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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
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Activity Details

422 Wed, 8/10/2022, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-141
Crime — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Stephen Campbell, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
10:35 AM The National NIBRS Estimation Project and Innovative Methods for Estimating Reported Crime
Cynthia Barnett-Ryan, Federal Bureau of Investigation
10:50 AM Estimating Key Indicators of Crime and Public Safety Based on Administrative Data from Police Agencies
Erica L Smith, Bureau of Justice Statistics
11:05 AM Modern Statistical Estimation Processes to Produce Crime Statistics from Police Administrative Data
Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International
11:20 AM Technical Innovations and Solutions to Estimating Reported Crime in the U.S. Through the National NIBRS Estimation System
Ian Thomas, RTI International
11:35 AM WITHDRAWN Innovating and Modernizing Public Access to Crime Data
Kimberly Martin, Bureau of Justice Statistics
11:50 AM WITHDRAWN Improving Statistics on Reported Crime Data, Now and into the Future
Andrea Gardner, Bureau of Justice Statistics
12:05 PM Examining Recidivism Rates and Varying Research Strategies Used by the Bureau of Justice Statistics
Leonardo Antenangeli, Bureau of Justice Statistics