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Kansas Proclamation of MAW
Schedule of Events
April 20-26
The Best Use of "Mathematics and the Internet" Competition, grades 4-12.
Deadline for entry, April 17.
April 20-26
Some math classes open to K-12 students. Call Mathematics Department for
class schedules (913) 864-3651.
April 20-26
Math Computer Lab open to K-12 students 4:00-5:00 p.m., 455 Snow Hall.
April 20-26
Poster Competition grades K-3. "How you use math in your life."
Deadline for entry, April 17.
April 21
A panel discussion and participant dialogue on math awareness at KU,
presented by KU Faculty, 3:00-4:00 pm, 306 Snow Hall. Reception will follow
in 406 Snow Hall.
April 22
Multimedia film and visit to the Sprint Network Center, KU math students,
9:00-12:00 a.m., Kansas City.
April 23
Students +Workshops =Success +Fun. "Math, Internet and Real Life Problems."
Workshops for sixth graders from Deerfield, Hillcrest, Quail Run and
Sunset Hill Elementary Schools, 9:00-11:30 am and 12:30-3:00 pm, Tour of the
Telecommunications Labs, Nichols Hall, presented by KU Faculty and students
April 23
Math Competition for Junior High and High School students
5:00-6:00 pm, 306 Snow Hall. With reception at 4:30 p.m. in 406
Snow Hall
April 24
Honors Calculus II students and Atchison County Community High School
students. "Calculus and Internet." 10:30-12:00, 554 Snow Hall.
April 24
Panel Discussion, "How KU Students Use the Internet for their Studies",
presented by KU students, 5:00-5:30 pm, 120 Snow Hall.
April 24
Panel Discussion, "How Schools Use the Internet in Teaching", presented by
K-12 teachers and parents, 5:30-6:30 pm, 120 Snow Hall.
Reception will follow in 120 Snow Hall.
April 25
"3D Graphic File Formats and the Internet." Application to education,
modeling and commerce." Tracy Atteberry, Inso Corp., Kansas City,
1:30-2:30, 306 Snow Hall.
Open to public.
April 25
Awards Reception, 5:00 pm, 120 Snow Hall. Open to public.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. William Edwards, Chief Scientist, Sprint.
"The Use of Mathematics in the Telecommunications Industry."
April 29
Mathematics Department's Honors Banquet, 7:00 pm, Alumni
Contact Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, bozenna@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu, for
further information.
Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area. |