Activity Number
Practical Bayesian Computation (ADDED FEE)
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Professional Development Continuing Education Course
Sun, 8/9
8:30 AM to
5:00 PM
Room: S-Willow A
Statistical Issues Specific to Therapeutic Areas I
Biopharmaceutical Section
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Biometrics Section
Contributed Papers
Sun, 8/9
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-619
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts Executive Committee Meeting (Closed)
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Other Cmte/Business
Sun, 8/9
3:30 PM to
5:00 PM
Room: S-Diamond
SPEED: Topics in Imaging Biostatistics, Computing, and Modeling
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Section on Statistical Education
Section on Statistics and the Environment
International Indian Statistical Association
Contributed Speed
Mon, 8/10
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-401
* !
Subgroup Analyses: How Friendly Are They?
Biopharmaceutical Section
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Topic Contributed Papers
Mon, 8/10
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-3A
SPEED: Topics in Imaging Biostatistics, Computing and Modeling, Part 2
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Section on Statistical Education
Contributed Poster Presentations
Mon, 8/10
10:30 AM to
11:15 AM
Room: CC-4B
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts Business Meeting and Mixer
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Other Cmte/Business
Mon, 8/10
5:00 PM to
6:30 PM
Room: GH- Leonesa Ballroom I
* !
Clinical Trials: With So Many Assumptions, How Reliable Are the Results?
Biopharmaceutical Section
Government Statistics Section
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Topic Contributed Papers
Tue, 8/11
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-612
SPEED: Methods in Machine and Data Mining
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Contributed Speed
Tue, 8/11
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-401
Advanced Topics in Statistical Programming
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Government Statistics Section
Contributed Papers
Tue, 8/11
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-304
Analysis of Basketball and Hockey Data
Section on Statistics in Sports
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Contributed Papers
Tue, 8/11
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-204
The Nontechnical Skills Needed to Be an Effective Statistical Consultant
Section on Statistical Consulting
Section on Statistical Education
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Topic Contributed Panel
Tue, 8/11
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-206
SPEED: Methods in Machine and Data Mining, Part 2
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Contributed Poster Presentations
Tue, 8/11
11:35 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-4B
* !
Bringing Joint Models in the Toolbox of Practicing Statisticians: Recent Software Advances
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Invited Papers
Tue, 8/11
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-201
Contributed Oral Poster Presentations: Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Contributed Poster Presentations
Tue, 8/11
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-4B
* !
Creating Collaboration Around All Data Scientists for Better Business Decisions
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
International Chinese Statistical Association
Quality and Productivity Section
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Business and Economic Statistics Section
Section on Statistical Consulting
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Topic Contributed Panel
Wed, 8/12
8:30 AM to
10:20 AM
Room: CC-606
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The World of Statistical Analysis Professionals
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security
International Chinese Statistical Association
Government Statistics Section
Section on Statistical Consulting
Topic Contributed Papers
Wed, 8/12
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-401
Strategies for the Recruitment, Retention, and Successful Career Development of the Collaborative Biostatistician in an Academic Health Center
Section on Statistical Consulting
Korean International Statistical Society
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Topic Contributed Panel
Wed, 8/12
2:00 PM to
3:50 PM
Room: CC-204
* !
Recipe to Becoming a Successful Biostatistician in a Collaborative Environment
Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Committee on Applied Statisticians
Section on Statistical Consulting
Topic Contributed Panel
Thu, 8/13
10:30 AM to
12:20 PM
Room: CC-3B
ASA Meetings Department
732 North Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 684-1221 •
Copyright © American Statistical Association.