Submit an Abstract
The SDSS 2023 Program Committee is soliciting submissions for both refereed and lightning presentations. All refereed and lightning submissions should focus on one of the following six tracks:
- Computational Statistics
- Data Visualization
- Education
- Machine Learning
- Practice and Applications
- Software & Data Science Technologies
Only online submissions will be accepted for consideration.
Submission opens: September 30, 2022
Submission closes: January 9, 2023
Decisions due: February 1, 2023
Abstracts may be submitted from September 30 – January 9, 2023 (11:59 p.m. ET). Submissions may be modified until the January 9 deadline. Decisions will be provided in early February.
All abstract submissions received during this period will go through a blind review process by members of the SDSS program committee. The top-ranked submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference. Although the conference acceptance rate varies depending on the number of submissions, we expect to accept roughly 50 percent of submissions.
SDSS uses a refereed approach to better align with the culture existing at many prestigious computer science and machine learning conferences and to prioritize diverse, high-impact work for extended talks. Presenters will also have the option of submitting their talk to the Journal of Data Science for peer review and possible publication.
Abstracts that are not accepted for refereed talks will automatically be considered for a lightning presentation.
Each abstract submission will consist of a 2,000-character abstract overview and two-page PDF document giving an extended abstract, which are blinded for review. Please note that failure to follow these guidelines may result in being eliminated from consideration.
Use one of the templates below for formatting your extended abstract submission:
- LaTeX Template for Papers
- Overleaf Project
Please check your PDF for spurious characters and fix them before submission. - Microsoft Word
Any references and figures should be included within the two pages.
For more information about this process, see the Amstat News article by SDSS 2023 chair, Emily Dodwell.
Refereed presentations will be up to 30 minutes in length, and registration will be required for all program participants.
Submission opens: February 1, 2023
Submission closes: March 10, 2023
Decisions due: March 29, 2023
Abstracts for lightning sessions will be accepted for consideration from February 1, 2023, to March 10, 2023 (11:59 p.m. ET).
Lightning sessions are a “hybrid” of oral and e-poster sessions. Presenters in a lightning session will give a brief (3–4 minute) talk that acts as an “elevator pitch” for their e-poster presentation. The electronic poster (e-poster) presented at a later time also serves as an excellent teaching tool, allowing for direct and immediate feedback; broad exposure; and the ability to display extensive graphics, tables, and animations. An e-poster is like a traditional poster presentation but presented on a large computer screen. The ASA uses 42” LCD displays in the landscape position.
Lightning talks will be 3–4 minutes in length, followed by an e-poster presentation of up to 45 minutes in length, and registration will be required for all program participants.