Online Program

Saturday, October 22
Sat, Oct 22, 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM
Salon 1
Advancing 'Omics Data Analysis

It is Good to be Wanted! (303526)

*Susmita Datta, University of Florida 

Keywords: Omics, Personalized medicine, Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics

Statistical models and methods are absolutely necessary for all types of scientific research involving data. However, there is a huge demand of statisticians in the area of omics research. The arena of generalized medicine is changing to “personalized medicine”. In order to achieve the goals of ‘personalized medicine’ one needs to deal with analysis of so called ‘omics data (high dimensional and big data of patient’s molecular profiles. It helps to identify the disease status and determine the therapeutic intervention strategy custom-made for an individual. This process demands a large number of statisticians analyzing these high dimensional and big data such as genomic, proteomic, metabolomics and lipidomics data in an efficient manner. In order for women to be powerful in the scientific research community it is absolutely necessary to make us ‘indispensable’. Certainly participating in cutting edge omics research serves that purpose. We will present two women researchers present their research in this session. These two have already made themselves empowered in an exemplary manner.