Our profession (statistician) is in the midst of an identity crisis. Several valuable perspectives on this have been shared in blogposts, articles, etc. Perhaps this situation calls for something more. Perhaps the best way forward requires every person who self-identifies as a statistician to engage. First, by self-examination. Do I identify myself as a statistician? Why? As a statistician, what do I contribute? Why is that different & valuable compared to what others contribute? What skills do I lack that others have? Some background reading to prepare for self-examination will be suggested. A second step is engaging in conversations with colleagues who also self-identify as statisticians. Through this we can zoom in on and establish overall group norms. The third and final step can also serve as an awareness campaign at the grassroots level. We statisticians need to share this conversation with others outside our profession. We need everyone to understand what we do as statisticians. Our profession has done so much to get humankind to the 21st century; we cannot let it remain in obscurity moving forward.