Submit an Abstract
- Roundtable discussion topic proposals re-open June 16 – July 6, 2020*
An email confirming your submission will be sent to the email address you provided. If you do not receive the email confirmation or you encounter difficulties with this system, please contact the ASA Meetings Department at or (703) 684-1221.
When you submit a roundtable topic, you will be automatically considered the roundtable leader, so you cannot submit more than one roundtable discussion topic. Enter your name and contact information as the organizer and author. Note that if you have a co-author and/or organizer, they will not be automatically registered for the roundtable; you must contact ASA meetings for registration information. Please limit the number of speakers for each table to two.
*If you received an email already accepting your roundtable proposal, please do not submit again. This re-opening is for new submissions only.