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Examination of the Young Population in a Longitudinal Survey in Israel (303141)
*Michal Yemini, Israel Central Bureau of StatisticsKeywords: young population, children, youth, longitudinal survey, self-administered questionnaire, CAPI , waves, online questionnaire, panel
A longitudinal survey is a panel survey, in which household members are interviewed every year. The survey focuses on long-term social and economic processes ,and is used for policy planning and research. It's a CAPI method, F2F, with personal interviews. Proxy interview conducted for 0--14 and 15--17 can do CAPI with parent's approval. The interview includes permanent modules and variable modules. The permanent were household, health, employment, income from employment, and income from other sources; the variable were expanded information on education, housing conditions, and household financial situation. The survey began in 2012, and, as of 2015, there have been ? waves.
The article will deal with methods of testing children aged 10--17 in the different parts of the survey. The survey includes a self-administered questionnaire and CAPI. The ?and ? waves of the survey will be compared with regard to the following aspects: definition of the population, data collection method, field work process, and process of planning and constructing the questionnaire. No significant differences were found in data collection methods, content of the questionnaire, and field work process in the CAPI interviews.
However, with regard to the self-administered questionnaire, there were differences in the definition of the population, data collection method, field work process and planning, and constructing the questionnaire.
Persons aged 10--14 needed more assistance with filling in the questionnaire than those aged 15--17. To increase the response rate and improve the procedures, there is a need to consider the possibility of approaching them directly and emphasizing the possibility of responding online. In addition, we recommend developing an option to fill in the questionnaire on a smartphone. There should be an option to fill in a hard copy for those who do not have an email.
In future research, responses can be examined on the basis of the data collection method by demographic characters.