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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 445
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #315755
Title: Targeted Sampling, Mixed Mode, Incentives, and Paying for Completion: What Works for Reaching Hard-to-Survey Low-Income Households with Civil Legal Needs?
Author(s): Danna Moore* and Arina Gertseva and Nathan Palmer
Companies: Washington State University Social & Economic Science Research Center and Social & Economic Sciences Research Center and Social & Economic Sciences Research Center
Keywords: hard to survey ; mixed mode survey ; cash incentives ; payment for completion ; low income

Low income families are hard to reach and it takes extra effort to identify, and entice these households to surveys. The goal of the research was to test Address Based sample frame attributes and mixed mode survey methods for reaching and identifying households that met low income thresholds and determine the extent of their civil legal needs. This study is important to understanding the circumstances of low income households and expand public support for civil legal aid. Mixed mode survey methods (telephone, mail, and web) and experimental testing of differing amounts of token cash incentives, high and low valued lotteries, and payment of $20 for completion are used to draw respondents to the survey. This study is significant as it experimentally tests new methods of using ABS sample targeting low income census tracts and survey techniques, using a combination of upfront cash incentive with promise of payment for survey completion, for effectively garnering participation for low income individuals. It also tests the effectiveness of a novel income eligibility question. Pilot study results show that methods and survey modes make a difference. Cash incentives and lotteries were an i

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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