CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
Sun, 7/29/2018,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
CC-West Ballroom A
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Future of Statistics and the Public — Invited Panel
International Statistical Institute , Government Statistics Section, Social Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, SSC, Social Statistics Section, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): John Bailer, Miami University; Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University; Liberty Vittert, University of Glasgow
Chair(s): Liberty Vittert, University of Glasgow
4:05 PM
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Future of Statistics and the Public
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
David Spiegelhalter, Royal Statistical Society
Richard Coffin, USAFacts
Mark Hansen, Columbia University & David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation
Scott Tranter, 0ptimus Consulting
Rita Ko, The Hive, data initiative of UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)
5:40 PM
Floor Discussion
66 *
Sun, 7/29/2018,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
CC-West 221
Higlights from the Journal Stat — Topic Contributed Papers
International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): John E Kolassa, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Chair(s): Harry Crane, Rutgers
4:05 PM
Adaptively-Tuned Particle Swarm Optimization with Application to Spatial Design
Matthew Simpson, University of Missouri ; Christopher K. Wikle, University of Missouri; Scott H. Holan, University of Missouri/U.S. Census Bureau
4:25 PM
Linear Structural Equation Models with Non-Gaussian Errors
Y. Samuel Wang, University of Washington
4:45 PM
A Procedure to Detect General Association Based on Concentration of Ranks
Fred Wright, North Carolina State University ; Pratyaydipta Rudra, University of Colorado at Denver; Yi-Hui Zhou, North Carolina State University
5:05 PM
Robust Nonparametric Tests for Imaging Databased on Data Depth
Julia Wrobel, Columbia University; Sara Lopez-Pintado, Columbia University
5:25 PM
Discussant: John E Kolassa, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
5:45 PM
Floor Discussion
109 *
Mon, 7/30/2018,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
CC-West 304/305
Time Series and Forecasting — Topic Contributed Papers
Business and Economic Statistics Section , International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): Sumanta Basu, Cornell University
Chair(s): David Matteson, Cornell University
8:35 AM
Goodness of Fit Statistics Based on Quantile Periodogram for Time Series with Nonlinear Dynamic Volatility
Ta-Hsin Li, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
8:55 AM
Monotonic Effects of Characteristics on Returns
Jared Fisher, University of Texas McCombs School of Business ; Carlos Carvalho, University of Texas
9:15 AM
New Methods for Threshold Variable Identification and Estimation in Threshold Dynamic Factor Models
Xialu Liu, San Diego State University ; Rong Chen, Rutgers University
9:35 AM
New Approach to Dimention Reduction for Volatility of Stationary Multivariate Time Series"
Chung Eun Lee, University of Tennessee, Knoxville ; Xiaofeng Shao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9:55 AM
Regularized Estimation of High-Dimensional Spectral Density
Sumanta Basu, Cornell University
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
Tue, 7/31/2018,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
CC-West 208
SPEED: Innovations in Survey Sampling Designs: Administrative Data, Record Linkage, Non-Probability Samples, and More — Contributed Speed
Survey Research Methods Section , Government Statistics Section , International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Erin Tanenbaum, NORC at the University of Chicago
Poster Presentations
for this session.
8:35 AM
Using 100% Medicare Claims Data for Diabetes Surveillance: a Novel Framework
Linda Andes, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
8:40 AM
Variance Estimation Under Model-Implied Randomization of Nonrandom Samples
Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
8:45 AM
Addressing Challenges in an International Study with Propensity Scores: a Case Study from Indonesia
Susan Edwards, RTI International; Marissa Gargano, RTI International
8:50 AM
Bayesian Methods for Stratified Sample Allocation Using Imperfect Information
Jonathan Mendelson, University of Maryland ; Joe Sedransk, University of Maryland
8:55 AM
Are Shoppers Representative of the Population? Using Geofenced Grocery and Convenience Stores to Represent the Population
Davia Moyse, ICF ; Matt Jans, ICF; Ronaldo Iachan, ICF; Lee Harding, ICF; Scott Worthge, MFour; James Dayton, ICF; Yangyang Deng, ICF; Tracy Visconti, MFour
9:00 AM
NAICS 2017: a New Process Yields Interesting Results
Sania Khan, US Bureau of Labor Statitics ; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics
9:05 AM
Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Population Inference
Jill A Dever, RTI International
9:10 AM
Willingness to Collect Smartphone Sensor Measurements in a Dutch Probability-Based General Population Panel
Bella Struminskaya ; Vera Toepoel, Utrecht University; Peter Lugtig, Utrecht University; Barry Schouten, CBS
9:15 AM
Different Linkage Methods, Same Results? Linking National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administrative Records
Cordell Golden, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) ; Adam Fedorowicz, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Lisa B Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
9:20 AM
Sampling from Twitter: Can a Probability Sample Be Drawn to Target Hard to Reach Populations?
Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International ; Tasseli McKay, RTI International; Patrick Hsieh, RTI International; Amanda Smith, RTI Internatinal; Natasha Latzman, RTI International
9:30 AM
Can We Increase Contact Rates and Reduce Costs in a Longitudinal Survey by Including an SMS in the Contact Protocol? Results from an Embedded Experiment
Anton Johansson, Statistics Sweden ; Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
9:35 AM
Record Linkage as a Decision Problem
Alan Karr, RTI International
9:45 AM
Re-Engineered Address Canvassing for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test
Matthew Herbstritt
9:50 AM
When to Use Commercial Data for Improved Efficiency
Edward English, NORC At the University of Chicago ; Colm O'Muircheartaigh, NORC at the University of Chicago
9:55 AM
Samples, Unite! Understanding the Consequences of Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples When Linking Records Is Difficult
Benjamin Williams, Southern Methodist University
304 *
Tue, 7/31/2018,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
CC-East 17
Clustering and Regression Analyzes — Contributed Papers
International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Roeland Beerten, Statistics Flanders
8:35 AM
Model-Based Cluster Analysis and Outlier Detection
Cristina Tortora, San Jose State University ; Antonio Punzo, University of Catania
8:50 AM
Assisted Gene Expression-Based Clustering with AWNCut
Yang Li, Renmin University of China ; Ruofan Bie, Renmin University of China; Sebastian J Teran Hidalgo, Yale University; Yichen Qin, University of Cincinnati; Mengyunn Wu, Yale University; Shuangge Ma, Yale University
9:05 AM
Evaluating Equity Using Linear Quantile Mixed Effects Models
Kameryn Denaro, UC Irvine Teaching and Learning Research Center
9:20 AM
A New Distribution-Free Method for Constructing Confidence Intervals for Quantiles
Chaitra Nagaraja, Fordham University ; Haikady Nagaraja, Ohio State University
9:35 AM
Meta-Analysis and the Estimation of Publication Bias
Ronnie Pingel, Uppsala University ; Johan Lyhagen, Uppsala University
9:50 AM
Robust Depth-Based Estimation of the Functional Autoregressive Model
Israel Martinez Hernandez, KAUST ; Marc G Genton, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Graciela Gonzalez Farias, CIMAT
10:05 AM
On Some Extensions of Cure Rate Models
Suvra Pal, University of Texas Arlington
Tue, 7/31/2018,
10:30 AM -
11:15 AM
CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Innovations in Survey Sampling Designs: Administrative Data, Record Linkage, Non-Probability Samples, and More — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section , Government Statistics Section , International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Oral Presentations
for this session.
Using 100% Medicare Claims Data for Diabetes Surveillance: a Novel Framework
Linda Andes, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Variance Estimation Under Model-Implied Randomization of Nonrandom Samples
Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
Addressing Challenges in an International Study with Propensity Scores: a Case Study from Indonesia
Susan Edwards, RTI International; Marissa Gargano, RTI International
Bayesian Methods for Stratified Sample Allocation Using Imperfect Information
Jonathan Mendelson, University of Maryland ; Joe Sedransk, University of Maryland
Are Shoppers Representative of the Population? Using Geofenced Grocery and Convenience Stores to Represent the Population
Davia Moyse, ICF ; Matt Jans, ICF; Ronaldo Iachan, ICF; Lee Harding, ICF; Scott Worthge, MFour; James Dayton, ICF; Yangyang Deng, ICF; Tracy Visconti, MFour
NAICS 2017: a New Process Yields Interesting Results
Sania Khan, US Bureau of Labor Statitics ; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics
Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Population Inference
Jill A Dever, RTI International
Willingness to Collect Smartphone Sensor Measurements in a Dutch Probability-Based General Population Panel
Bella Struminskaya ; Vera Toepoel, Utrecht University; Peter Lugtig, Utrecht University; Barry Schouten, CBS
Different Linkage Methods, Same Results? Linking National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administrative Records
Cordell Golden, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) ; Adam Fedorowicz, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Lisa B Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
Sampling from Twitter: Can a Probability Sample Be Drawn to Target Hard to Reach Populations?
Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International ; Tasseli McKay, RTI International; Patrick Hsieh, RTI International; Amanda Smith, RTI Internatinal; Natasha Latzman, RTI International
Can We Increase Contact Rates and Reduce Costs in a Longitudinal Survey by Including an SMS in the Contact Protocol? Results from an Embedded Experiment
Anton Johansson, Statistics Sweden ; Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
Record Linkage as a Decision Problem
Alan Karr, RTI International
Re-Engineered Address Canvassing for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test
Matthew Herbstritt
When to Use Commercial Data for Improved Efficiency
Edward English, NORC At the University of Chicago ; Colm O'Muircheartaigh, NORC at the University of Chicago
Samples, Unite! Understanding the Consequences of Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples When Linking Records Is Difficult
Benjamin Williams, Southern Methodist University
Oral Presentations
for this session.
403 * !
Tue, 7/31/2018,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
CC-West 118
The Power of Podcast: Promoting Statistics and Data Science in the Age of Social Media — Topic Contributed Panel
Section on Statistical Graphics , Biopharmaceutical Section, International Statistical Institute, Professional Issues and Visibility Council, Section on Statistical Computing
Organizer(s): Richard Zink, TARGET PharmaSolutions
Chair(s): Forrest Williamson, Eli Lilly
2:05 PM
Panel Discussion for the Power of Podcast: Promoting Statistics and Data Science in the Age of Social Media
Richard Zink, TARGET PharmaSolutions
John Bailer, Miami University
Katie Malone, Civis Analytics
Kyle Polich, Data Skeptic
3:40 PM
Floor Discussion
417 * !
Tue, 7/31/2018,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
CC-West 208
Redesigning Federal Surveys — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section , International Statistical Institute, Social Statistics Section
Chair(s): Michael Davern, NORC
2:05 PM
Calling All Stakeholders: Developing a Demographic Statistical Redesign Research Agenda
Richard Levy, U.S. Census Bureau ; Jimmie B Scott, U.S. Census Bureau
2:20 PM
An Overview of 2020 Census Design
Robin A Pennington, US Census Bureau ; Gina Walejko, U.S. Census Bureau
2:35 PM
A Statistical Comparison of Call Volume Uniformity Due to Mailing Strategy
Andrew Raim, U.S. Census Bureau ; Elizabeth Nichols, U.S. Census Bureau; Thomas Mathew, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
2:50 PM
Results from a Test of Online Modes for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey
Ian Elkin, Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Douglas Williams, Westat; Hanyu Sun, Westat
3:05 PM
Developing and Testing the Business Research Survey
Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics ; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics
3:20 PM
Application of State Health Status In the Design of the 2011-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Jay Clark, Westat ; Leyla Mohadjer, Westat; Te-Ching Chen, National Center for Health Statistics
3:35 PM
Leading with Local: The Role of Regional Official Statistics
Roeland Beerten, Statistics Flanders
609 * !
Thu, 8/2/2018,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
CC-West 301
Foundation or Backdrop? - the Role of Statisticians in Academic Data Science Initiatives — Invited Panel
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science , IMS, International Statistical Institute, SSC
Organizer(s): Tian Zheng, Columbia University
Chair(s): Tyler McCormick, University of Washington
8:35 AM
Foundation or Backdrop? The Role of Statisticians in Academic Data Science Initiatives
Patrick J Wolfe, Purdue University
Jennifer L Hill, New York University
David Madigan, Columbia University
Edoardo M Airoldi , Harvard University
Tian Zheng, Columbia University
10:10 AM
Floor Discussion
641 !
Thu, 8/2/2018,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-West 306
Memorial Session for Joseph Hilbe: a Statistician Who Counted! — Invited Papers
Memorial , International Statistical Institute, Section on Statistics in Sports, Astrostatistics Special Interest Group, History of Statistics Interest Group
Organizer(s): Kimberly F Sellers, Georgetown University
Chair(s): Justine Shults, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
10:35 AM
An Overview of Count Data Models, Their Use, and Their Implementation in Software
James Hardin, University of South Carolina
10:55 AM
An Overview of Generalized Linear Models with Applications in Astronomy
Rafael S. de Souza, UNC Chapel Hill and International Astrostatistics Association
11:15 AM
Dr. Joseph Hilbe and his Impact on the Development of New methods for Discrete Data Analysis
Justine Shults, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
11:35 AM
Joseph Hilbe: Athlete, Coach, Statistician and Mentor
Michael Hilbe, Arizona State University
11:55 AM
Discussant: Kimberly F Sellers, Georgetown University
12:15 PM
Floor Discussion
649 * !
Thu, 8/2/2018,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-West 212
The 'Ergonomics' of Statistics and Data Science — Invited Papers
International Statistical Institute , SSC
Organizer(s): Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University
Chair(s): Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University
10:35 AM
How Human Behavior Drives Data Science---and How We Know Almost Nothing About It
Jeffrey Leek, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
10:55 AM
A Systematic Approach to Data, Analysis and Interpretation for Reliable Results
Stephen J. Ruberg, Eli Lilly and Company
11:15 AM
Analyzing Students' Data Analysis Pipeline Decisions to Build an Interactive, Adaptive Software Platform
Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University
11:35 AM
How Software Affects Humans' Conceptions of Data: a Case Study in R Syntaxes
Amelia McNamara, Smith College
12:15 PM
Floor Discussion