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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
43 * !
Sun, 8/7/2022,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
Advances in Modeling Consumer Choice Behavior — Invited Papers
Business and Economic Statistics Section , Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Section on Statistics in Marketing
Organizer(s): Michael Weylandt, University of Florida Informatics Institute
Chair(s): Michael Weylandt, University of Florida Informatics Institute
4:05 PM
Assortment Optimization Under the Multi-Purchase Multinomial Logit Choice Model
Jacob Feldman, Washington University ; Danny Segev, Tel-Aviv University; Huseyin Topaloglu, Cornell University; Yicheng Bai, Cornell University; Laura Wagner, Catolica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics
4:35 PM
Dynamic Assortment with Unknown Position Effects
Yufeng Liu, University of North Carolina
5:05 PM
Consumer Choice with Dependent Consideration Sets
Maura Coughlin, Rice University ; Matthew Thirkettle, Rice University
5:35 PM
Floor Discussion
Mon, 8/8/2022,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
SPEED: Bayesian Methods and Social Statistics Part 1 — Contributed Speed
Section on Bayesian Statistical Science , Social Statistics Section, Section on Statistics in Marketing, Text Analysis Interest Group
Chair(s): Jorge Luis Romeu, Syracuse University
10:35 AM
Spatial Structure and Labor Market Integration Projections in Germany
Monika Obersneider, University of Duisburg-Essen ; Petra Stein, University of Duisburg-Essen
10:40 AM
Jury Perception of Bullet Matching Algorithms and Demonstrative Evidence
Rachel Rogers, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Susan VanderPlas, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
10:45 AM
Parameter-Expanded Data Augmentations for Analyzing Mixed Ordinal and Continuous Data with Missing Values
Xiao Zhang, Michigan Technological University
10:50 AM
Bayesian Nonparametric Inference on Restricted Mean Survival Time with Adjustments for Covariates
Ruizhe Chen, University of Illinois Chicago ; Sanjib Basu, Biostatistics, University of Illinois Chicago; Qian Shi, Mayo Clinic
10:55 AM
Causal Inference for Health Effects of Time-Varying Correlated Environmental Mixtures
Zilan Chai, Columbia University ; Linda Valeri, Columbia University; Ana Navas-Acien, Columbia University; Brent Coull, Harvard University
11:00 AM
Zero-Inflated Hierarchical Generalized Dirichlet Multinomial Bayesian Regression Model with Cyclic Splines for Analysis of TDP-43 on the ALS-FTD Spectrum
Patrick Gravelle, Brown University ; Roee Gutman, Brown University
11:05 AM
Approaches to Cost-Constrained Bayesian Model Selection
Erica May Porter, Virginia Tech ; Christopher Franck, Virginia Tech; Stephen Adams, Virginia Tech Hume Center
11:10 AM
Likelihood Ratios for Categorical Evidence with Applications to Digital Forensics
Rachel Longjohn, University of California Irvine ; Padhraic Smyth, University of California Irvine
11:15 AM
A Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression Approach to Assessing the Effect of Heavy Metal Mixtures in on the Risk of Heart Attack
Kazi Tanvir Hasan, Florida International University ; Boubakari Ibrahimou, Florida International University; Shelbie Burchfield, Florida International University
11:20 AM
Automated Detection of Edge Clusters via an Overfitted Mixture Prior
Hanh Pham, University of Iowa ; Daniel Sewell, University of Iowa
11:35 AM
Optional Randomized Response Technique for Estimating Proportions of Two Sensitive Characteristics and Their Overlap
Kavya Pushadapu, Texas A&M University-Kingsville ; Sarjinder Singh, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
11:40 AM
Bias Correction for Sampled Genetic Network Data
Gabrielle Lemire, Montana State University ; Nicole Carnegie, Montana State University; Ravi Goyal, University of California San Diego; Breschine Cummins, Montana State University
11:45 AM
Associations Between Digital Divide Indicators and Employment Retention Among Workers with and Without Disabilities
Amy Fong, Department of Labor - Office of Disability Employment Policy
11:50 AM
Nonlinear Spatial Data Analysis for Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (ITOP) Incidents at Texas
YOONSUNG JUNG, Prairie View A&M University ; Duchwan Ryu, Northern Illinois University
11:55 AM
Modeling and Understanding Social Polarization in News Media
Shane Dakota Bookhultz, Virginia Tech; David Edwards, Virgnia Tech ; Scotland Leman, Virginia Tech; Shyam Ranganathan, Clemson University; James Hawdon, Virginia Tech
12:00 PM
Floor Discussion
Mon, 8/8/2022,
2:00 PM -
2:45 PM
CC-Hall D
SPEED: Bayesian Methods and Social Statistics Part 2 — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Bayesian Statistical Science , Social Statistics Section, Section on Statistics in Marketing
Chair(s): Jorge Luis Romeu, Syracuse University
Spatial Structure and Labor Market Integration Projections in Germany
Monika Obersneider, University of Duisburg-Essen ; Petra Stein, University of Duisburg-Essen
Jury Perception of Bullet Matching Algorithms and Demonstrative Evidence
Rachel Rogers, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Susan VanderPlas, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Parameter-Expanded Data Augmentations for Analyzing Mixed Ordinal and Continuous Data with Missing Values
Xiao Zhang, Michigan Technological University
Bayesian Nonparametric Inference on Restricted Mean Survival Time with Adjustments for Covariates
Ruizhe Chen, University of Illinois Chicago ; Sanjib Basu, Biostatistics, University of Illinois Chicago; Qian Shi, Mayo Clinic
Causal Inference for Health Effects of Time-Varying Correlated Environmental Mixtures
Zilan Chai, Columbia University ; Linda Valeri, Columbia University; Ana Navas-Acien, Columbia University; Brent Coull, Harvard University
Zero-Inflated Hierarchical Generalized Dirichlet Multinomial Bayesian Regression Model with Cyclic Splines for Analysis of TDP-43 on the ALS-FTD Spectrum
Patrick Gravelle, Brown University ; Roee Gutman, Brown University
Approaches to Cost-Constrained Bayesian Model Selection
Erica May Porter, Virginia Tech ; Christopher Franck, Virginia Tech; Stephen Adams, Virginia Tech Hume Center
Likelihood Ratios for Categorical Evidence with Applications to Digital Forensics
Rachel Longjohn, University of California Irvine ; Padhraic Smyth, University of California Irvine
A Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression Approach to Assessing the Effect of Heavy Metal Mixtures in on the Risk of Heart Attack
Kazi Tanvir Hasan, Florida International University ; Boubakari Ibrahimou, Florida International University; Shelbie Burchfield, Florida International University
Automated Detection of Edge Clusters via an Overfitted Mixture Prior
Hanh Pham, University of Iowa ; Daniel Sewell, University of Iowa
A Bayesian Hierarchical Time Series Model for Estimating Sex Ratios in Youth Mortality
Fengqing Chao, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Bruno Masquelier, Universite catholique de Louvain; Haavard Rue, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Hernando Ombao, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Leontine Alkema, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Optional Randomized Response Technique for Estimating Proportions of Two Sensitive Characteristics and Their Overlap
Kavya Pushadapu, Texas A&M University-Kingsville ; Sarjinder Singh, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Bias Correction for Sampled Genetic Network Data
Gabrielle Lemire, Montana State University ; Nicole Carnegie, Montana State University; Ravi Goyal, University of California San Diego; Breschine Cummins, Montana State University
Associations Between Digital Divide Indicators and Employment Retention Among Workers with and Without Disabilities
Amy Fong, Department of Labor - Office of Disability Employment Policy
Nonlinear Spatial Data Analysis for Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (ITOP) Incidents at Texas
YOONSUNG JUNG, Prairie View A&M University ; Duchwan Ryu, Northern Illinois University
Modeling and Understanding Social Polarization in News Media
Shane Dakota Bookhultz, Virginia Tech; David Edwards, Virgnia Tech ; Scotland Leman, Virginia Tech; Shyam Ranganathan, Clemson University; James Hawdon, Virginia Tech
236 * !
Tue, 8/9/2022,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
2022 ASA Statistics in Marketing Doctoral Dissertation Best Papers Presentation — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Marketing
Organizer(s): Lan Luo, University of Southern California-Marshall School of Business
Chair(s): Liye Ma, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
8:35 AM
Zero to One: Sales Prospecting with Augmented Recommendation
Saiquan Hu, Hunan University; Juanjuan Zhang, MIT; Yuting Zhu, MIT
8:55 AM
Mapping Market Structure Evolution
Maximilian Matthe, Goethe-University Frankfurt ; Daniel M. Ringel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Bernd Skiera, Goethe-University Frankfurt
9:15 AM
A Theory-Based Interpretable Deep Learning Architecture for Music Emotion
Hortense Fong, Yale SOM ; Vineet Kumar, Yale SOM; K. Sudhir, Yale SOM
9:35 AM
Scalable Bundling via Dense Product Embeddings
Madhav Kumar, MIT ; Dean Eckles, MIT; Sinan Aral, MIT
9:55 AM
Product2Vec: Understanding Product-Level Competition Using Representation Learning
Fanglin Chen, New York University ; Xiao Liu, New York University; Davide Proserpio, University of Southern California; Isamar Troncoso, University of Southern California
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
255 * !
Tue, 8/9/2022,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Methodological Advances in Quantitative Marketing — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics in Marketing
Organizer(s): Liye Ma, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
Chair(s): Hui Lin, Shopify
10:35 AM
Broadening the Horizon: Augmenting One-Shot Field Experiments with Longitudinal Customer Data
Longxiu Tian, University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School ; Fred M. Feinberg, University of Michigan
10:55 AM
Preference Measurement with Unstructured Data, with Applications to Adaptive Onboarding Surveys
Ryan Dew, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
11:15 AM
Persistence of Consumer Lifestyle Choices: Evidence from Restaurant Delivery During COVID-19
Daniel McCarthy, Emory University ; Elliot Shin Oblander, Columbia University
11:35 AM
Capturing Heterogeneity Among Consumers with Multitaste Preferences
Liu Liu, University of Colorado Boulder ; Daria Dzyabura, New Economic School
11:55 AM
Understanding Consumer Expenditure Through Gaussian Process Choice Models
Alan Montgomery, Carnegie Mellon University ; Samuel Levy, Carnegie Mellon University
12:15 PM
Floor Discussion
Wed, 8/10/2022,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
SPEED: Statistical Methods and Applications in Medical Research, Risk Analysis, and Marketing Part 1 — Contributed Speed
Biopharmaceutical Section , Section on Medical Devices and Diagnostics, Section on Statistics in Imaging, IMS, International Chinese Statistical Association, Section on Risk Analysis, Section on Statistics in Marketing
Chair(s): Michael Higgins, Kansas State University
8:35 AM
Near Real-Time Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) Initiative Data Network
Mao Hu, Acumen LLC ; Patricia Lloyd, US Food and Drug Administration; Cindy Ke Zhou, US Food and Drug Administration; An-Chi Lo, Acumen LLC; Yoganand Chillarige, Acumen LLC; John Hornberger, Acumen LLC; Jeffrey Kelman, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Anne Marie Kline, Aetna; Cheryl N McMahill-Walraven, Aetna; Kandace L. Amend, Optum Epidemiology; John D Seeger, Optum Epidemiology; Daniel Beachler, HealthCore, Inc.; Alex Secora, IQVIA; Christian Reich, IQVIA; Azadeh Shoaibi, US Food and Drug Administration; Hui Lee Wong, US Food and Drug Administration; Steven Anderson, US Food and Drug Administration
8:40 AM
Integration of Efficacy Biomarkers Together with Toxicity Endpoints in Immuno-Oncology Dose Finding Studies
Yiding Zhang, Sanofi ; Zhixing Xu, Sanofi; Ji Lin, Sanofi; Hui Quan, Sanofi
8:45 AM
Practical Implementation of Randomization in a Complex Site-Level Stepped-Wedge Cluster Pragmatic Randomized Trial
Wen Wan, Section of General Internal Medicine, University of Chicago ; Linda Rosul, Access community health network; Theodore Karrison, University of Chicago; Neda Laiteerapong, Section of General Internal Medicine, University of Chicago
8:50 AM
A Two-Stage Method to Minimize the Expected Sample Size of a Single-Arm Study Under the Alternative Hypothesis
Xiaobo Zhong, Bristol Myers Squibb ; Qian Li, Biostatistics and Strategic Consulting
8:55 AM
Improving Dose-Escalation Design with Historical and Concurrent Trial Data
Abhishek Kumar Dubey, Bristol Myer Squibb ; Arun Kumar Kumar, Bristol Myer Squibb; Kaushal Kumar Mishra, Bristol Myer Squibb
9:00 AM
BGLAM: A Bayesian General Logistic Autoregressive Model for Correlated Binary Outcomes
Ahmad Hakeem Abdul Wahab, Janssen Pharmaceuticals ; Arman Sabbaghi, Purdue University; Maggie O'Haire, Purdue University
9:05 AM
Practical Guidance on Mixture Priors Specification in Oncology Dose Escalation Models
Frank Shen, Bristol Myers Squibb ; Yanping Chen, Bristol Myers Squibb; Rong Liu, BMS
9:10 AM
Overlap Weight-Based Adaptive Bayesian Commensurate Prior for Augmenting the Control Arm of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Yeonil Kim, Merck & Co., Inc. ; Erina Paul, Merck & Co., Inc.
9:15 AM
Power Analysis for Longitudinal Cluster Randomized Trials with Binary Outcomes
Jijia Wang, UT Southwestern Medical Center
9:20 AM
Association of COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Vaccine Misinformation Using Google Trends Analytics Vaccine Hesitancy
Lan Gao, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
9:30 AM
Extending the Weighted Generalized Score Statistic for Comparison of Correlated Means
Aaron D. Jones, Duke University ; Andrzej S. Kosinski, Duke University
9:35 AM
Can Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Be Properly Graded? Investigation of the Differentiation Grading Among Dermatopathologists
Yevgeniya Gokun, The Ohio State University ; Xueliang Pan, The Ohio State University; David Carr, The Ohio State University; Katie Shahwan, The Ohio State University; Jessica Nash, The Ohio State University
9:45 AM
Homogeneity Test for Ordinal ROC Regression and Application to Facial Recognition
Ty Nguyen, University of Central Florida ; Larry Tang, University of Central Florida
9:50 AM
Club Exco: Clustering Brain Extreme Communities from Multi-Channel EEG Data
Matheus Bartolo Guerrero, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; Raphael Huser, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); Hernando Ombao, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
9:55 AM
Large-Scale Correlation Screening Under Dependence for Brain Functional Connectivity Inference
HanĂ¢ LBATH, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Inria, Grenoble INP, LJK ; Alexander Petersen, Brigham Young University; Sophie ACHARD, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Inria, Grenoble INP, LJK
10:00 AM
Correcting Under-Reporting in Cyber Incidents
Seema Sangari, Kennesaw State University ; Eric Dallal, Verisk
10:05 AM
Outcome-Dependent Sampling on Posterior Estimates of Salesperson Rankings
Neil Mercer, Google LLC ; Frank Yoon, Google LLC; Ignacio Martinez, Google LLC
10:10 AM
A Framework for Measuring Influencer Marketing
Gary Cohen, ; Vanja Dukic,
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
Wed, 8/10/2022,
10:30 AM -
11:15 AM
CC-Hall D
SPEED: Statistical Methods and Applications in Medical Research, Risk Analysis, and Marketing Part 2 — Contributed Poster Presentations
Biopharmaceutical Section , Section on Medical Devices and Diagnostics, Section on Statistics in Imaging, IMS, International Chinese Statistical Association, Section on Risk Analysis, Section on Statistics in Marketing
Chair(s): Michael Higgins, Kansas State University
Near Real-Time Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) Initiative Data Network
Mao Hu, Acumen LLC ; Patricia Lloyd, US Food and Drug Administration; Cindy Ke Zhou, US Food and Drug Administration; An-Chi Lo, Acumen LLC; Yoganand Chillarige, Acumen LLC; John Hornberger, Acumen LLC; Jeffrey Kelman, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Anne Marie Kline, Aetna; Cheryl N McMahill-Walraven, Aetna; Kandace L. Amend, Optum Epidemiology; John D Seeger, Optum Epidemiology; Daniel Beachler, HealthCore, Inc.; Alex Secora, IQVIA; Christian Reich, IQVIA; Azadeh Shoaibi, US Food and Drug Administration; Hui Lee Wong, US Food and Drug Administration; Steven Anderson, US Food and Drug Administration
Dose Finding via Efficacy Biomarkers and Toxicity Endpoints in Immuno-Oncology Clinical Trials
Yiding Zhang, Sanofi ; Zhixing Xu, Sanofi; Ji Lin, Sanofi; Hui Quan, Sanofi
Practical Implementation of Randomization in a Complex Site-Level Stepped-Wedge Cluster Pragmatic Randomized Trial
Wen Wan, Section of General Internal Medicine, University of Chicago ; Linda Rosul, Access community health network; Theodore Karrison, University of Chicago; Neda Laiteerapong, Section of General Internal Medicine, University of Chicago
A Two-Stage Method to Minimize the Expected Sample Size of a Single-Arm Study Under the Alternative Hypothesis
Xiaobo Zhong, Bristol Myers Squibb ; Qian Li, Biostatistics and Strategic Consulting
Improving Dose-Escalation Design with Historical and Concurrent Trial Data
Abhishek Kumar Dubey, Bristol Myer Squibb ; Arun Kumar Kumar, Bristol Myer Squibb; Kaushal Kumar Mishra, Bristol Myer Squibb
BGLAM: A Bayesian General Logistic Autoregressive Model for Correlated Binary Outcomes
Ahmad Hakeem Abdul Wahab, Janssen Pharmaceuticals ; Arman Sabbaghi, Purdue University; Maggie O'Haire, Purdue University
Practical Guidance on Mixture Priors Specification in Oncology Dose Escalation Models
Frank Shen, Bristol Myers Squibb ; Yanping Chen, Bristol Myers Squibb; Rong Liu, BMS
Overlap Weight-Based Adaptive Bayesian Commensurate Prior for Augmenting the Control Arm of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Yeonil Kim, Merck & Co., Inc. ; Erina Paul, Merck & Co., Inc.
Power Analysis for Longitudinal Cluster Randomized Trials with Binary Outcomes
Jijia Wang, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Association of COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Vaccine Misinformation Using Google Trends Analytics Vaccine Hesitancy
Lan Gao, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Extending the Weighted Generalized Score Statistic for Comparison of Correlated Means
Aaron D. Jones, Duke University ; Andrzej S. Kosinski, Duke University
Can Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Be Properly Graded? Investigation of the Differentiation Grading Among Dermatopathologists
Yevgeniya Gokun, The Ohio State University ; Xueliang Pan, The Ohio State University; David Carr, The Ohio State University; Katie Shahwan, The Ohio State University; Jessica Nash, The Ohio State University
Evaluation of Patient-Reported Outcomes Using Kappa Statistics
Saryet Kucukemiroglu, Food and Drug Administration; Manasi Sheth, Food and Drug Administration
Statistical Considerations When Evaluating Diagnostic Devices with Categorical Output
Manasi Sheth, Food and Drug Administration
Homogeneity Test for Ordinal ROC Regression and Application to Facial Recognition
Ty Nguyen, University of Central Florida ; Larry Tang, University of Central Florida
Club Exco: Clustering Brain Extreme Communities from Multi-Channel EEG Data
Matheus Bartolo Guerrero, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; Raphael Huser, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); Hernando Ombao, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Large-Scale Correlation Screening Under Dependence for Brain Functional Connectivity Inference
HanĂ¢ LBATH, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Inria, Grenoble INP, LJK ; Alexander Petersen, Brigham Young University; Sophie ACHARD, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Inria, Grenoble INP, LJK
Correcting Under-Reporting in Cyber Incidents
Seema Sangari, Kennesaw State University ; Eric Dallal, Verisk
Outcome-Dependent Sampling on Posterior Estimates of Salesperson Rankings
Neil Mercer, Google LLC ; Frank Yoon, Google LLC; Ignacio Martinez, Google LLC
A Framework for Measuring Influencer Marketing
Gary Cohen, ; Vanja Dukic,
477 * !
Wed, 8/10/2022,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Statistical Methods for New Age Marketing Problems — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Marketing , Business and Economic Statistics Section, International Indian Statistical Association
Organizer(s): Gourab Mukherjee, University of Southern California
Chair(s): Sharmistha Guha, Texas A&M University
2:05 PM
Joint Modeling of Playing Time and Purchase Propensity in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
Trambak Banerjee, University of Kansas; Peng Liu, Santa Clara University ; Gourab Mukherjee, University of Southern California; Shantanu Dutta, University of Southern California; Hai Che, University of California, Riverside
2:25 PM
Estimating Promotion Effects in Email Marketing Using a Large-Scale Cross-Classified Bayesian Joint Model
Gourab Mukherjee, University of Southern California ; Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay, Indian Institute of Management; Wreetabrata Kar, Purdue University
2:45 PM
Understanding Early Adoption of Hybrid Cars via a New Multinomial Probit Model with Multiple Network Weights
Bikram Karmakar, University of Florida ; Ohjin Kwon, Central Connecticut State University; Gourab Mukherjee, University of Southern California; S Siddarth, University of Southern California
3:05 PM
Personalized Treatment Selection Using Causal Heterogeneity
Kinjal Basu, LinkedIn Corporation
3:25 PM
Replication and Generalization in Consumer Psychology
Blakeley B. McShane, Northwestern University
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion