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CC = Colorado Convention Center   H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

118 * ! Mon, 7/29/2019, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-107
Emerging Challenges in Precision Medicine — Topic Contributed Papers
Biometrics Section, Biopharmaceutical Section, ENAR
Organizer(s): Li Ma, Duke University
Chair(s): David Banks, SAMSI/Duke University
8:35 AM Knockoff Assisted Outcome Adaptive Lasso for Doubly Robust Treatment Effect Estimation
Guanhua Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
8:55 AM Variable Selection and Estimation in Causal Inference Using Bayesian Spike and Slab Priors
David Michael Vock, University of Minnesota; Brandon Koch, University of Nevada Reno; Julian Wolfson, University of Minnesota
9:15 AM Sparse Learning and Structure Identification for Ultra-High-Dimensional Image-On-Scalar Regression
Xinyi Li, SAMSI; Li Wang, Iowa State University; Huixia Judy Wang, The George Washington University
9:35 AM Characterizing Outcome Distributions of Dynamic Treatment Regimes

Daniel Lizotte, The University of Western Ontario
9:55 AM Single-Cell Analyzes for Developing HIV Vaccine
Lynn Lin, Penn State University
10:15 AM Floor Discussion