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- University of Alabama at
Birmingham - Birmingham, AL
- Miniconference for students and faculty from neighboring
- Colloquium on "Encryption: Security on the Internet" by Professor
Ian Knowles (UAB - Math).
- Social tea and poster session for undergraduate research.
- Colloquium on "Internet2" by Professor Stan McClellan (UAB
- University of
South Alabama - Mobile, AL
- Undergraduate Colloquium Talk: "HIV and the Immune System" by
Dr. Jim Herod of the Southeast Applied Analysis Center at
Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Dr. Herod also gave another talk entitled "An Analysis of Two
Models of HIV" to the Math/Stat faculty and graduates.
- The annual USA Math Competition took place on April 26 1997. An
awards ceremony was held on May 23, at the departmental annual
spring picnic. The winners received TI calculators. This year's
MAW was supported by the Student Government Association of the
University of South Alabama.
- University of Alaska Fairbanks - Fairbanks, AK
- High School Math Competition.
- 1997 Mathematical Contest in Modeling Student Team Presentations.
- "Patterns in Coin Flips" Dr. Janko Gravner, University of
California, Davis.
- Junior High Math Competition.
- "Nucleation and Competition Issues in Simple Growth Models"
Dr. Janko Gravner, University of California, Davis.
- High School Programming Competition.
- Junior High Programming Competition.
- Awards Ceremony for High and Junior High Competitions.
- Glendale Community College - Glendale, AZ
- Contest to surf the Internet to find answers to math questions;
winners entered into drawing for a TI calculator.
- Prize session speaker on Math and the Internet.
- Phoenix College - Phoenix, AZ
- Two-day miniconference: students, faculty, and guests gave
presentations on various math related topics.
- Faculty presentations included a skit in which math was used to
solve a murder mystery, several talks on the Internet, and
a discussion on the high cost of innumeracy. Many presentations
were given by students. Over 500 students attended the event over
the two days.
- Students also created math-related posters for the event.
- University of Arizona
- Tucson, AZ
- Published 150 web pages celebrating Math Awareness Week 1997.
California State Polytech University - Pomona, CA
- Reception for students and faculty.
- Internet demonstration.
California State University San Marcos
- San Marcos, CA
- The math club developed a Web site.
- College of the
Desert - Palm Desert, CA
- The faculty collaborated in three lecture/discussion sessions in
conjunction with the MAA student chapter for math, engineering and
science students.
- Lectures: "Mathematical Resources on the Internet, "What is it!,"
Java, the Language of the Internet, Security on the Internet, The
Mathematics of Data Compression and Cryptology."
- Hughes Aircraft Co. - El Segundo, CA
- Professor Antonio Ortega of the Signals and Image Processing
Institute of the University of Southern California gave a lecture
that was attended by approximately 110 Hughes scientists and
- Solano Community College - Suisun City, CA
- Internet workshop: favorite math-related web sites were accessed.
University of California at Berkeley
- Berkeley, CA
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) hosted a lecture
by Van Jacobson Pathchar: "How to Infer the Characteristics of
Internet Paths."
- The Mathematics Graduate Student Association hosted a
lecture by Dave McKinnon "Counting in Diophantine Geometry."
- Mathematics colloquium: Professor Elwyn Berlekamp on
Combinatorial Game Theory.
- University of Colorado at
Denver - Denver, CO
- Students were given the opportunity to ask a math professor any
math question on-line during Math Awareness Week. Many faculty
members participated.
Connecticut College - New London, CT
- MAW bulletin board with information about Math Awareness
Week: interesting articles about mathematics were on display.
- A table was set up in the student center to depict mathematics and
- A computer was set up with an interactive Escher CD ROM and
some posters displaying tilings in art and science.
- Talk: "Virtual Reality: Glimpses Behind the Hype."
- Web page workshop by math students.
District of Columbia
- DC Public Schools - Washington, DC
- Net Tech: "Using the Internet to Enhance Learning" - offered at
six different times and locations.
- Eisenhower National Clearinghouse: "Using the Internet Effectively
to Locate Science and Math Resources."
- Gordon College - Barnesville, GA
- Puzzle contest consisting of four rounds, one puzzle per week,
published in the campus bulletin and distributed by e-mail:
another version of the contest was conducted by mail to the local
middle school; 40 persons entered the on-campus contest, 200, from
the school.
- Bradley University - Peoria, IL
- Talk by Dr. John A. Dossey: "What is this Math Good For? Careers
in the Mathematical Sciences."
- Harper
College - Palatine, IL
- MAW Talk: Dr. Donald McAlister, Northern Illinois University
"Tales from d'crypt: clocks, logs and trapdoors" (an introduction
to the mathematics of cryptography).
- MAW Video "Breaking the code" based on the play by Hugh Whitemore
and the book, "Alan Turing: the Enigma" by Andrew Hodges.
- Central College - Pella, IA
- "Mathematics on the Internet," Al Hibbard, Central College.
- Films: "Stand and Deliver," "Donald in Mathmagic Land," and "N is
a Number."
- Honors Convocation Lecture "Surrounded by Codes: The Mathematics
of Identification," Joe Gallian, Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth.
- A math problem of the day was presented for the campus to solve,
with prizes, and a display in the student center.
- Maharishi University of Management - Fairfield, IA
- Poster display on Mathematics and the internet.
- University of Northern
Iowa - Cedar Falls, IA
- World Wide Web Sites for mathematics teachers - Karla Krueger.
- World's Largest Math Event Activities: Getting Schools Involved -
Larry Leutzinger.
- Student panel: "The Latest Happenings in Mathematics Teaching and
Technology." TEAM (Teaching Educators About Mathematics) members
reporting on the NCTM National meeting; handouts galore.
- A Multiuniversity Internet Course Collaboration. The speakers
described a multi-university course collaboration that examined
interdisciplinary teaching and learning, employing several
internet based enhancements - Robert McNergney and Joanne Herbert.
- Display of proclamation of Mathematics Awareness Week 1997 by
Governor Terry Branstad.
- Wartburg College - Waverly, IA
- Poster display on Mathematics and the internet
- University of Kansas - Lawrence, KS
- The Mayor of Lawrence issued a Proclamation for MAW.
- Lectures included: "Fast, Faster and Fastest," "Weather
Machine," "Zap! The Shocking Truth," "Cryptography, Mathematics,
and the Internet," "Internet Security and Encryption," "One Way to
Win a Million Dollars," "Playing with Fractal Geometry on the
- Tour of the Telecommunications Labs.
- Panel discussions and lectures for the KU math community, as well
as competitions and workshops for local K-12 students.
- Bellarmine College - Louisville, KY
- Contest, with a TI-82 as a prize. The question was: Of the two
towers on our campus, which is the taller and by how much?
- Centre College
- Danville, KY
- Encryption contest: any person, group, organization, or
government that 'cracked' an encryption scheme was encouraged to
report it to see which schemes held up.
- "How Calculators Compute: The Real Story." Dr. Eklund gave a talk
on the math that allows calculators to dominate the classrooms.
- Volleyball match between chemists and mathematicians.
- Eastern Kentucky
- Richmond, KY
- "How to Use the Internet to Improve Your Studies at EKU," Dr.
Ka-Wing Wong.
- Potluck lunch for faculty and staff of the Department of
Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science was held.
- "Animation for the World Wide Web," Danny Thorne.
- "Topology and Geometry Games," Ray Tennant.
- "Why Do I Have to Learn Math?" Terri Friel.
- "Online Resources for Teaching Math," Andrew Harnack and Gene
- Jefferson
Community College - Louisville, KY
- Videos were shown.
- Speakers discussed accident reconstruction and meteorology.
- The poster contest theme was math history. The winner received a
graphing calculator.
- Morehead State University - Morehead, KY
- High school T-shirt design contest. A middle school
tessellation contest. An elementary school tangramal contest.
- Promotional items included a giant Mathematics Awareness Week
banner,1000 MAW buttons, and 120 t-shirts.
- All day mathematical mini-fair.
- Mathematics problem solving competition which offered problems
at three levels of difficulty: pre-algebra, pre-calculus, and
- Films: "Donald in Mathmagic Land," "There is Life After Math,"
and "Not Knot."
- Mathematics heritage exhibit: 75 years and more.
- Dr. Colin Adams gave a lecture on "Real Estate in Hyperbolic
Space: Investment Opportunities for the 90s."
- The math club sponsored "Peer Advising for Math Classes" for all
undergraduates during MAW. Our math majors scheduled and advised
students who were in the process of pre-registering for Fall, 1997
- University of New Orleans - New Orleans, LA
- Faculty talk on Fermat's last theorem.
- Our math club sponsored a "Peer Advising for Math Classes" for all
undergraduates. Our math majors scheduled and advised students who
were in the process of pre-registering for Fall,1997 classes.
- Posters and flyers were distributed around campus describing MAW
and the various activities sponsored by the math department and
math club.
- Around the city, a local news station had a short profile on a
particular school's math classroom activities. This "profile' was
embedded in the "early edition" of their evening news programs.
- The math club and math department closed out MAW with a pot luck
lunch. All undergrads were invited to attend.
- The math club met to discuss arrangements for next year's MAW
week. A talk by another faculty member has been arranged at this
point. In addition, the math club wants to arrange video
presentations to complement this talk.
- University of Maine - Presque Isle, ME
- The Math-Physics Department made arrangements to work with a
local middle school. Students helped promote Mathematics
- Members of the Mathematics department worked with area
middle schools to promote math awareness by hosting the Northern
Maine Math League competition for 6th, 7th and 8th graders.
- The League held their Spring contest on the UMPI Campus on April
30. Twenty area schools participated, involving more than 200
middle school students.
- Coached local middle school students to prepare them for Math
Counts, a national competition for 7th and 8th graders. The
coach, a member of the UMPI staff, accompanied the State team to
Washington D.C. in May.
- Hood
College - Frederick, MD
- The Hood College MAA Student Chapter sponsored a lecture by Brent
Morris "Magic Tricks, Card Shuffling, and Dynamic Computer
- Loyola College in
Maryland - Baltimore, MD
- Montgomery College - Rockville, MD
- Sonya Kovalevsky Day for 8th grade girls and their teachers. The
theme speaker was Dr. Lorrie Cranor of AT&T who spoke on
security and safety issues of the Internet. A career panel
included a mathematician from Lockheed Martin and one from
the NSA as well as an engineer from NASA and an engineer who has
her own business and is the president of the local chamber of
- Several hands-on activities were held during the breakout sessions
including our immensely popular "Building Bridges" activity.
- University of Maryland - College Park, MD
- Math Awareness Week lecture: "Content is King: Real Math You Can
Browse" by Jonathan Poritz.
- Discussion on the ways that the Internet and various software
tools can be used to do and to communicate research mathematics.
An example was described which used graphical explorations
implemented in Java to study a problem in hyperbolic geometry.
- Lecture: "Internet: The Technology Behind the Hype" reviewed the
history and evolution of the technology that is used in
the Internet as well as the technologies that will drive Internet
evolution for the next decade.
- Boston University - Boston, MA
- The MAA Student Chapter at BU hosted a lecture by Professor F.
Alberto Grunbaum, University of California at Berkeley. "Some
mathematical problems arising in medical imaging." Students
designed a poster to advertise the event.
- Albion College - Albion, MI
- Friday, April 25, was declared International Plaid Day. People
were encouraged to wear plaid to show their support of
- The annual spring picnic was held.
- Performance of "Forever Plaid" at the BoarsHead Theater in
- Central Michigan University - Mt. Pleasant, MI
- Annual recognition ceremony for outstanding area high school
mathematics students. High schools within a radius of about 50
miles were invited to designate three outstanding high school
mathematics students for recognition.
- These students and a school representative were CMU's guests
(funded by the College of Arts and Sciences) at a luncheon. This
year's luncheon featured a talk by Arthur Ellis, state
superintendent of schools. Students from 22 high schools were
presented individual certificates and a token gift. After lunch,
Ken Smith, a CMU math professor, talked about mathematics
and the Internet.
- Some mathematics education classes made poster and showcase
displays which were exhibited in the hallways of the building
housing the mathematics department.
- Schoolcraft College - Livonia, MI
- An annual student mathematics prize.
- Reception for the annual $300 Pythagorean Prize for the most
outstanding mathematics student at Schoolcraft College.
- The April issue of the monthly departmental newsletter, "The
Right Angle," was a special MAW issue. Over 500 copies were
distributed to students and staff, and copies were mailed to the
math department chairs at 67 metropolitan Detroit high
schools. The newsletter included the survey article by Paul Davis;
a brief synopsis of the evolution of the Internet; a summary of
the ITAA report, "Help Wanted: The IT Workforce Gap," a preview
of NCTM's World's Largest Math Event; and a discussion of findings
from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study
- T. S.
Nurnberger Middle School - St. Louis, MI
- Daily prizes were awarded for the most creative projects. These
included: making graphs of students, determining what fraction of
teachers were male and female, designing dream home with squares,
circles, rectangles, and triangles, and writing a multiplication
or division story problem.
- Normandale Community College - Bloomington, MN
- Open house in Math Center for all students and staff at the
college: invited former students, local companies and faculty from
near-by high schools and distributed buttons with a "math" theme
to all visitors.
- Puzzle stations with hands-on models were set up in the Math
Center for everyone to try; correct solutions were posted.
- A former student and recent graduate in mathematics from the Univ.
of Minnesota gave a talk on "Numerical Patterns in Juggling," with
a demonstration by one of our faculty who is also moderator of the
Juggling Club on campus. This session was videotaped locally.
- A daily "Problem-Solving Challenge" for the week was posted on a
centrally-located bulletin board in our area for students to
submit solutions and enter a drawing for prizes - books and a gift
certificate to the book store. The best solutions were then
displayed and open for discussion.
- Announcements and schedules for these events were displayed on
the electronic "kiosks" around campus and several showings of the
Geometry Center video "Not Knot" were broadcast during the week.
- Central Missouri State University - Warrensburg, MO
- Students and teachers from 12 area high schools were honored at a
banquet at which 14 endowed scholarships were awarded.
- John Biggerstaff, a high school teacher at Lee's Summit, MO, and
graduate of the department, was the featured speaker: "Modeling
Population Dynamics."
Fontbonne College - St. Louis, MO
- Internet scavenger hunt: all week long, students, faculty, and
staff hunted the Internet for clues and answers to 10 math related
questions. Prizes were awarded to the first students, faculty,
and staff to turn in forms with the most correct answers.
- Southwest Missouri State University - Springfield, MO
- Mathematics poster display in a hall lobby: MAW posters for the
previous years and 1997 were laminated and mounted suitably on a
bigger board. These posters (overall, about 9 in number) were then
displayed in a ground floor Hall lobby where significant traffic
of students and faculty existed on a regular basis.
- Daily MAW activities were published on WWW by Dr. Cameron
Wickham on behalf of the mathematics department.
- Videos: a)"From Here to Infinity" b)"Mathematics for Lovers"
(Mandelbrot and Julia Sets) c)"Egypt: Quest for Eternity."
- Three mathematics colloquiums: a)"Generalized Continuum
Hypothesis implies the Axiom of Choice" by Dr. Alexander Abian
from Iowa State University b)"On Infinity, Mathematically" by Dr.
Yungchen Cheng from Southwest Missouri State University c)"The
Beauty of Mathematics" by Dr. Liang-Cheng Zhang from Southwest
Missouri State University.
- Movies: "Race to Catch a BuckyBall," Mathematics and Computation:
Proliferation and Fragmentation," "The Polished Stones," and
"Focus on Fractals."
- MAW dinner: Opening remarks by the mathematics department head,
Dr. Yungchen Cheng.
On to Outreach Activities, States N - W
Up to Table of Contents, Local Activities
Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area. |