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29 Sun, 8/8/2021, 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM Virtual
Statistical Issues Specific to Therapeutic Areas, Power and Sample Size Calculations, and Trial Monitoring — Contributed Speed
Biopharmaceutical Section
Chair(s): Jonathan Moscovici, QuintilesIMS
1:35 PM A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis on Treatments of Brain Metastases in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Uma Siangphoe, Johnson and Johnson
1:40 PM On Characterizing Survival Curve of CAR-T Cell Therapy
1:45 PM On Treatment Effect in Sequential Parallel Comparison Design
1:50 PM WITHDRAWN: Comparison of Methods for Adjusting for Crossover in Oncology Trials
1:55 PM Handling Multiple Imputation in Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: A Case Study Applied to a Hemophilia Clinical Trial
2:00 PM An Alternate Method to Find the Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Two Proportions of Rare Event
2:05 PM A Flexible Ensemble Learning Method for Survival Extrapolation
2:10 PM Methods for Vaccine Efficacy in a Fixed Duration Design with Censoring
2:15 PM Novel Measures of Treatment Efficacy Under Delayed Treatment Effects
2:20 PM Sample Size Reestimation for the Finkelstein and Schoenfeld Test Statistic for a Composite Endpoint with Two Components
2:30 PM Power Analyses of Oncology Clinical Trials with Stratified Randomization
2:35 PM Something Out of Nothing? The Influence of 0-0 Studies in Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Drug Safety Studies
2:40 PM Incorporating Historical Controls in Analyses of Clinical Trial Data: An Empirical Power Prior Approach
2:45 PM Do unadjusted pilot analyses lead to biased decision in proceeding to a larger trial?
2:50 PM Optimizing Precision and Power in COVID-19 Trials by Covariate Adjustment
2:55 PM Collaborative Biostatistics as a Bridge from Preclinical Discovery to Population Data Science
3:00 PM Interim Analysis Incorporating Intermediate Binary Responses
3:05 PM Predicting Analysis Times in Clinical Trials with Nonproportional Hazards
3:10 PM Realistic Patient-Level Simulators Considering Two Dependent Time-to-Event Endpoints
3:15 PM Floor Discussion