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Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.

CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,   CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,   UC= Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

170 Mon, 8/1/2016, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-W181b
SPEED: Statistics for Education and Social Sciences Research — Contributed Speed
Section on Statistical Education , Social Statistics Section
Chair(s): Ulrike Genschel, Iowa State University
The Poster portions will take place during Session 213207 and Session 213208
10:35 AM Comparisons of Math Anxiety Levels and Study Habits Among Hispanic Students Xiaohui Wang, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley ; Cristina Villalobos, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley ; Olga Ramirez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley ; Luis Fernandez, The University of Texas at Austin
10:40 AM Political Change Strategy Preference Catherine Durso, University of Denver ; Cass Dorff, University of Denver
10:45 AM Using Introduction to Statistics Courses to Teach Quantitative Literacy Cathy Poliak, University of Houston
10:50 AM Incorporating Big Data into an Introductory Statistics Course Paul Stephenson, Grand Valley State University ; Laura Kapitula, Grand Valley State University
10:55 AM Unified Definition of Effect Size and Universal Labeling of Its Magnitude Panduan An, Ohio University ; Wei Lin, Ohio University
11:00 AM Classroom Investigations of Recent Research Concerning the Gamblers' Fallacy Kevin Ross, Cal Poly
11:05 AM Causal Inference with a Continuous Treatment and Outcome: Alternative Estimators for Parametric Dose-Response Functions Douglas Galagate
11:10 AM The Evaluation of a Pedagogical Tool for Quantitative Literacy Gerald Iacullo, Berkeley College
11:15 AM Multiple Regression Replaces the Need for a Tailor Allison Davidson, Muhlenberg College
11:30 AM Examples of How a P-Value Interpretation Depends on the Underlying Statistical Philosophy Andrew Neath, Southern Illinois University
11:35 AM Investigating How the Wording of a Survey Question Can Change the Results Phyllis Curtiss, Grand Valley State University
11:40 AM Finding Event Transitions in Twitter Data Ame Osotsi ; Qunhua Li, Penn State University
11:45 AM Effect Comparison in Nonlinear Dyadic Mixed-Effects Models Between Equations Christoph Kern, University of Duisburg-Essen ; Petra Stein, University of Duisburg-Essen
11:50 AM The Unexamined Statistician Life Ellen Endriss, Career Center
11:55 AM Pushing the Boundary Between Tools for Learning and for Doing Statistics Amelia McNamara, Smith College
12:05 PM Are Volcanic Eruptions Increasing? An Example of Teaching Data Wrangling and Visualization in Stat 2 Kelly McConville, Swarthmore College
12:10 PM Performing Comparison of Normality Tests Danush Wijekularathna, Troy University ; Ananda Manage
12:15 PM Getting Past the Gatekeeper: Does Randomization-Based Curriculum in Introductory Statistics Promote Student Success? Laura Hildreth, Montana State University ; Jim Robison-Cox, Montana State University ; Jade Schmidt, Montana State University
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