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Activity Details

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Sun, 7/30/2017, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-336
When Location Is Random: Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference for Spatial Point Processes — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Statistical Computing , Association of American Geographers , Statistics Without Borders
Organizer(s): Veronica J Berrocal, University of Michigan
Chair(s): Veronica J Berrocal, University of Michigan
2:05 PM Nonparametric Inference for Point Processes Tailen Hsing, University of Michigan ; Jinqi Shen, University of Michigan
2:30 PM Spatial Point Processes on the Sphere Ege Rubak, Aalborg University
2:55 PM A New Clustered Temporal Point Process Model with Application to Social Media Data — Jingfei Zhang, University of Miami ; Yongtao Guan, University of Miami ; Hansheng Wang, Peking University ; Xuening Zhu, Peking University
3:20 PM Multivariate Spatial Point Patterns via Correlated Bernoulli Indicators Matthew Heaton, Brigham Young University ; Matthew Bekker, Brigham Young University
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/30/2017, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-327
Environmental Surveys: A Hot Spot for Statisticians — Invited Papers
Government Statistics Section , Section on Statistics and the Environment , Survey Research Methods Section , Statistics Without Borders
Organizer(s): Stanislav Kolenikov, Abt Associates
Chair(s): Paul Schroeder, Abt Associates
2:05 PM Methodological Challenges of Environmental Surveys Compared with Human or Establishment Surveys David A Marker, Westat
2:30 PM Spatio-Temporal Balanced Sampling Design for Longitudinal Natural Resources Survey Zhengyuan Zhu, Iowa State University
2:55 PM Estimation of Marine Recreational Fishery Characteristics Using Survey and Logbook Data Jean Opsomer, Colorado State University ; Jay Breidt, Colorado State University ; Eric Hiltz, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
3:20 PM Discussant: Stanislav Kolenikov, Abt Associates
3:40 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/30/2017, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-337
Statistical Methods for Heterogeneous and Massive Remote Sensing Data — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Jonathan Hobbs, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Chair(s): Adam Pintar, National Institute of Standards and Technology
2:05 PM Towards Accounting for Model Error in CO2 Retrievals from the OCO-2 Satellite Jenny Brynjarsdottir, Case Western Reserve University ; Jonathan Hobbs, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
2:25 PM Inference for Errors-In-Variables Models in the Presence of Spatial and Temporal Dependence with an Application to a Carbon Dioxide Remote Sensing Campaign Bohai Zhang, University of Wollongong ; Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong ; Debra Wunch, University of Toronto
2:45 PM Functional Regression for Combining Remote Sensing and In-Situ Data Meredith Franklin
3:05 PM Fusing Data from Multiple Remote Sensing Instruments Jessica Loock Matthews, CICS-NC ; Elizabeth Mannshardt, US Environmental Protection Agency ; Brian Reich, NCSU ; Joseph Guinness, NC State University
3:25 PM Evaluation of Climate Models Using the Wild Scale-Enhanced Bootstrap Megan Heyman, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology ; Ansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota ; Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/30/2017, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-310
Advances in Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology , Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Ephraim M Hanks, The Pennsylvania State University
Chair(s): Ephraim M Hanks, The Pennsylvania State University
4:05 PM Linking a Dose-Response Model to Observed Infection to Describe Spatial-Temporal Patterns in a Q Fever Outbreak Lance A. Waller, Emory University ; John Brooke, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital ; Peter Teunis, RIVM ; Mirjam Kretzschmar, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care
4:30 PM Large Scale Multivariate CAR Modeling Robert Lund, Clemson University ; Christopher McMahan, Clemson University ; Yan Liu, Clemson University
4:55 PM Likelihood-Based Inference for Partially Observed Spatiotemporal Dynamics: Measles as a Case Study Edward Ionides, University of Michigan ; Joonha Park, University of Michigan
5:20 PM Estimating Initial Conditions of Disease Outbreak from Temporally Sparse Data Trevor Hefley, Kansas State University
5:45 PM Floor Discussion

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Sun, 7/30/2017, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-312
Climate and Meteorology — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Lyndsay Shand
4:05 PM Probing the Association Between the Magnetic Dip Poles and Climate Change Using Indicator Variable Regression Lewis Shoemaker, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
4:20 PM A Statistical Framework for Downscaling Climate Model Information to Enhance Infrastructure Design Ernst Linder, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Hampshire ; Meng Zhao, University of New Hampshire ; Yiming Liu, University of New Hampshire
4:35 PM Estimating Wind Speed Distributions Using Skewed and Flexible Skewed Distributions: a Monte Carlo Comparison Mohammad Aziz, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
4:50 PM Multivariate Spatial Model for Severe Storm Activity Yen Ning Huang, VCU ; Montserrat Fuentes, Virginia Commonwealth University ; Brian Reich, NCSU ; Eric Gilleland, NCAR
5:05 PM Floor Discussion

Sun, 7/30/2017, 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM CC-Halls A&B
Your Invited Poster Evening Entertainment: No Longer Board — Invited Poster Presentations
Astrostatistics Special Interest Group , Biometrics Section , Biopharmaceutical Section , Business and Economic Statistics Section , ENAR , Government Statistics Section , IMS , International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) , Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts , Section on Statistical Consulting , Section on Statistical Education , Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science , Section on Statistics and the Environment , Social Statistics Section , Survey Research Methods Section , Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics
Chair(s): Jessi Cisewski, Yale University
1: Overview of SAMSI Program on Statistical, Mathematical and Computational Methods for Astronomy (ASTRO) — Gutti Jogesh Babu, The Pennsylvania State University ; David Jones, SAMSI / Duke
2: A Multi-Resolution 3D Map of the Intergalactic Medium via the Lyman-Alpha Forest Collin Eubanks, Carnegie Mellon University ; Jessi Cisewski, Yale University ; Rupert Croft, Carnegie Mellon University ; Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Larry Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon
3: Testing Bayesian Galactic Mass Estimates Using Outputs from Hydrodynamical Simulations Gwendolyn Eadie, McMaster University ; Benjamin Keller, McMaster University ; William Harris, McMaster University ; Aaron Springford, Queen's University
4: Quantifying Discovery in Astro/Particle Physics: Frequentist and Bayesian Perspectives David Van Dyk, Imperial College London ; Sara Algeri, Imperial College London ; Jan Conrad, University of Stockholm
5: Computer Model Calibration to Enable Disaggregation of Large Parameter Spaces, with Application to Mars Rover Data David Craig Stenning, SAMSI/Duke University ; Working Group 1 ASTRO Program, SAMSI
6: The Association Between Copy Number Aberration, DNA Methylation, and Gene Expression Wei Sun, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
7: Rerandomization: a Flexible Framework for Experimental Design Kari Lock Morgan, Penn State University
8: IMs for IVs: An Inferential Model Approach to Instrumental Variable Regression Nicholas Aaron Syring, NCSU ; Ryan Martin, NCSU
9: Detecting Differential Gene Expression by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Mingyao R Li, University of Pennsylvania ; Cheng Jia, University of Pennsylvania ; Nancy Ruonan Zhang, Wharton School , University of Pennsylvania
10: Statistical Science and Policy at the EPA Elizabeth Mannshardt, US Environmental Protection Agency
11: Approximate Message Passing Algorithms for High-Dimensional Regression Cynthia Rush, Columbia University
12: Generalized Fiducial Inference for High-Dimensional Data Jan Hannig, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jonathan P Williams, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
13: The Combination of Confirmatory and Contradictory Statistical Evidence at Low Resolution Ruobin Gong, Harvard University ; Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University
14: Approximate Confidence Distribution Computing: An Effective Likelihood-Free Method with Statistical Guarantees Suzanne Thornton, Rutgers University ; Minge Xie, Rutgers University
15: R Package TDA for Statistical Inference on Topological Data Analysis Jisu Kim, Carnegie Mellon University
16: Teaching a Large, Project-Based Statistical Consulting Class Emily Griffith, NC State University
17: Transforming Undergraduate Statistics Education Through Experiential Learning: It's Essential! Tracy Morris, University of Central Oklahoma ; Cynthia Murray, University of Central Oklahoma ; Tyler Cook, University of Central Oklahoma
18: The Geometry of Synchronization Problems and Learning Group Actions Tingran Gao, Duke University ; Jacek Brodzki, University of Southampton ; Sayan Mukherjee, Duke University
19: Sufficient Markov Decision Processes with Alternating Deep Neural Networks Longshaokan Wang, North Carolina State University ; Eric Laber, North Carolina State University ; Katie Witkiewitz, University of New Mexico
20: Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes Using Decision Lists Yichi Zhang, Harvard University ; Eric Laber, North Carolina State University ; Anastasios (Butch) Tsiatis, North Carolina State University ; Marie Davidian, North Carolina State University
21: Predicting Phenotypes from Microarrays Using Amplified, Initially Marginal, Eigenvector Regression — Lei Ding, Indiana University ; Daniel J. McDonald, Indiana University
22: Computer Vision Meets Television Taylor Arnold, University of Richmond ; Lauren Tilton, University of Richmond
23: Generalized Fiducial Inference for Nonparametric Function Estimation Randy C.S. Lai, University of Maine
24: A Phylogenetic Transform Enhances Analysis of Compositional Microbiota Data Justin David Silverman, Duke University ; Sayan Mukherjee, Duke University ; Lawrence A David, Duke University
25: Bayesian Multispecies Ecological Models for Paleoclimate Reconstruction Using Inverse Prediction John Tipton, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University
26: Fast Maximum Likelihood Inference for Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models Yawen Guan, Penn State University ; Murali Haran, Pennsylvania State University
27: Fair Prediction with Disparate Impact: a Study of Bias in Recidivism Prediction Instruments Alexandra Chouldechova, Carnegie Mellon University
28: I Ran a Nonresponse Follow-Up Survey; Now What Do I Do? Phillip Kott, RTI

Mon, 7/31/2017, 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM H-Calloway A
Section on Statistics and the Environment Executive Committee Meeting — Other Cmte/Business
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Veronica J Berrocal, University of Michigan

Mon, 7/31/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-326
SPEED: Environmental Statistics — Contributed Speed
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science , Statistics Without Borders
Chair(s): David Craig Stenning, SAMSI/Duke University
8:35 AM 'on-The-Fly' Goodness-of-Fit and Outlier Testing for Left-Censored Data Kirk Cameron, MacStat Consulting, Ltd.
8:40 AM Spatially Varying Autoregressive Models for Prediction of New HIV Diagnoses Lyndsay Shand ; Bo Li, University of Illinois
8:45 AM Modeling Spatial Extremes Using Positive Stable Mixtures Gregory Bopp
8:50 AM Computer Model Calibration via the Ensemble Kalman Filter Seiyon Lee, Pennsylvania State University ; Murali Haran, Pennsylvania State University ; Klaus Keller, Pennsylvania State University
8:55 AM Unsupervised Self-Normalized Change-Point Testing for Time Series Liliya Lavitas, Boston University ; Ting Zhang, Boston University
9:00 AM Migratory Bird Surveys and the Modeling of Seabird Populations Robert Fowler
9:05 AM Extreme Value Based Methods for Modeling Elk Dispersal Dhanushi Wijeyakulasuriya, Pennsylvania State University ; Ephraim M Hanks, The Pennsylvania State University ; Benjamin A Shaby, Penn State University
9:10 AM Single index model for inhomogeneous spatial point processes Ji Meng Loh ; Yixin Fang, New Jersey Institute of Technology
9:20 AM Copula-Based Estimation for Markov Models with Detection Limits Fuyuan Li, George Washington University
9:25 AM Rank-Based Estimation for Generalized Additive Models with an Application to Fisheries Data Hannah Correia, Auburn University ; Asheber Abebe, Auburn University
9:30 AM Estimates of Extreme Rainfall Frequency from Spatially Dense Observations Lynne Seymour, University of Georgia ; Kyle Mattingly, University of Georgia ; Paul Miller, University of Georgia
9:35 AM Using generalized linear models to refine management of marten trap lines Alyssa Crawford, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
9:40 AM Green Power Statistics: Local Wind Speed Modeling as Basis for Wind Turbine Performance Prediction Marina Nechayeva, LaGuardia Community College ; Malgorzata Marciniak, LaGuardia Community College ; Vladimir Przhebelskiy , LaGuardia Community College ; Michael Wiley, LaGuardia Community College ; Paul DeVries, LaGuardia Community College
9:50 AM Constrained Functional Clustering of Arctic Sea Ice Extent Data Tan Tran, Montana State University ; Christopher Barbour, Montana State University ; Mark Greenwood, Montana State University
9:55 PM Floor Discussion

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Mon, 7/31/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-303
Compressing Climate Model Data: Lowering Storage Burden While Preserving Information — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Dorit Hammerling, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Chair(s): Richard Smith, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill/SAMSI
10:35 AM Introduction to Compression for Climate Data Allison Baker, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Dorit Hammerling, National Center for Atmospheric Research
10:55 AM Error Distributions of Lossy Floating-Point Compressors Peter Lindstrom , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
11:15 AM Statistical Compression and Conditional Emulation Joseph Guinness, NC State University ; Dorit Hammerling, National Center for Atmospheric Research
11:35 AM Statistical Compression of Wind Speed Data Felipe Tagle, Newcastle University ; Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University ; Marc G. Genton, KAUST ; Paola Crippa, Newcastle University
11:55 AM Floor Discussion

Mon, 7/31/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-Halls A&B
Contributed Poster Presentations: Section on Statistics and the Environment — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Jessi Cisewski, Yale University
20: Evaluating the Impact of Imputation on RECs Data Sarrynna Sou, RTI International ; Peter Frechtel, RTI International ; Amang Sukasih, RTI International ; Katie Lewis, U.S. Energy Information Administration ; James Berry, U.S. Energy Information Administration ; Victoria Scott, RTI International
21: Coupling Geometry on Binary Bipartite Networks: Hypotheses Testing on Pattern Geometry and Nestedness Jiahui Guan, University of California,Davis ; Fushing Hsieh, University of California,Davis
22: Extending the Distributed Lag Model Framework to Evaluate Mixture Effects - a Nonparametric Approach Ghalib Bello, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
23: Uncertainty Propagation for a Large Scale Hydrological Routing Model Michael Turmon, Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech ; Jonathan Hobbs, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; J T Reager, Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech ; Cedric David, Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech ; James Famiglietti, Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech
24: Causal Inference Using Bayesian Spatial Downscaling Alexandra Larsen, North Carolina State University ; Brian Reich, NCSU ; Ana Rappold, US EPA
25: Estimating the Duration of the Cambrian Explosion Zijin Lin, Swarthmore College ; Steve Wang, Swarthmore College ; Tuan Nguyen, Swarthmore College ; Katrina Midgley, Swarthmore College ; Heather Zhou, Swarthmore College ; Daniel Wang, Swarthmore College ; Linda Gai, Johns Hopkins University ; Chengying Wang, Swarthmore College ; Susannah Porter, UC Santa Barbara ; John Moore, UC Santa Barbara ; Adam Maloof, Princeton University
26: Soundscape Ecology and Daily Trends of Acoustic Indices Emma Beck, Purdue University ; Zoe Danielle Phillips, Purdue University
27: Antarctic Subglacial Lake Detection Via a Discrete State-Switching Stochastic Volatility Model Alyssa Jones, The University of Texas at Austin ; Wesley Tansey, University of Texas at Austin ; James Scott, The University of Texas at Austin ; Jamin Greenbaum, The University of Texas at Austin
29: A Study on the Clustering Algorithms for Line Segments Yoshitomo Akimoto, Chuo University ; Toshinari Kamakura, Chuo University

Mon, 7/31/2017, 11:35 AM - 12:20 PM CC-Halls A&B
SPEED: Environmental Statistics — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science , Statistics Without Borders
Chair(s): Jessi Cisewski, Yale University
21: 'On-the-Fly' Goodness of Fit and Outlier Testing for Left-Censored Data Kirk Cameron, MacStat Consulting, Ltd.
22: Spatially Varying Autoregressive Models for Prediction of New HIV Diagnoses Lyndsay Shand ; Bo Li, University of Illinois
23: Modeling Spatial Extremes Using Positive Stable Mixtures Gregory Bopp
24: Computer Model Calibration via the Ensemble Kalman Filter Seiyon Lee, Pennsylvania State University ; Murali Haran, Pennsylvania State University ; Klaus Keller, Pennsylvania State University
25: Unsupervised Self-Normalized Change-Point Testing for Time Series Liliya Lavitas, Boston University ; Ting Zhang, Boston University
26: Migratory Bird Surveys and the Modeling of Seabird Populations Robert Fowler
27: Extreme Value Based Methods for Modeling Elk Dispersal Dhanushi Wijeyakulasuriya, Pennsylvania State University ; Ephraim M Hanks, The Pennsylvania State University ; Benjamin A Shaby, Penn State University
28: Single index model for inhomogeneous spatial point processes Ji Meng Loh ; Yixin Fang, New Jersey Institute of Technology
29: Copula-Based Estimation for Markov Models with Detection Limits Fuyuan Li, George Washington University
30: Rank-Based Estimation for Generalized Additive Models with an Application to Fisheries Data Hannah Correia, Auburn University ; Asheber Abebe, Auburn University
31: Estimates of Extreme Rainfall Frequency from Spatially Dense Observations Lynne Seymour, University of Georgia ; Kyle Mattingly, University of Georgia ; Paul Miller, University of Georgia
32: Using generalized linear models to refine management of marten trap lines Alyssa Crawford, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
33: Green Power Statistics: Local Wind Speed Modeling as Basis for Wind Turbine Performance Prediction Marina Nechayeva, LaGuardia Community College ; Malgorzata Marciniak, LaGuardia Community College ; Vladimir Przhebelskiy , LaGuardia Community College ; Michael Wiley, LaGuardia Community College ; Paul DeVries, LaGuardia Community College
35: Constrained Functional Clustering of Arctic Sea Ice Extent Data Tan Tran, Montana State University ; Christopher Barbour, Montana State University ; Mark Greenwood, Montana State University
The Speed portion will take place during Session 214532

Register 196
Mon, 7/31/2017, 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM CC-Ballroom II
Section on Statistics and the Environment P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) — Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Erin M Schliep, University of Missouri
ML25: Data Science and Environmental Statistics Stephan Sain, Unaffiliated

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Mon, 7/31/2017, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-321
What Role Should Statistics and Statisticians Play in Environmental Policy and Regulation? — Invited Panel
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Statistical Consulting , Government Statistics Section , Statistics Without Borders
Organizer(s): Megan Higgs, Neptune and Company, Inc.
Chair(s): Megan Higgs, Neptune and Company, Inc.
2:05 PM What Role Should Statistics and Statisticians Play in Environmental Policy and Regulation?
Panelists: Lara P. Phelps, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of the Science Advisor
James V. Zidek, Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia
Paul Black, Neptune & Company, Inc.
Steven P. Millard, Probability, Statistics, & Information
Kirk Cameron, MacStat Consulting, Ltd.
Veronica J Berrocal, University of Michigan
3:40 PM Floor Discussion

Mon, 7/31/2017, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-325
Spatio-Temporal Theory and Methods — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Kimberly Kaufeld, Los Alamos National Laboratory
2:05 PM Consistency of Classical Variogram Estimators on the Sphere Haimeng Zhang, University of North Carolina at Greensboro ; Chunfeng Huang, Indiana University - Bloomington ; Wenshuang Wang, Mississippi State University ; Chris Vanlangenberg, APEX Analytix
2:20 PM Local Variance Estimation in a Spatio-Temporal Process Eunice Kim
2:35 PM Bayesian Semiparametric Covariance Function Estimation for Stationary Gaussian Processes by Overwhelming Force John Ensley
2:50 PM Variable Selection for High-Dimensional Spatial Regression Models Abolfazl Safikhani, Columbia University ; Tapabrata Maiti, Michigan State University ; Chae Young Lim , Seoul National University
3:05 PM Variable Selection for Expanding Covariate Space and High-Dimensional Discrete Spatial Data Abdhi Sarkar, Michigan State University ; Chae Young Lim , Seoul National University ; Tapabrata Maiti, Michigan State University
3:20 PM Block Conditioning Approximations Based on Hierarchical Decompositions for High-Dimensional Multivariate Normal Probabilities Jian Cao ; Marc G. Genton, KAUST ; David Keyes, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; George Turkiyyah, American University of Beirut
3:35 PM Discriminant Analysis for High-Dimensional Spatio Temporal Data Rejaul Karim, Michigan State University ; Tapabrata Maiti, Michigan State University ; Chae Young Lim , Seoul National University

Mon, 7/31/2017, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM H-Tubman A
Section on Statistics and the Environment Business Meeting and Mixer — Other Cmte/Business
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Veronica J Berrocal, University of Michigan

Register 260
Tue, 8/1/2017, 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM CC-Ballroom II
Section on Statistics and the Environment A.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) — Roundtables AM Roundtable Discussion
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Elizabeth Mannshardt, US Environmental Protection Agency
TL05: ENVR Mentoring Session Montserrat Fuentes, Virginia Commonwealth University ; Megan Higgs, Neptune and Company, Inc. ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University

Tue, 8/1/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-308
In Memory of Dr. Lawrence H. Cox — Invited Papers
Memorial , Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Joe Fred Gonzalez, Jr., CDC, National Center for Health Statistics
Chair(s): Jacob Bournazian, US Dept of Energy
8:35 AM Larry Cox: Disclosure Avoidance Expert, Mentor, and Friend at the U.S. Census Bureau Laura Voshell McKenna, U.S. Census Bureau
8:55 AM Pollutant Specific Air Quality Indicators to Assess National, State and Local Trends William Frederick Hunt Jr, Retired ; David Mintz, USEPA ; Rachel Marceau, North Carolina State University ; Alissa Anderson, North Carolina State University ; Kristen Immen, North Carolina State University ; Ryland Pigg, North Carolina State University
9:15 AM Assessing Compliance with EPA Standards: An Appreciation of Larry Cox's Work as an EPA Scientist. Richard Smith, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill/SAMSI
9:35 AM Larry Cox's Contributions at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Joe Fred Gonzalez, Jr., CDC, National Center for Health Statistics
9:55 AM An Appreciation of Larry Cox's Work on Statistical Disclosure Limitation Alan Karr, RTI International
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 8/1/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-341
Climate Statistics: Studies on the Physics and Impacts of Climate Change Using Data Science — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Section on Statistics and the Environment , International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): Ansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota
Chair(s): Megan Heyman, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
8:35 AM Predicting the Next Decade Timothy DelSole
8:55 AM Uncertainty Quantification for Remote Sensing Data Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Jonathan Hobbs, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
9:15 AM The Scale Enhanced Wild Bootstrap Method for Evaluating Climate Models Using Wavelets Ansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota ; Amy Braverman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Megan Heyman, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology ; Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong
9:35 AM Modeling Weather-Induced Home Insurance Risks with Support Vector Machine Regression Vyacheslav Lyubchich, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science ; Yulia R. Gel, University of Texas at Dallas ; Asim Kumer Dey, University of Texas at Dallas
9:55 AM Uncertainty Quantification for High-Resolution Hydrology Applications in the Western United States Jonathan Hobbs, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ; Michael Turmon, Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech ; J T Reager, Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech ; Cedric David, Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech ; James Famiglietti, Jet Propulsion Lab/Caltech
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 8/1/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-344
Advances in Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Spatio-Temporal Dynamical Models for Environmental and Ecological Processes — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Bayesian Statistical Science , Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Christopher Wikle, University of Missouri
Chair(s): Ali Arab, Georgetown Unversity
8:35 AM Process Convolution Approaches for Modeling Interacting Trajectories Henry Scharf, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University ; Devin Johnson, NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center ; John Durban, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
8:55 AM Sparse Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Modeling Using Implied Advection Robert Richardson, Brinham Young University
9:15 AM Adaptive Ensemble Kalman Filters for Online Bayesian State and Parameter Estimation Jonathan Stroud, Georgetown University ; Matthias Katzfuss, Texas A&M University ; Christopher Wikle, University of Missouri
9:35 AM Spatial-Temporal Modeling of Heavy Tailed Data Gabriel Huerta, University of New Mexico
9:55 AM Nonlinear Dynamical Spatio-Temporal Models and Their Efficient Estimation Christopher Wikle, University of Missouri
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

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Tue, 8/1/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-347
Ecology and Environmental Policy — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Perry Williams, Colorado State University
8:35 AM Hierarchical Bayesian Models for Azimuthal Telemetry Data Christopher P. Peck, Colorado State University ; Brian D. Gerber, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University
8:50 AM Bayesian Variance Selection in Analysis of Species Distribution Jing Zhang, Miami University ; Baini Li, Miami University ; Thomas Crist, Miami University
9:05 AM A Bayesian Penalized Hidden Markov Model for Animal Interactions Meridith Bartley, Penn State University ; Ephraim M Hanks, The Pennsylvania State University ; David Hughes, Penn State Univeristy
9:20 AM Reconciling Demographic Parameters Using an Integrated Population Model for High Sonoran Desert Bald Eagles Mark C. Otto, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
9:35 AM Defining and Modeling Two Interpretations of Perception in Removal-Distance Models of Point-Count Surveys Adam Martin-Schwarze, Iowa State University ; Jarad Niemi, Iowa State University ; Philip M Dixon, Iowa State University
9:50 AM Informing Oregon Forestry Rule Change Decisions with a Bayesian Hierarchical Model Jeremiah Groom, Department of Statistics ; Lisa Madsen, Department of Statistics
10:05 AM Using Generalized Additive Models to Inform Water Quality Management in Chesapeake Bay Rebecca Murphy, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science ; Elgin Perry, Statistics Consultant

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Tue, 8/1/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-350
ENVR Student Paper Award Winners — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University
Chair(s): Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University
10:35 AM A Geostatistical Approach to Modeling Climate Teleconnections Joshua Hewitt, Colorado State University ; Jennifer A Hoeting, Colorado State University ; James Done, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Erin Towler, National Center for Atmospheric Research
10:55 AM A Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Analog Forecasting Model for Nonlinear Ecological Processes Patrick McDermott, University of Missouri ; Christopher Wikle, University of Missouri ; Joshua Millspaugh, University of Montana
11:15 AM A Bayesian Mixed-Effects Model for Microbiome Data from Designed Experiments Neal Grantham, North Carolina State University ; Brian Reich, NCSU ; Kevin Gross, North Carolina State University
11:35 AM Bayesian Clustering and Dimension Reduction in Multivariate Air Pollution Extremes Sabrina Vettori, King Abdullah University of Science and Technilogy ; Raphael Huser, KAUST ; Marc G. Genton, KAUST
11:55 AM Floor Discussion

Register 370
Tue, 8/1/2017, 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM CC-Ballroom II
Section on Statistics and the Environment P.M. Roundtable Discussion (Added Fee) — Roundtables PM Roundtable Discussion
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Erin M Schliep, University of Missouri
TL24: Sharing Stories of Success: Environmental and Ecological Statisticians Working Outside of Academia Brian Gray, U.S. Geological Survey ; Kathi Irvine, US Geological Survey ; Megan Higgs, Neptune and Company, Inc.

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Tue, 8/1/2017, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-311
Spatio-Temporal Methods in Ecology and Epidemiology — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Henry Scharf, Colorado State University
2:05 PM Reconstruction of Spatio-Temporal Temperature from Sparse Historical Records Using Robust Probabilistic Principal Component Regression John Tipton, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University ; Simon Goring, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin
2:20 PM A Multivariate Dynamic Spatial Factor Model for Speciated Pollutants and Adverse Birth Outcomes Kimberly Kaufeld, Los Alamos National Laboratory
2:35 PM Asymptotic Approaches for Spatial Genetic Data Sahar Zarmehri, The Pennsylvania State University ; Ephraim M Hanks, The Pennsylvania State University
2:50 PM Bayesian Spatial Stream Network Models Kristin Broms, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University ; Ryan M. Fitzpatrick, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
3:05 PM Spatio-Temporal Process Models for Spatial Correlation Ephraim M Hanks, The Pennsylvania State University
3:20 PM Joint Point Pattern Modeling for Species Co-Occurrence Using Camera Trap Data Erin M Schliep, University of Missouri ; Alan E. Gelfand, Duke University ; James S Clark, Duke University ; Daniel Taylor-Rodriguez, Michigan State University
3:35 PM Modeling Collective Animal Movement Through Interactions in Behavioral States James Russell, Muhlenberg College ; Ephraim M Hanks, The Pennsylvania State University ; David Hughes, Penn State Univeristy

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Wed, 8/2/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-321
Climate Change, Extremes, and Impacts — Invited Panel
ASA Advisory Committee on Climate Change Policy , Section on Statistics and the Environment , Statistics Without Borders
Organizer(s): Dan Cooley, Colorado State University
Chair(s): Dan Cooley, Colorado State University
8:35 AM Climate Change, Extremes, and Impacts
Panelists: Brian Reich, NCSU
Martin Tingley, Netflix
Michael Wehner, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Peter Sousounis, AIR Worldwide
Richard Smith, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill/SAMSI
10:10 AM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/2/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-324
Statistical Challenges and Opportunities for Supporting National Ecological Monitoring Programs — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Statistics Without Borders
Organizer(s): Kathi Irvine, US Geological Survey
Chair(s): Kathi Irvine, US Geological Survey
8:35 AM Spatial Challenges of Using Local Scale Monitoring Programs for Landscape Level Applications Mindy Rice, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
8:55 AM Designing a Robust Monitoring Scheme for Natural Resources at a Continental Scale Emily L Weiser, U.S. Geological Survey ; James E. Diffendorfer, U.S. Geological Survey ; Laura López-Hoffman, The University of Arizona ; Darius J Semmens, U.S. Geological Survey ; Wayne E Thogmartin, U.S. Geological Survey
9:15 AM Optimal Dynamic Sampling of a Spreading Population Perry Williams, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University ; Jamie N Womble, National Park Service ; George G Esslinger, U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Science Center ; Michael R Bower, National Park Service
9:35 AM Challenges in Identifying and Addressing Sources of Uncertainty in Species classifications of Acoustic bat Calls Used for Monitoring Katharine Banner, Montana State University ; Kathi Irvine, US Geological Survey ; Tom Rodhouse, National Park Service ; Andrea Litt, Montana State University ; Wilson Wright, US Geological Survey
9:55 AM Discussant: Brian Gray, U.S. Geological Survey
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/2/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-327
Statistics: It's Essential for Climatology — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Royal Statistical Society , Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): Bo Li, University of Illinois
Chair(s): Rebecca Killick (Co-organizer), Lancaster University
10:35 AM Forward Modeling: It's Essential for Palaeoclimatology Andrew C Parnell, University College Dublin
11:00 AM Bumpy Ride: Trends, Shifts and Memory in Climate Time-Series Claudie Beaulieu, Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton ; Rebecca Killick, Lancaster University
11:25 AM Discussant: Montserrat Fuentes, Virginia Commonwealth University
11:50 AM Discussant: Michael Stein, University of Chicago
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

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Wed, 8/2/2017, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-346
Environmental Extremes — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Sabrina Vettori, King Abdullah University of Science and Technilogy
2:05 PM Mesoscale Spatial Forecast Verification Over Complex Terrain Eric Gilleland, NCAR ; Manfred Dorninger, University of Vienna ; Marion Mittermaier, MetOffice, U.K. ; Barbara G. Brown, NCAR ; Elizabeth E. Ebert, Bureau of Meteorology ; Barbara Casati, Environment Canada ; Laurence Wilson, Environment Canada
2:20 PM A Simultaneous Autoregressive Model for Spatial Extremes Miranda Fix, Colorado State University ; Dan Cooley, Colorado State University ; Emeric Thibaud, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
2:35 PM Tukey Max-Stable Processes for Spatial Extremes Ganggang Xu, Binghamton University ; Marc G. Genton, KAUST
2:50 PM Spatially-Dependent Multiple Testing Under Model Misspecification, with Application to Extreme Event Attribution Mark Risser, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ; Christopher Paciorek, University of California, Berkeley
3:05 PM Modeling Precipitation Extremes Using Log-Histospline Whitney Huang, Purdue University ; Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Hao Zhang, Purdue University
3:20 PM A Return Level Analysis of the January 2016 Blizzard in New York City Jaechoul Lee, Boise State University ; Mintaek Lee, Boise State University
3:35 PM Comparison of the Extreme Value Distribution Parameters Applied to Extreme Rainfall Events in Central America Luis Cid-Serrano, Universidad Del Bio-Bio ; HELEN GUILLEN, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA ; ERIC ALFARO, UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA

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Thu, 8/3/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-336
Spatial Risk Assessment with Environmental Applications — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , ENAR , International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Chair(s): Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
8:35 AM Heteroscedastic Asymmetric Spatial Processes (HASP) Peter F Craigmile, The Ohio State University ; Jiangyong Yin, Google Inc.
9:00 AM Bayesian Computing and Modeling for Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian Process Models Sudipto Banerjee, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
9:25 AM A Causal Inference Analysis of the Effect of Wildland Fire Smoke on Ambient Air Pollution Levels and Health Burden Ana Rappold, US EPA ; Brian Reich, NCSU ; Alexandra Larsen, North Carolina State University
9:50 AM Copula-Based Semiparametric Models for Spatial-Temporal Data Huixia Judy Wang, The George Washington University ; Yanlin Tang, George Washington University ; Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
10:15 AM Floor Discussion

Thu, 8/3/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-338
Environmental Epidemiology and Spatial Statistics — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology , Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Charles Smith, North Carolina State Univ.
8:35 AM Bayesian Geostatistical Modeling for MRSA Incidence Estimates Yi Mu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
8:50 AM Meta-Analysis of Model Specifications Assessing Harmful Algal Blooms as a Risk Factor for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Northern New England Beth Ziniti, Applied Geosolutions ; Ernst Linder, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Hampshire ; Nathan Torbick, Applied Geosolutions ; Angeline Andrew, Department of Neurology, Dartmouth Medical School ; Elijah W. Stommel, Department of Neurology, Dartmouth Medical School
9:05 AM Bayesian Hierarchical Models to Estimate Associations Between Air Pollution and Cause-Specific Morbidity in Multicity Epidemiologic Studies Jenna Krall, George Mason University ; Stefanie Ebelt Sarnat, Emory University
9:20 AM Bayesian Approach for Managing Microbial Risks from Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation Ram Kafle, Sam Houston State University
9:35 AM Maximum Likelihood-Based Regression with a Continuous Exposure Variable Assessed in Pools and Subject to Measurement and Processing Errors Dane Van Domelen, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University ; Emily Mitchell, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ; Amita Manatunga, Emory University ; Robert H Lyles, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University ; Enrique F Schisterman, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
9:50 AM Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Point Process Models via Conditioning Athanasios Micheas, Univ of Missouri- Columbia ; Justin Okenye, University of Missouri ; Christopher Wikle, University of Missouri
10:05 AM Practical Bayesian inference based on Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes (NNGP) model for massive spatial data Lu Zhang, UCLA ; Abhirup Datta, Johns Hopkins University ; Sudipto Banerjee, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

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Thu, 8/3/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-336
Environmental Statistics on Smart Phones — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University
Chair(s): Sudipto Banerjee, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
10:35 AM 3D Visualization of Emulators of Climate Model Output on Smart Phones with Virtual Reality Marc G. Genton, KAUST ; Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University
10:55 AM Spectra-Based Clustering Methods for Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Winds and Waves in the Red Sea. Carolina Euan Campos ; Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
11:15 AM Smartphone-Based Diagnostics of Space-Time Models: From Movies to Apps Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University ; Marc G. Genton, KAUST
11:35 AM Real-Time Earthquake Detection Using Smartphones. Your Smartphone Francesco Finazzi, Università di Bergamo ; Alessandro Fassò, University of Bergamo
11:55 AM Discussant: Won Chang, University of Cincinnati
12:15 PM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/3/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-337
Spatial Methods for Weather, Climate, and Health — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Eric Gilleland, NCAR
10:35 AM Analyzing Mortality Following Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Louisiana SEER Data via a Spatial Accelerated Failure Time Model Shanshan Zhao, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ; Rachel Carroll, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ; Andrew Lawson, Department of Public Health Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina
10:50 AM A Source-Oriented Approach to Coal Combustion PM2.5 Health Effects Kevin Cummiskey, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health ; Chanmin Kim, Harvard University ; Christine Choirat, Harvard University ; Corwin Zigler, Harvard University
11:05 AM Local Likelihood Estimation for Nonstationary Covariance Functions with Applications to Climate Model Emulation Yuxiao Li, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
11:20 AM Forecast Evaluation with Imperfect Observations and Imperfect Models Julie Bessac, Argonne National Laboratory ; Philippe Naveau , Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement (LSCE) CNRS ; Aurelien Ribes , CNRM - Meteo France ; Emil Mihai Constantinescu , Argonne National Laboratory ; Mihai Anitescu, Argonne National Laboratory
11:35 AM Statistics-Based Compression of Global Wind Fields Jaehong Jeong, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University ; Paola Crippa, Newcastle University ; Marc G. Genton, KAUST
11:50 AM Spatial Time Series Classification with Applications to Wind Energy Laurie Tupper, Williams College ; David S Matteson, Cornell University ; C. Lindsay Anderson, Cornell University
12:05 PM Floor Discussion

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Thu, 8/3/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-338
Environmental and Ecological Monitoring — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Katharine Banner, Montana State University
10:35 AM Predicting Area-Wide Averages of Air Pollution Exposure Joshua Keller, Johns Hopkins University ; Roger D Peng, Johns Hopkins University
10:50 AM Comparing Spatial Regression to Random Forests for Large Environmental Data Sets Eric Fox, US EPA, Western Ecology Division ; Jay Ver Hoef, NOAA, National Marine Mammal Laboratory ; Anthony Olsen, US EPA, Western Ecology Division
11:05 AM Spatial Regression Models on Water Criticality Index in the Upperstream Citarum Watershed, Indonesia Yekti Widyaningsih, Universitas Indonesia
11:20 AM Challenges and Opportunities for Structural Equation Modeling in Water Quality Karen Ryberg, U.S. Geological Survey
11:35 AM Statistical Analysis of the Minnesota Metropolitan Council Lake Monitoring Data Shiju Zhang, St Cloud State University ; Cindy Zhang, Sartell High School
11:50 AM Statistical Design and Analysis for Plant Cover Studies with Multiple Sources of Observation Errors Wilson Wright, US Geological Survey ; Kathi Irvine, US Geological Survey ; Jeffrey Warren, US Fish and Wildlife Service ; Jenny Barnett, US Fish and Wildlife Service
12:05 PM Using a Temporal Assignment Problem to Improve Multiple Testing Procedures in Vegetation Monitoring Nicolle Clements, Saint Joseph's University ; Virginia Miori, Saint Joseph's University
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