Weese, Miami University ; David Edwards, Virginia Commonwealth University ; Le Chang, Miami University
11:50 AM Two-Level Screening Designs Derived from Binary Nonlinear Codes Tena Ipsilantis Katsaounis, The Ohio State University ; Manohar Lal Aggarwal, University of Memphis
12:05 PM Innovative and Efficient Definitive Screening Designs with an Asymptotic Method for Defining the End of Primary Drying Time to Optimize the Freeze-Drying Process Oksoun Yee, Bristol-Myers Squibb ; Johnathan Goldman, Bristol-Myers Squibb ; Haresh More, Bristol-Myers Squibb

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Tue, 8/2/2016, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-W175a
Statistical Methods for Remote Sensing — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Organizer(s): Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Chair(s): Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
2:05 PM Remote Sensing Retrievals for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Quantifying Uncertainty in the Presence of Nonlinearity and Nuisance Parameters Jonathan Hobbs, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Jenny Brynjarsdottir, Case Western Reserve University ; Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong ; Dejian Fu, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Robert Granat, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Michael Gunson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Joaquim Teixeira, University of California at Los Angeles
2:25 PM Statistical Downscaling for Large Spatial Data and Its Applications Emily Lei Kang, University of Cincinnati ; Pulong Ma, University of Cincinnati ; Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Hai Nguyen, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong
2:45 PM Spatial Data Compression via Adaptive Dispersion Clustering Yuliya Marchetti, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Hai Nguyen, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
3:05 PM Applications of Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture at the Climate Corporation Gardar Johannesson, The Climate Corporation
3:25 PM Discussant: Bertrand Clarke, University of Nebraska
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

Tue, 8/2/2016, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM H-Williford A
Joint SPES/Q&P Business Meeting and Mixer — Other Cmte/Business
Quality and Productivity Section , Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Chair(s): William Brenneman, Procter & Gamble

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Wed, 8/3/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W185a
Estimating the Properties of Physical Time Series by Leveraging the Power of Spectral Analysis — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Organizer(s): Aaron Springford, Queen's University at Kingston
Chair(s): Gwendolyn Eadie, McMaster University
8:35 AM Phase as Lag: Synthetic Lag Models for Risk Estimation in Environmental Health Wesley S. Burr, Health Canada ; Glen Takahara, Queen's University
8:55 AM On Bandwidth Selection for Multitaper Spectrum Estimation Charlotte Haley, Argonne National Lab ; Mihai Anitescu, Argonne National Lab
9:15 AM Extraction of Atrial Signals from Electrocardiograms Joshua Pohlkamp-Hartt, Queen's University
9:35 AM Incorporating Improper Correlation Structures Into Transfer Function Estimation David Riegert, Queen's University
9:55 AM Rescuing 100 Years of Geomagnetic Records: Inferring Scales Using Spectral Properties Aaron Springford, Queen's University at Kingston ; David J. Thomson, Queen's University at Kingston ; David Riegert, Queen's University
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/3/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W184a
Risk, Prediction, and Financial Econometrics — Contributed Papers
Business and Economic Statistics Section , Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Section on Risk Analysis
Chair(s): Lei Jin, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
8:35 AM Confidence Intervals for Unknown Means of Both Skewed and Long-Range Dependent Populations Kyungduk Ko, Boise State University
8:50 AM Extracting Risk-Neutral Distributions Using CDS Spreads and Option Prices Mohammad Jahan-Parvar, Federal Reserve Board ; Sirio Aramonte, Federal Reserve Board ; Sam Rosen, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; John Schindler, Federal Reserve Board
9:05 AM Dynamic Modeling of Factor Risks in Multi-strategy Hedge Fund Investment Portfolios Weiren Chang, JP Morgan
9:20 AM Exchange Traded Funds with Variable Leverage Valmira Hoxhaj, Oakland University ; Ravindra Khattree, Oakland University
9:35 AM Asymptotic Expansion of One-Factor Merton Models with Non-Gaussian and Serially Correlated Innovations Takayuki Shiohama, Tokyo University of Science
9:50 AM Variable Selection for Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction: A Generalized Single-Index Approach Shaobo Li, University of Cincinnati ; Yan Yu, University of Cincinnati
10:05 AM Zero-Inflated Models vs. Hurdle Models in Modeling Auto Insurance Claims in an Emerging Market: A Case Study of Nigeria Mary Akinyemi, University of Lagos ; Bisola Adijat Rufai, University of Lagos

Wed, 8/3/2016, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-W192a
Synthesis of Information from Longitudinal Trajectories and Failure Data for Reliability Prediction — Invited Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Organizer(s): Sanjib Basu, Northern Illinois University
Chair(s): Arnab Maity, Northern Illinois University
10:35 AM Service Life Prediction of Field-Exposed Units Based on Laboratory Accelerated Degradation Test Data William Q. Meeker, Iowa State University
11:05 AM Recurrent Competing Risks, Longitudinal Markers, and Terminal Events: Modeling and Analysis with Applications in the Physical and Engineering Sciences Edsel Aldea Pena, University of South Carolina ; Piaomu Liu, Bentley University
11:35 AM Efficient Large-Scale Variable Selection in Complex Lifetime Models Sanjib Basu, Northern Illinois University ; Arnab Maity, Northern Illinois University
12:05 PM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/3/2016, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-W191
Advances in Computer Experiments — Contributed Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Chair(s): Derek Bingham, Simon Fraser University
10:35 AM A Hybrid M-Estimation Method with Application in Simultaneous Tuning and Calibration for Computer Experiments Gang Han, Texas A&M University ; Ao Yuan, Georgetown University ; Qizhai Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Haiqun Lin, Yale School of Public Health ; Thomas Santner, The Ohio State University
10:50 AM Patient-Specific Prediction of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Expansion Using Bayesian Calibration Liangliang Zhang, Michigan State University ; Tapabrata Maiti, Michigan State University ; Chae Young Lim, Seoul National University ; Jongeun Choi, Michigan State University ; Seungik Baek, Michigan State University
11:05 AM Modeling Material Stress Using Integrals of Gaussian Markov Random Fields Peter Marcy, Los Alamos National Laboratory ; Scott Vander Wiel, Los Alamos National Laboratory ; Curtis Storlie, Mayo Clinic
11:20 AM Variable Selection for Gaussian Process Models Using Experimental Design-Based Subagging Yibo Zhao, Rutgers University ; Ying Hung, Rutgers University
11:35 AM Approximate Likelihood Methods for Estimation and Prediction in Gaussian Process Regression Models for Computer Experiments Ryan Parker, SAS Institute ; Brian J. Reich, North Carolina State University ; Chris Gotwalt, SAS Institute
11:50 AM Sequential Pareto Optimization of Physical Systems Using Calibrated Computer Simulators Po-Hsu Allen Chen, The Ohio State University ; Angela Dean, The Ohio State University ; Thomas Santner, The Ohio State University
12:05 PM Floor Discussion

Register 574
Wed, 8/3/2016, 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM CC-W375a
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) — Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Organizer(s): Byran Smucker, Miami University
WL24: Online Experimentation: What It Is and Why It Is So Important Peter Qian, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Register 575
Wed, 8/3/2016, 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM CC-W375a
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) — Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Organizer(s): Michael Messner, EPA
WL25: Is Your Mixed Model Analysis Mixed Up? Phil Gibbs, SAS Institute

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Wed, 8/3/2016, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-W183c
Powerful Experimental Designs for Non-Gaussian Responses — Invited Papers
Quality and Productivity Section , International Chinese Statistical Association , Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Organizer(s): Matthew Plumlee, University of Michigan
Chair(s): Matthew Plumlee, University of Michigan
2:05 PM Using Orthogonal Arrays to Obtain Efficient Designs for Certain Generalized Linear Models John Stufken, Arizona State University
2:30 PM Efficient Follow-Up Strategies Using Foldovers with Column Permutations William Li, University of Minnesota ; Dennis K. J. Lin, Penn State University
2:55 PM Efficient Sequential Design of Sensitivity Testing with Small Samples C F Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology ; Dianpeng Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology
3:20 PM Discussant: Arman Sabbaghi, Purdue University
3:40 PM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/4/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W175c
Maintenance, Monitoring, and Inference: Different Aspects of Reliability Modeling in Industrial Applications — Topic Contributed Papers
Quality and Productivity Section , Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Organizer(s): Ananda Sen, University of Michigan
Chair(s): Nandini Kannan, National Science Foundation
8:35 AM The EM Algorithm for One-Shot Device Testing with Competing Risk Under Different Lifetimes Distributions Hon Yiu So, McMaster University ; Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, McMaster University ; Man Ho Ling, Hong Kong Institute of Education
8:55 AM Degradation and Maintenance Modeling Using the Inverse Gaussian Process Bo Henry Lindqvist, Norwegian University of Science and Technology ; Odd Eirik Farestveit, Accenture
9:15 AM Reliability Monitoring in a Mass-Production Environment Emmanuel Yashchin, IBM Research
9:35 AM Discussant: Ravindra Khattree, Oakland University
9:55 AM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/4/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM CC-W175b
Estimation, Prediction, and Forecasting Through Data-Driven Models — Contributed Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Chair(s): Rong Liu, University of Toledo
8:35 AM Monitoring the Results of Cardiac Surgery Based on Three or More Outcomes by Variable Life-Adjusted Display Fah Fatt Gan, National University of Singapore
8:50 AM Longitudinal Rasch Model in Harmonizing Adherence Recall Intervals Yan Wang, University of California at Los Angeles ; Honghu Liu, University of California at Los Angeles
9:05 AM A Flexible Spatial Quantile Interpolation with Application to Radar Rainfall Estimation Joon Jin Song, Baylor University ; Soohyun Kwon, Kyungpook National University ; GyuWon Lee, Kyungpook National University
9:20 AM Selecting Basis Quantities for Dimensional Analysis: A Data-Driven Approach Ching-Chi Yang, Penn State University ; Dennis K. J. Lin, Penn State University
9:35 AM Hurricane Power Outage Forecasting Seth Guikema, University of Michigan ; Steven M. Quiring, Texas A&M University
9:50 AM Hierarchical Statistical Analysis of Binary Spatial Data Using Kernel Principal Component Analysis Bohai Zhang, University of Wollongong ; Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong
10:05 AM Reliability Assessment of Patient Outcomes as Quality Indicators of Patient Care Jianghua He, University of Kansas Medical Center

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Thu, 8/4/2016, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-W175c
Pragmatic Computer Model Calibration in the Modern Big-Simulation/Big-Data World — Invited Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section
Organizer(s): Robert B. Gramacy, The University of Chicago
Chair(s): Robert B. Gramacy, The University of Chicago
10:35 AM A Frequentist Approach to Computer Model Calibration Raymond Wong, Iowa State University ; Curtis Storlie, Mayo Clinic ; Thomas Lee, University of California at Davis
11:00 AM Empirical Orthogonal Function Calibration with Simulator Uncertainty Matthew Pratola, The Ohio State University ; Oksana Chkrebtii, The Ohio State University
11:25 AM Ice Sheet Model Calibration with Paleoclimate and Modern Data Murali Haran, Penn State University ; Won Chang, Penn State University ; David Pollard, Penn State University Earth and Environmental Systems Institute ; Patrick Applegate, Penn State University
11:50 AM Inference for Multi-Model Ensembles: An Application in Glaciology Derek Bingham, Simon Fraser University ; Ofir Harari, Simon Fraser University ; Gwenn Flowers, Simon Fraser University
12:15 PM Floor Discussion
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