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Tue, 7/31/2018, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-West 211
The Commission on Evidence-Based Policy Making - One Year Later — Invited Panel
Government Statistics Section, Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee, Committee on National Statistics, NAS
Organizer(s): Michael Hawes, U.S. Department of Education
Chair(s): Michael Hawes, U.S. Department of Education
8:35 AM The Commission on Evidence-Based Policy Making - One Year Later
Panelists: Katharine Abraham, University of Maryland
Nancy Potok, Office of Management and Budget
Amy O'Hara, Stanford University
Julia Lane, New York University
10:10 AM Floor Discussion

Tue, 7/31/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West Hall B
SPAAC Poster Competition — Topic Contributed Poster Presentations
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee, Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Michael Messner, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1: Renewable Estimation and Incremental Inference in Generalized Linear Models with Streaming Data Sets
Lan Luo; Peter X.-K. Song, University of Michigan
2: Measuring the Percentage of Smoothness in the Trend of a Univariate Time Series: An Application to a Time Series of Mexico's GDP
Daniela Cortés Toto, Universidad De Las Américas Puebla (UDLAP); Víctor M. Guerrero, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM); Hortensia J. Reyes Cervantes, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
3: The Pythagorean Law of Mutual Information Identity: A New Look at Logistic Regression Parameters
Michelle Liou, Academia Sinica; Jiun-Wei Liou, Academia Sinica; Philip E. Cheng, Academia Sinica
4: Analysis of Non-Stationary Time Series Using Copula-Based Dependence Measures
Yongxin Zhu, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Charles Fontaine, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Hernando Ombao, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
5: Agreement and Individual Bioequivalence: A New Look
Tie-Hua Ng, FDA/CBER
6: An Application of SEM to Measure the Effects of Government Programs and Actions on the Reduction of Poverty for the Population of the State of Guanajuato, Mexico
Rafael Perez Abreu
7: VIF-BEEF: A Didactic Game to Practice the Assumptions in Linear Regression
Silvia Solera, School of Statistics, University of Costa Rica; Monica Maria Castrillo, UCR
8: Detective-P: Educational Computer Game for Teaching the Concept of P-Value
Maria Jimena Ruiz Rivera, School of Statistics, University of Costa Rica
9: Estimation and Inference for Cluster-Randomized Test-Negative Design Trials
Suzanne M. Dufault, University of California, Berkeley; Nicholas P. Jewell, University of California, Berkeley
10: Analysis Framework in Integrating Data of Different Modalities with Application in Identifying Important Predictors/Subgroups in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Tuan Nguyen, Gilead Sciences; Guang Chen, Gilead Sciences; Adarsh Joshi, Gilead Sciences, Inc.; Lulu Wang, Gilead Sciences; Yafeng Zhang, Gilead Sciences; Yuanyuan Xiao, Gilead Sciences; Catherine Jia, Gilead Sciences; Ren Xu, Gilead Sciences; Stephen Djedjos, Gilead Sciences; Rob Myers, Gilead Sciences
11: Online Local Q-Learning
Lili Wu, NCSU; Eric Laber, North Carlina State University
12: The Effect of Player Injuries on Major League Baseball Team Performance: A Longitudinal Analysis of the 2014-2017 Regular Seasons
Jay Schaffer, Univ of Northern Colorado; Austin Brown, University of Northern Colorado
13: Analytic White Matter Tractography and Compositional Distance-Based Summarization of White Matter Brain Structures
Wendy Meiring, University of California, Santa Barbara; Matthew Cieslak, UCSB; Tegan Brennan, UCSB; Subhash Suri, UCSB; Scott T. Grafton, UCSB
14: A Functional Anova Approach to Detecting Changes in Soil Moisture and Temperature
Manju M. Johny, Iowa State University; Petruta C. Caragea , Iowa State University; Diane M. Debinski, Montana State University ; Jill A. Sherwood, Iowa State University
15: A New Estimation Method for CoVaR Based on Three Regime Bivariate Normal Distribution
Jieun Choi, Ewha Womans University; Dong Wan Shin, Ewha Womans University
16: A Comparative Study on Propensity Score Approaches: Michigan Arthroplasty Registry Collaborative Quality Initiative (MARCQI)
Huiyong Thomas Zheng, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Richard Hughes, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Brian Hallstrom, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Paul Charpentier, Virginia Commonwealth University; Ajay Srivastava, OrthoMichigan; Rochelle Igrisan, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
18: A 10-DNA Repair Gene Signature Predicts Benefits from Adjuvant Chemotherapy (ACT) in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Xiaokui Mo, Ohio State University-College of Medicine; Jianying Zhang, Ohio State University; Meng Xu Welliver, Ohio State University; Soledad Fernandez, The Ohio State University
19: Predicting Mood Using Multivariate Mobile Sensor Data Streams for Medical Interns
Timothy NeCamp, University of Michigan; Zhenke Wu, University of Michigan; Srijan Sen, University of Michigan; Edward Ionides, University of Michigan
20: Identifying Morphologies of Precancerous Cells
Theresa Gebert, Carnegie Mellon University
21: Differences Between Telomerase Activation and ALT Based on the Theory of G-Networks
Kyung Hyun Lee, Rice University; Marek Kimmel, Rice University
22: Convergence of Known Distributions to Normality or Non-Normality: An Elementary Ratio Technique
Subhash Bagui, University of West Florida; K. L. Mehra, University of Alberta
23: Predicting Invasive Species Richness with Boosted Regression Trees
Namaluba Malawo, Purdue University; Gabriela Nunez, Purdue University; Songlin Fei, Purdue University
24: Using Error Statistics to Improve Forecasts
Hope Cullers, Purdue University; Mike Baldwin, Purdue University
25: A Bayesian Semiparametric Model for Correlated Longitudinal Data: An Application to Studies Involving Patients and Family Members
Li-Jung Liang, UCLA
26: Bayesian Function Data Analysis for Weather Forecast
Duchwan Ryu, Northern Illinois University; Hao Shen, Northern Illinois University

Wed, 8/1/2018, 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM F-Douglas Boardroom
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee Breakfast Meeting — Other Cmte/Business
Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Chair(s): Larry Hedges, Northwestern University

Wed, 8/1/2018, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-West 122
The State of Peer-Review and Publication in Statistics and the Sciences — Invited Papers
ENAR, Committee on Publications, Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee, SSC
Organizer(s): Ryan Martin, North Carolina State University
Chair(s): Ryan Martin, North Carolina State University
2:05 PM A World Without Referees
Larry Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon University
2:30 PM How Publishing Peer Review Histories Alongside Articles Promotes Ethical Publishing Practices
Corina Logan, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
2:55 PM Continuous Improvement in Academic Publishing
Hal Stern, University of California, Irvine
3:20 PM Discussant: Harry Crane, Rutgers
3:45 PM Floor Discussion