Online Program

Thursday, October 20
Thu, Oct 20, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Salon 2
Speed Session 1

Analyzing Single-Molecule Protein Transportation Experiments via Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models (303178)

*Yang Chen, Harvard University 
Samuel Kou, Harvard University 

Keywords: Protein targeting, conformational change, FRET, hierarchical model, HMM (hidden Markov model), MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo), model checking

To maintain proper cellular functions, more than 50% of proteins encoded in the genome need to be transported to cellular membranes. The molecular mechanism behind such a process, often referred to as protein targeting, is not well understood. Single-molecule experiments are designed to unveil the detailed mechanisms and reveal the functions of different molecular machineries involved in the process. The experimental data consist of hundreds of stochastic time traces from the fluorescence recordings of the experimental system. We introduce a Bayesian hierarchical model on top of hidden Markov models (HMMs) to analyze these data and use the statistical results to answer the biological questions. In addition to resolving the biological puzzles and delineating the regulating roles of different molecular complexes, our statistical results enable us to propose a more detailed mechanism for the late stages of the protein targeting process.