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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
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Activity Details

550 * Thu, 8/11/2022, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-150A
Federal Statistical Agency Initiatives to Broaden Data Access — Topic Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section, Social Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section
Organizer(s): John Finamore, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Chair(s): John Finamore, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
10:35 AM Results from a Stakeholder Feedback Survey for the NCSES Secure Data Access Facility
Darius Singpurwalla, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
10:55 AM The National Center for Health Statistics Virtual Data Enclave (VDE)
J. Neil Russell, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
11:15 AM Federal Statistical Research Data Centers Virtual Access
Barbara Downs, US Census Bureau
11:35 AM Implementing the Evidence Act’s Standard Application Process
Spiro Stefanou, USDA-Economic Research Service
11:55 AM Discussant: Leonard Burman, Urban Institute
12:10 PM Floor Discussion
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