The following members put their talents to good use and won our ASA Day contests. They will all receive an ASA T-shirt.
History Quiz Contest
Question 1: What library is used to archive ASA historical materials?
Answer: Iowa State University Parks Library
Winner: Karl Broman
Question 2: What ASA president served as president (chancellor) of the University of Rochester and served as an adviser to US presidents Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan?
Answer: W. Allen Wallis
Winner: Steve Wang
Haiku Contest
Student Entry First Place: Doha Akad
As a bird far flies
As stars are above the skies
Statistics applies
Non-Student Entry First Place: Larry Lesser
So much more than math
ASA illuminates
like Nightingale’s lamp
Non-Student Entry Second Place (Tie): Anne Milley
Many shades of gray
Statistics leads the way to
understand much more
Non-Student Entry Second Place (Tie): Barry Nussbaum
One eighty years old
Helping a profession grow
ASA still bold