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and not necessarily those of the ASA or its board, officers, or staff.

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  300950  By:  Iain  Pardoe 11:35 AM 08/13/2002
Model Assessment Plots for Logistic Regression with Multi-level Covariates

  300160  By:  Andrzej S. Kosinski 11:25 AM 08/12/2002
A Global Sensitivity Analysis of Performance of a Medical Diagnostic Test When Verification Bias is Present

  300440  By:  Kelly Hong Zou 10:05 AM 08/14/2002
Semiparametric and Parametric Transformation Models for Comparing Diagnostic Markers with Paired Design

  300160  By:  Andrzej S. Kosinski 11:25 AM 08/12/2002
A Global Sensitivity Analysis of Performance of a Medical Diagnostic Test When Verification Bias is Present

  300440  By:  Kelly Hong Zou 10:05 AM 08/14/2002
Semiparametric and Parametric Transformation Models for Comparing Diagnostic Markers with Paired Design

  300573  By:  B. M. Adams 3:05 PM 08/12/2002
A Diagnostic Tool for Traditional Mean and Range Control Charts

  300606  By:  David A. Weitzenkamp 11:05 AM 08/13/2002
A Model and Diagnostic Tool for Evaluating Correlated Predictors

  300666  By:  Marina  Kondratovich 4:45 PM 08/11/2002
Propensity Scores in Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Analysis

  301039  By:  David V.  Glidden 9:05 AM 08/14/2002
Dependence Diagnostics for Bivariate Failure Time Data

  300782  By:  Tze-San D. Lee 10:50 AM 08/15/2002
On Determination of Sample Size for the Positive Kappa Coefficient

  300224  By:  James A. Anthony 2:05 PM 08/11/2002
Design and Analysis in Epidemiology and Prevention Research for Substance Abuse and Addiction

  300864  By:  Werner G. Mueller 10:35 AM 08/14/2002
Residual Diagnostics for Variogram Fitting

  300865  By:  Martha E. Nunn 11:20 AM 08/13/2002
Influence Diagnostics for Correlated Data

  300990  By:  Julia L. Bienias 4:35 PM 08/11/2002
Diagnostics for Random Coefficient Mixed Models with Unweighted and Weighted Data

  301039  By:  David V.  Glidden 9:05 AM 08/14/2002
Dependence Diagnostics for Bivariate Failure Time Data

  300009  By:  Lori E. Dodd 8:35 AM 08/15/2002
Regression Methodology in Diagnostic Testing

  301394  By:  Mithat  Gonen 2:50 PM 08/11/2002
Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves with Clustered Data

  300157  By:  Mario  Peruggia 9:25 AM 08/15/2002
Building Bayesian Models Through Diagnostic Plots

  301655  By:  Jean G. Orelien 4:50 PM 08/11/2002
Performance of a Statistic for Testing Model Adequacy in the Linear Mixed Model

  301758  By:  Matilde  Bini 10:50 AM 08/15/2002
Robust Diagnostics in Regression Models for the Evaluation of University Teaching Activity

  301827  By:  Chen-Pin  Wang 5:05 PM 08/11/2002
Residual Diagnostics for Growth Mixture Models: Examining the Impact of a Preventive Intervention on Multiple Trajectories of Aggressive Behavior

  300370  By:  Haiqun  Lin 8:35 AM 08/14/2002
Diagnostic Methods for Assessing Conditional Independence in Latent Variable Modelling of Joint Survival and Longitudinal Data

  300606  By:  David A. Weitzenkamp 11:05 AM 08/13/2002
A Model and Diagnostic Tool for Evaluating Correlated Predictors

  301669  By:  Yue  Wang 08/13/2002
Poster # 12   Combining Biomarkers for Early Detection of Disease

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002