Activity Number
Undergraduate Curriculum: The Pathway to Sustainable Growth in Our Discipline
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Invited Papers
Sun, 8/9
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-607
Student/GTA Attitudes and Performance: Research Findings
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Sun, 8/9
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-603
Statistics with Computing in the Evolving Undergraduate Curriculum
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Topic Contributed Papers
Sun, 8/9
4:00 PM to
5:50 PM
Room: CC-610
Section on Statistical Education Officers Meeting (Closed)
Section on Statistical Education
Other Cmte/Business
Mon, 8/10
7:00 AM to
8:30 AM
Room: S-Greenwood
Section on Statistical Education A.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee)
Section on Statistical Education
Roundtables AM Roundtable Discussion
Mon, 8/10
7:00 AM to
8:15 AM
Room: CC- Ballroom 6E
CANCELLED- Section on Statistical Education A.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee)
Section on Statistical Education
Roundtables AM Roundtable Discussion
Mon, 8/10
7:00 AM to
8:15 AM
Room: CC- Ballroom 6E
Using 'Real Data' for Teaching in the Health Sciences: Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Section on Statistical Education
International Indian Statistical Association
Topic Contributed Panel
Mon, 8/10
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-606
SPEED: Topics in Imaging Biostatistics, Computing, and Modeling
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Statistics and the Environment
International Indian Statistical Association
Contributed Speed
Mon, 8/10
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-401
New Ideas in Advanced Undergraduate Courses
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Mon, 8/10
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-306
* !
Big Data: Modeling, Tools, Analytics, and Training
Section on Statistical Computing
Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security
International Chinese Statistical Association
Government Statistics Section
Section on Statistical Education
Business and Economic Statistics Section
Topic Contributed Papers
Mon, 8/10
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-606
Strategies, Issues, and Examples for Teaching Statistics in Health Sciences
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Mon, 8/10
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-616
SPEED: Topics in Imaging Biostatistics, Computing and Modeling, Part 2
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Poster Presentations
Mon, 8/10
10:30 AM to
11:15 AM
Room: CC-4B
Section on Statistical Education P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee)
Section on Statistical Education
Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Mon, 8/10
12:30 PM to
1:50 PM
Room: CC- Ballroom 6E
* !
Preparing Students to Work in Industry
Quality and Productivity Section
International Chinese Statistical Association
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Section on Statistical Education
Business and Economic Statistics Section
Conference on Statistical Practice Steering Committee
Section on Statistical Consulting
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Invited Papers
Mon, 8/10
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-4C4
Teaching Statistics for Better Decision-Making in the Health Sciences
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Statistical Consulting
Invited Papers
Mon, 8/10
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-612
Sports Data in Statistics Education
Section on Statistics in Sports
Section on Statistical Education
Invited Papers
Mon, 8/10
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-603
* !
Helping Our Communities Make Better Decisions Through Community-Based Learning in the Classroom
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Section on Statistical Education
Statistics Without Borders
Topic Contributed Papers
Mon, 8/10
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-4C1
GAISE into the Future: Updating a Landmark Report for an Increasingly Data-Centric World
Section on Statistical Education
Topic Contributed Panel
Mon, 8/10
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-606
Topics in Education Analytics
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Mon, 8/10
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-605
Section on Statistical Education A.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee)
Section on Statistical Education
Roundtables AM Roundtable Discussion
Tue, 8/11
7:00 AM to
8:15 AM
Room: CC- Ballroom 6E
* !
The Statistics Identity Crisis: Are We Really Data Scientists?
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Statistical Consulting
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Invited Papers
Tue, 8/11
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-609
* !
Getting It Right with Practical Ethics: How Academia, Government, and Industry Can Implement Standards of Practice for Quantitative Sciences
Committee on Professional Ethics
Section on Statistical Education
Invited Panel
Tue, 8/11
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-3B
* !
Value Added Models: A Primer and Discussion
Council of Chapters
Section on Statistical Education
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Invited Panel
Tue, 8/11
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: TCC-204
The Nontechnical Skills Needed to Be an Effective Statistical Consultant
Section on Statistical Consulting
Section on Statistical Education
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Topic Contributed Panel
Tue, 8/11
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-206
Demography and Education
Social Statistics Section
Government Statistics Section
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Tue, 8/11
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-308
Simulation-Based Curricula and Statistical Literacy
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Tue, 8/11
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-310
Section on Statistical Education P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee)
Section on Statistical Education
Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Tue, 8/11
12:30 PM to
1:50 PM
Room: CC- Ballroom 6E
Statistics Education Through Online Education
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Section on Statistical Education
Invited Panel
Tue, 8/11
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-206
* !
Innovations and New Frontiers in Statistics Education
Section on Statistical Education
Government Statistics Section
Topic Contributed Papers
Tue, 8/11
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-205
Contributed Oral Poster Presentations: Section on Statistical Education
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Poster Presentations
Tue, 8/11
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-4B
Section on Statistical Education A.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee)
Section on Statistical Education
Roundtables AM Roundtable Discussion
Wed, 8/12
7:00 AM to
8:15 AM
Room: CC- Ballroom 6E
* !
The Current Landscape of Business Analytics and Data Science at Higher Education Institutions: Who Is Teaching What?
Business and Economic Statistics Section
Section on Statistical Education
Statistics in Business Schools Interest Group
Topic Contributed Panel
Wed, 8/12
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-206
SPEED: Topics in Statistics in Sports and Education
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Statistics in Sports
Contributed Speed
Wed, 8/12
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-401
* !
Making Better Decisions with Data Science
Section on Statistical Consulting
Government Statistics Section
Section on Statistical Education
Statistics Without Borders
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Invited Papers
Wed, 8/12
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-4C4
The Quest for Good Assessments for Research and Evaluation
Section on Statistical Education
Topic Contributed Panel
Wed, 8/12
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-204
* !
Statistical Competencies for TSHS Learners: Evolution and Evaluation
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Section on Statistical Education
Topic Contributed Panel
Wed, 8/12
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-206
Technology and Big Data in the Classroom
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Wed, 8/12
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-211
Contributed Oral Poster Presentations: Section on Statistical Education
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Poster Presentations
Wed, 8/12
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-4B
SPEED: Topics in Statistics in Sports and Education, Part 2
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Statistics in Sports
Contributed Poster Presentations
Wed, 8/12
10:30 AM to
11:15 AM
Room: CC-4B
Section on Statistical Education P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee)
Section on Statistical Education
Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Wed, 8/12
12:30 PM to
1:50 PM
Room: CC- Ballroom 6E
* !
Expanding the Statistics Curriculum: Exciting Electives for Modern Undergraduates
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Invited Papers
Wed, 8/12
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-4C4
Section on Statistical Education Business Meeting
Section on Statistical Education
Other Cmte/Business
Wed, 8/12
6:00 PM to
7:30 PM
Room: S-Grand Ballroom B
New Ideas in Introductory Statistics
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Thu, 8/13
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-401
Professionalism, Professional Identity, and Training for Ethical Statistical Practice
Committee on Professional Ethics
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Section on Statistical Education
Statistics Without Borders
Conference on Statistical Practice Steering Committee
Section on Statistical Consulting
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Invited Papers
Thu, 8/13
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: TCC-202
Bayesian Modeling in the Social Sciences and Education
Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Papers
Thu, 8/13
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-308
ASA Meetings Department
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(703) 684-1221 •
Copyright © American Statistical Association.