JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
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Activity Details

445 Tue, 8/11/2015, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-4B
Contributed Oral Poster Presentations: Survey Research Methods Section — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section
Chair(s): Lan Xue, Oregon State University
55: Examples of Singletons for Which Variance Software Fix-Ups Are Not Adequate Iris Shimizu, National Center for Health Statistics ; Roberto Valverde, National Center for Health Statistics
56: Use of Smartphones as a New Survey Mode: A Feasibility Study Shaohua Hu, CDC ; Naomi Freedner-Maguire, ICF International ; James Dayton, ICF International ; Linda Neff, CDC
57: Better Mean Estimation After Post-Stratification Jesse Frey, Villanova University ; Timothy Feeman, Villanova University
58: Targeted Sampling, Mixed Mode, Incentives, and Paying for Completion: What Works for Reaching Hard-to-Survey Low-Income Households with Civil Legal Needs? Danna Moore, Washington State University Social & Economic Science Research Center ; Arina Gertseva, Social & Economic Sciences Research Center ; Nathan Palmer, Social & Economic Sciences Research Center
60: Adjusting for Effects of Survey Mode Difference Across a Longitudinal Mixed-Mode Study Heather Kitada, Oregon State University ; Virginia Lesser, Oregon State Univeristy ; Lan Xue, Oregon State University
61: State Sampling Allocation Strategies for the 2016 Redesigned National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Van Parsons, National Center for Health Statistics ; Erin Dienes, National Center for Health Statistics
63: Semiparametric Estimation for Generalized Linear Models with Missing Covariates Yinan Fang, Iowa State University ; Jae-kwang Kim, Iowa State University
64: A Dynamic Systems Approach to Patterns of Affect and Cognitive Difficulty in Interviewer-Respondent Interactions Matt Jans, UCLA
65: Health Care Access for Adults with Disabilities Frances Chevarley, AHRQ ; Amy Taylor, AHRQ
66: Using Calibration Training to Assess the Quality of Interviewer Performance William Mockovak, Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Morgan Earp, Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Alice Yu, Bureau of Labor Statistics
67: Box-Cox Transformed Linear Mixed Models for Small-Area Estimation Shonosuke Sugasawa, The University of Tokyo ; Tatsuya Kubokawa, The University of Tokyo
68: The Accuracy of a National Generalized Variance Function for Subnational Estimation Philip Lee, RTI International ; Bonnie Shook-Sa, RTI International ; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International ; Lynn Langton, Bureau of Justice Statistics ; Michael Planty, Bureau of Justice Statistics
69: Developing Generalized Variance Functions for Estimates of Recidivism Rates Karol Krotki, RTI International ; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International ; David Heller, RTI International
70: Income Interpolation from Categories Using a Percentile-Constrained Inverse-CDF Approach George Couzens, RTI International ; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International ; Kimberly Peterson, RTI International
71: Factors Associated with Change in Retrospective Reports of Life Events Mary Beth Ofstedal, University of Michigan ; William Chopik, University of Michigan ; Jacqui Smith, University of Michigan
72: Weighting Approach for a Statewide Dual-Frame RDD Survey Liza Nirelli McNamee, University of Idaho ; Monica Reyna, University of Idaho ; Snehalatha Gantla, University of Idaho, Social Science Research Unit ; Priscilla Salant, University of Idaho ; J.D. Wulfhorst, University of Idaho
73: A Data Management Model for Multinational Surveys Toward Meta-Analysis — Maureen Kelly, RTI International ; Annette Green, RTI International ; Safaa Amer, RTI International
74: A Practical Balancing for a Random Sample from a Finite Population by Systematic Selection Hee-Choon Shin, National Center for Health Statistics ; Jibum Kim, Sungkyunkwan University
75: On the Use of Recursive Residuals for Testing the Goodness of Fit of Small Area Estimation Models Yahia S. El-Horbaty, University of Southampton/Helwan University

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