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ASA Releases Statement on Retirement of U.S. Census Director |
The ASA praised U.S. Census Director John Thompson for his three decades of service following the news last week of his early retirement. Thanks to his leadership, the redesigned decennial census is estimated to save American taxpayers $5 billion, if the testing and development is adequately funded through the remainder of the multi-year ramp up. The ASA urges the Trump Administration to quickly identify a strong and independent successor and secure adequate funding for the U.S. Census Bureau. The FY17 appropriation is only one-third of the requested increase for the decennial census, raising grave concerns.
Thompson was also a recent guest on the Stats + Stories podcast.
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62 Statisticians Recognized as 2017 ASA Fellows |
It’s a distinction only conferred upon one-third of one percent of the ASA’s membership. This year’s gtoup is comprised of statisticians from academia, business, government, and research organizations, hailing from 25 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, and Mexico. Fellows will be officially recognized at an awards ceremony at JSM 2017 in Baltimore.
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Statistician Tops List of Best Jobs in 2017 |
Online career guidance website CareerCast.com has ranked “statistician” as the best job in its 2017 jobs report. The occupation has teetered near the top in recent years, having grown in popularity as demand for this position’s unique skill set has skyrocketed amid the global data revolution. “One key factor in the profession’s top billing is that employment is expected to jump by 34% in the coming years,” notes the site.
Not far behind is the listing for data scientist, which comes in at number five!
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