MAW 97 at University of Maryland at College Park

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Listed below are some planned events for MAW in the U. of Maryland at College Park:

Math Awareness Week Special Lecture

Time   :   4/22 2pm
Place  :   Math 3206
Speaker:   Jonathan Poritz, Math. Dept., UMCP
Title  :   Content is King: real math you can browse
We will discuss briefly some of the ways that the Internet and various software tools can be used to do and to communicate research mathematics. Then we will describe in some detail one such example, which uses graphical explorations implemented in Java to study a problem in hyperbolic geometry.

Time   :   4/23 2pm
Place  :   Math 3206
Speaker:   Jeffrey Hollingsworth, Dept. of Computer Science, UMCP
Title  :   Internet: The Technology Behind the Hype
In the past couple of years, the Internet has gone from an obscure research project to a ubiquitous icon in popular culture. Behind the hype is a sophisticated collection of technologies that have been in continuous use for almost thirty years. Starting with a small project called ARPANET in 1969, the Internet has evolved into a network of networks connecting tens of millions of hosts. In this talk, I will review the history and evolution of the technology that is used in the Internet. In addition, I will explain the ideas behind many of the buz words and acronyms associated with computer networking such as router, bridge, IPNG, SNMP, and HTTP. I will also discuss issues and technologies that will drive Internet evolution for the next decade.

There will be an additional special lecture:
 Time   : 12-1, 4/23 
Place   : Math 3206
Speaker : John Millson, Math. Dept., UMCP
Title   : How to draw a straight line without a ruler
A Brief Description.
A planar linkage is an assembly of bars and joints located in the plane. Planar linkages can be used to compute any polynomial function or to construct any set described by polynomial equations. The construction of a planar linkage that would draw the simplest polynomial, a straight line, was a famous problem in the 19-th century which was solved by the French naval officer Peaucellier. An early air conditioning system for the British House of Commons incorporated the Peaucellier linkage. The lecturer will show models of the Peaucellier linkage (and of other 19-th century constructions), and describe the connection between questions about linkages and research questions in modern mathematics.

A tea reception will be held 1-2 pm, 4/23 Wedn. in the lounge Rm3201 , across the lecture room. The outstanding Senior, Higgenbotham, Milton Abramowitz, and Aaron Strauss Teaching Assistantships Awards will be presented in the reception. There will also be internship information (Ms. Helen Rudd from the dean's office will be present to provide information in this respect.) and career information displayed there.

Univ. of Maryland Graduate school will present a distinguished lecturer series:

Time    : Tu. 4/29, 4pm
Place   : Engineering classroom building 1202, College Park
Speaker : Israel Gelfand, Distinguished Visiting Professor
          Rutgers, the State Univ. of New Jersey

Title   : The Future of Mathematics Education
          A conversation with I. M. Gelfand conducted by Felix Browder

Tzong-Yow Lee

Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area.