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Cognitive Testing of the 2017 Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture in Spanish (303612)
*Zulma Teresa Riberas, USDA/NASSKeywords: cognitive testing in Spanish, Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture Spanish report form
The United States Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS) conducted a cognitive test of the 2017 Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture report form. This marked the first time that NASS conducted a cognitive test of the Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture report form in Spanish. This test was conducted to determine if respondents were understanding the questions and completing the report form as intended.
This poster presentation documents the methods used for developing the Spanish version of the 2017 Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture report form and the pretesting materials used for conducting cognitive interviews with Spanish speaking farmers. It also discusses the changes made to the report form based on the findings from these interviews and the challenges encountered while conducting cognitive interviews with Spanish-speaking farmers.