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Activity Details

Sun, 7/29/2018, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-West Ballroom A
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Future of Statistics and the Public — Invited Panel
International Statistical Institute, Government Statistics Section, Social Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, SSC, Social Statistics Section, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): John Bailer, Miami University; Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University; Liberty Vittert, University of Glasgow
Chair(s): Liberty Vittert, University of Glasgow
4:05 PM The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Future of Statistics and the Public
Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Panelists: David Spiegelhalter, Royal Statistical Society
Richard Coffin, USAFacts
Mark Hansen, Columbia University & David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation
Scott Tranter, 0ptimus Consulting
Rita Ko, The Hive, data initiative of UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)
5:40 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/29/2018, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-West 221
Higlights from the Journal Stat — Topic Contributed Papers
International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): John E Kolassa, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Chair(s): Harry Crane, Rutgers
4:05 PM Adaptively-Tuned Particle Swarm Optimization with Application to Spatial Design
Matthew Simpson, University of Missouri; Christopher K. Wikle, University of Missouri; Scott H. Holan, University of Missouri/U.S. Census Bureau
4:25 PM Linear Structural Equation Models with Non-Gaussian Errors
Y. Samuel Wang, University of Washington
4:45 PM A Procedure to Detect General Association Based on Concentration of Ranks
Fred Wright, North Carolina State University; Pratyaydipta Rudra, University of Colorado at Denver; Yi-Hui Zhou, North Carolina State University
5:05 PM Robust Nonparametric Tests for Imaging Databased on Data Depth
Julia Wrobel, Columbia University; Sara Lopez-Pintado, Columbia University
5:25 PM Discussant: John E Kolassa, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
5:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Mon, 7/30/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 304/305
Time Series and Forecasting — Topic Contributed Papers
Business and Economic Statistics Section, International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): Sumanta Basu, Cornell University
Chair(s): David Matteson, Cornell University
8:35 AM Goodness of Fit Statistics Based on Quantile Periodogram for Time Series with Nonlinear Dynamic Volatility
Ta-Hsin Li, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
8:55 AM Monotonic Effects of Characteristics on Returns
Jared Fisher, University of Texas McCombs School of Business; Carlos Carvalho, University of Texas
9:15 AM New Methods for Threshold Variable Identification and Estimation in Threshold Dynamic Factor Models
Xialu Liu, San Diego State University; Rong Chen, Rutgers University
9:35 AM New Approach to Dimention Reduction for Volatility of Stationary Multivariate Time Series"
Chung Eun Lee, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Xiaofeng Shao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9:55 AM Regularized Estimation of High-Dimensional Spectral Density
Sumanta Basu, Cornell University
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

Mon, 7/30/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West Hall B
Contributed Poster Presentations: International Statistical Institute — Contributed Poster Presentations
International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
19: A-Optimal Subsampling for Big Data Generalized Estimating Equations
Thomas Cheung, Purdue University - Indianapolis

Tue, 7/31/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 208
SPEED: Innovations in Survey Sampling Designs: Administrative Data, Record Linkage, Non-Probability Samples, and More — Contributed Speed
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Erin Tanenbaum, NORC at the University of Chicago
Poster Presentations for this session.
8:35 AM Using 100% Medicare Claims Data for Diabetes Surveillance: a Novel Framework
Linda Andes, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
8:40 AM Variance Estimation Under Model-Implied Randomization of Nonrandom Samples
Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
8:45 AM Addressing Challenges in an International Study with Propensity Scores: a Case Study from Indonesia
Susan Edwards, RTI International; Marissa Gargano, RTI International
8:50 AM Bayesian Methods for Stratified Sample Allocation Using Imperfect Information
Jonathan Mendelson, University of Maryland; Joe Sedransk, University of Maryland
8:55 AM Are Shoppers Representative of the Population? Using Geofenced Grocery and Convenience Stores to Represent the Population
Davia Moyse, ICF; Matt Jans, ICF; Ronaldo Iachan, ICF; Lee Harding, ICF; Scott Worthge, MFour; James Dayton, ICF; Yangyang Deng, ICF; Tracy Visconti, MFour
9:00 AM NAICS 2017: a New Process Yields Interesting Results
Sania Khan, US Bureau of Labor Statitics; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics
9:05 AM Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Population Inference
Jill A Dever, RTI International
9:10 AM Willingness to Collect Smartphone Sensor Measurements in a Dutch Probability-Based General Population Panel
Bella Struminskaya; Vera Toepoel, Utrecht University; Peter Lugtig, Utrecht University; Barry Schouten, CBS
9:15 AM Different Linkage Methods, Same Results? Linking National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administrative Records
Cordell Golden, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Adam Fedorowicz, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Lisa B Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
9:20 AM Sampling from Twitter: Can a Probability Sample Be Drawn to Target Hard to Reach Populations?
Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Tasseli McKay, RTI International; Patrick Hsieh, RTI International; Amanda Smith, RTI Internatinal; Natasha Latzman, RTI International
9:30 AM Can We Increase Contact Rates and Reduce Costs in a Longitudinal Survey by Including an SMS in the Contact Protocol? Results from an Embedded Experiment
Anton Johansson, Statistics Sweden; Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
9:35 AM Record Linkage as a Decision Problem
Alan Karr, RTI International
9:45 AM Re-Engineered Address Canvassing for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test
Matthew Herbstritt
9:50 AM When to Use Commercial Data for Improved Efficiency
Edward English, NORC At the University of Chicago; Colm O'Muircheartaigh, NORC at the University of Chicago
9:55 AM Samples, Unite! Understanding the Consequences of Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples When Linking Records Is Difficult
Benjamin Williams, Southern Methodist University

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-East 17
Clustering and Regression Analyzes — Contributed Papers
International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Roeland Beerten, Statistics Flanders
8:35 AM Model-Based Cluster Analysis and Outlier Detection
Cristina Tortora, San Jose State University; Antonio Punzo, University of Catania
8:50 AM Assisted Gene Expression-Based Clustering with AWNCut
Yang Li, Renmin University of China; Ruofan Bie, Renmin University of China; Sebastian J Teran Hidalgo, Yale University; Yichen Qin, University of Cincinnati; Mengyunn Wu, Yale University; Shuangge Ma, Yale University
9:05 AM Evaluating Equity Using Linear Quantile Mixed Effects Models
Kameryn Denaro, UC Irvine Teaching and Learning Research Center
9:20 AM A New Distribution-Free Method for Constructing Confidence Intervals for Quantiles
Chaitra Nagaraja, Fordham University; Haikady Nagaraja, Ohio State University
9:35 AM Meta-Analysis and the Estimation of Publication Bias
Ronnie Pingel, Uppsala University; Johan Lyhagen, Uppsala University
9:50 AM Robust Depth-Based Estimation of the Functional Autoregressive Model
Israel Martinez Hernandez, KAUST; Marc G Genton, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Graciela Gonzalez Farias, CIMAT
10:05 AM On Some Extensions of Cure Rate Models
Suvra Pal, University of Texas Arlington

Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Innovations in Survey Sampling Designs: Administrative Data, Record Linkage, Non-Probability Samples, and More — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Oral Presentations for this session.
1: Using 100% Medicare Claims Data for Diabetes Surveillance: a Novel Framework
Linda Andes, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
2: Variance Estimation Under Model-Implied Randomization of Nonrandom Samples
Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
3: Addressing Challenges in an International Study with Propensity Scores: a Case Study from Indonesia
Susan Edwards, RTI International; Marissa Gargano, RTI International
4: Bayesian Methods for Stratified Sample Allocation Using Imperfect Information
Jonathan Mendelson, University of Maryland; Joe Sedransk, University of Maryland
5: Are Shoppers Representative of the Population? Using Geofenced Grocery and Convenience Stores to Represent the Population
Davia Moyse, ICF; Matt Jans, ICF; Ronaldo Iachan, ICF; Lee Harding, ICF; Scott Worthge, MFour; James Dayton, ICF; Yangyang Deng, ICF; Tracy Visconti, MFour
6: NAICS 2017: a New Process Yields Interesting Results
Sania Khan, US Bureau of Labor Statitics; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics
7: Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Population Inference
Jill A Dever, RTI International
8: Willingness to Collect Smartphone Sensor Measurements in a Dutch Probability-Based General Population Panel
Bella Struminskaya; Vera Toepoel, Utrecht University; Peter Lugtig, Utrecht University; Barry Schouten, CBS
9: Different Linkage Methods, Same Results? Linking National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administrative Records
Cordell Golden, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Adam Fedorowicz, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Lisa B Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
10: Sampling from Twitter: Can a Probability Sample Be Drawn to Target Hard to Reach Populations?
Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Tasseli McKay, RTI International; Patrick Hsieh, RTI International; Amanda Smith, RTI Internatinal; Natasha Latzman, RTI International
11: Can We Increase Contact Rates and Reduce Costs in a Longitudinal Survey by Including an SMS in the Contact Protocol? Results from an Embedded Experiment
Anton Johansson, Statistics Sweden; Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
12: Record Linkage as a Decision Problem
Alan Karr, RTI International
14: Re-Engineered Address Canvassing for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test
Matthew Herbstritt
15: When to Use Commercial Data for Improved Efficiency
Edward English, NORC At the University of Chicago; Colm O'Muircheartaigh, NORC at the University of Chicago
16: Samples, Unite! Understanding the Consequences of Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples When Linking Records Is Difficult
Benjamin Williams, Southern Methodist University
Oral Presentations for this session.

Tue, 7/31/2018, 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM F-Waterfront Ballroom A
ISI Meeting Promoting ISI and WSC 2019 — Other ICW
International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): Ada van Krimpen, ISI

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 118
The Power of Podcast: Promoting Statistics and Data Science in the Age of Social Media — Topic Contributed Panel
Section on Statistical Graphics, Biopharmaceutical Section, International Statistical Institute, Professional Issues and Visibility Council, Section on Statistical Computing
Organizer(s): Richard Zink, TARGET PharmaSolutions
Chair(s): Forrest Williamson, Eli Lilly
2:05 PM Panel Discussion for the Power of Podcast: Promoting Statistics and Data Science in the Age of Social Media
Panelists: Richard Zink, TARGET PharmaSolutions
John Bailer, Miami University
Katie Malone, Civis Analytics
Kyle Polich, Data Skeptic
3:40 PM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 208
Redesigning Federal Surveys — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section, International Statistical Institute, Social Statistics Section
Chair(s): Michael Davern, NORC
2:05 PM Calling All Stakeholders: Developing a Demographic Statistical Redesign Research Agenda
Richard Levy, U.S. Census Bureau; Jimmie B Scott, U.S. Census Bureau
2:20 PM An Overview of 2020 Census Design
Robin A Pennington, US Census Bureau; Gina Walejko, U.S. Census Bureau
2:35 PM A Statistical Comparison of Call Volume Uniformity Due to Mailing Strategy
Andrew Raim, U.S. Census Bureau; Elizabeth Nichols, U.S. Census Bureau; Thomas Mathew, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
2:50 PM Results from a Test of Online Modes for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey
Ian Elkin, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Douglas Williams, Westat; Hanyu Sun, Westat
3:05 PM Developing and Testing the Business Research Survey
Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics
3:20 PM Application of State Health Status In the Design of the 2011-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Jay Clark, Westat; Leyla Mohadjer, Westat; Te-Ching Chen, National Center for Health Statistics
3:35 PM Leading with Local: The Role of Regional Official Statistics
Roeland Beerten, Statistics Flanders

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 301
Foundation or Backdrop? - the Role of Statisticians in Academic Data Science Initiatives — Invited Panel
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, IMS, International Statistical Institute, SSC
Organizer(s): Tian Zheng, Columbia University
Chair(s): Tyler McCormick, University of Washington
8:35 AM Foundation or Backdrop? The Role of Statisticians in Academic Data Science Initiatives
Panelists: Patrick J Wolfe, Purdue University
Jennifer L Hill, New York University
David Madigan, Columbia University
Edoardo M Airoldi , Harvard University
Tian Zheng, Columbia University
10:10 AM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 306
Memorial Session for Joseph Hilbe: a Statistician Who Counted! — Invited Papers
Memorial, International Statistical Institute, Section on Statistics in Sports, Astrostatistics Special Interest Group, History of Statistics Interest Group
Organizer(s): Kimberly F Sellers, Georgetown University
Chair(s): Justine Shults, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
10:35 AM An Overview of Count Data Models, Their Use, and Their Implementation in Software
James Hardin, University of South Carolina
10:55 AM An Overview of Generalized Linear Models with Applications in Astronomy
Rafael S. de Souza, UNC Chapel Hill and International Astrostatistics Association
11:15 AM Dr. Joseph Hilbe and his Impact on the Development of New methods for Discrete Data Analysis
Justine Shults, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
11:35 AM Joseph Hilbe: Athlete, Coach, Statistician and Mentor
Michael Hilbe, Arizona State University
11:55 AM Discussant: Kimberly F Sellers, Georgetown University
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/2/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 212
The 'Ergonomics' of Statistics and Data Science — Invited Papers
International Statistical Institute, SSC
Organizer(s): Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University
Chair(s): Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University
10:35 AM How Human Behavior Drives Data Science---and How We Know Almost Nothing About It
Jeffrey Leek, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
10:55 AM A Systematic Approach to Data, Analysis and Interpretation for Reliable Results
Stephen J. Ruberg, Eli Lilly and Company
11:15 AM Analyzing Students' Data Analysis Pipeline Decisions to Build an Interactive, Adaptive Software Platform
Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University
11:35 AM How Software Affects Humans' Conceptions of Data: a Case Study in R Syntaxes
Amelia McNamara, Smith College
12:15 PM Floor Discussion