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Mon, 7/29/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Learn Something New: Techniques for Broadening Your Statistical Skillset — Topic Contributed Papers
Committee on Applied Statisticians, Section on Statistical Consulting, Section on Statistical Computing
Organizer(s): Lauren Hund, Sandia National Laboratories
Chair(s): Adah Zhang, Sandia National Laboratories
8:35 AM
Statistical Thinking and Analysis for Large and Complex Data
Joanne Wendelberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory
8:55 AM
Sharpening the Tools in Your Data Science Toolbox
Jessica Minnier, Oregon Health & Science University
9:15 AM
What's Your Point? Flipping the Paradigm for Communication in Statistical Science
Elizabeth Mannshardt, US Environmental Protection Agency
9:35 AM
Lessons Learned from Collecting and Analyzing High-Dimensional GPS Data on Adolescent Activity Patterns
Catherine A. Calder, The Ohio State University; Christopher R. Browning, The Ohio State University; Bethany Boettner, The Ohio State University; Kori Khan, The Ohio State University
9:55 AM
Discussant: Gabriel Huerta, University of New Mexico
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion