Presentation Tips
Content organization
Make sure the audience walks away understanding the following five important points:
- What is the problem and why?
- What has been done about it?
- What is the presenter doing (or has done) about it?
- What additional value does the presenter’s approach provide?
- Where do we go from here?
- Carefully budget your time.
- Allow time to describe the problem clearly enough for the audience to appreciate the value of your contribution.
- Leave enough time to present your own contribution clearly. This almost never will require all the allotted time.
- Put your material in a context the audience can relate to. It’s a good idea to aim your presentation to an audience of colleagues who are not familiar with your research area. Your objective is to communicate an appreciation of the importance of your work, not just to lay out the results.
- Give references and a way to contact you so those interested in the theoretical details can follow up.
Preparing effective displays
- Keep it simple. The fact that you can include all kinds of cute decorations, artistic effects, and logos does not mean you should. Fancy designs or color shifts can make the important material hard to read. Less is more.
- Use at least a 24-point font so everyone in the room can read your material. Never use a photocopy of a standard printed page as a display.
- Try to limit the material to eight lines per slide and keep the number of words to a minimum. Summarize the main points; keep it simple.
- Limit the tables to four rows/columns for readability. Sacrifice content for legibility. Many large tables can be displayed more effectively as a graph.
- Don’t put many curves on a graphical display; busy graphical displays are hard to read. Also, label your graphs clearly with big, readable type.
- Use easily read fonts. Simple sans serif fonts such as Arial are easier to read than fancier ones like Times Roman or Monotype Corsiva. Don’t use italic fonts.
- Light letters (yellow or white) on a dark background (e.g., dark blue) often will be easier to read when the material is displayed on LCD projectors.
- Use equations sparingly, if at all. Audience members not working in the research area can find them difficult to follow as part of a rapidly delivered presentation. Avoid derivations and concentrate on presenting what your results mean. The audience will concede the proof and those who really are interested can follow up with you, which they’re more likely to do if they understand your results.
- Don’t fill up the slide. The peripheral material may not make it onto the display screen, especially the material on the bottom of a portrait-oriented transparency.
- Identify the journal when you give references. Smith, Bcs96 clues the reader that the article is in a 1996 issue of Biometrics and is much more useful than just Smith 1996.
- Finally, and this is critical, always, always, always preview your presentation.
Timing your talk
- Present only as much material as can reasonably fit into the time allotted. Generally, that means one or fewer slides per minute.
- Talk at a pace everybody in the audience can understand. Speak slowly, clearly, and loudly, especially if your English is heavily accented.
- Practice, practice, practice. Ask a colleague to judge your presentation delivery, clarity of language, and use of time.
- Balance the amount of material you present with a reasonable pace of presentation. If you feel rushed when you practice, then you have too much material. Budget your time to take a minute or two less than your maximum allotment.
Loose ends
- Practice, practice, practice the presentation with care to content, delivery, and use of time.
The Presentation
- Check the microphone and be sure it works before you begin.
- Be sure everyone in the room can see your material. Make sure you do not block the screen. Move around if you must so everyone has a chance to see everything.
- Don’t apologize for incomplete results. Researchers understand that all research continues. Just present the results and let the audience judge. It is okay to say, “work is ongoing.”
When Finished
- Thank the audience for their attention.
- Open the floor to questions.