How can statistics instructors encourage underrepresented students to pursue further studies in statistics? Generation after our founders popularized eugenics, the statistics discipline can still appear hostile to those who are not white and male. We provide three tangible ways for undergraduate (and secondary) statistics instructors to overcome this apparent barrier. First, formulate a course policy that - up front - explicitly recognizes past exclusions. Such a statement addresses concerns that a student may not “belong” in the field. Second, institute a practice that nurtures respect for every individual. Asking a daily question allows students to open up to their peers and provides opportunities for student validation. Third, incorporate a biographical assignment that exposes students to contributions from underrepresented individuals. Such an assignment helps students to recognize that inherent, immutable characteristics are not predictors of a successful future in statistics. Session participants would receive daily, tangible methods to enfold inclusion into their classroom and foster an environment that explicitly encourages underrepresented students.