The conference gets under way at 8:30am on each of Wednesday October 5 (workshops), Thursday October 6 (Plenary session – Steven Nissen), and Friday October 7 (Plenary session – Arlene Ash). Lunchtimes will be 12:15 pm – 1:30pm. Regular sessions will end at 5:15 pm on Wednesday and Thursday and at 3:15pm on Friday. In addition, the opening mixer/poster session will be on Wednesday from 6pm – 8pm and there will be a social event on Thursday evening. A detailed listing of the conference program will be available in early June.
Invited Session 1 New Developments in the Analysis of Incomplete Longitudinal Data Organizer: Ofer Harel, University of Connecticut; Recai Yucel, State University of New York at Albany Chair: Recai Yucel, State University of New York at Albany |
Speakers: |
Joseph W. Hogan, Brown University Informative priors and sensitivity analysis for longitudinal clinical trials with dropout James Carpenter, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Relevant, accessible sensitivity analysis using multiple imputation Eric Tchetgen, Harvard University Multiply-robust adjustment for dependent drop-out in longitudinal studies |
Discussant: | Roderick J. Little, University of Michigan | |
Invited Session 2 Spatial Methods for Health Policy Research Organizer & Chair: Brian Neelon, Duke University |
Speakers: |
Andrew Lawson, Medical University of South Carolina Latent spatial grouping in Bayesian AFT modeling Ying MacNab, University of British Columbia Identification in Bayesian disease mapping and spatial regression Peter Congdon, Queen Mary University of London Spatial Path Models with Multiple Indicators and Causes: Population Psychiatric Outcomes in US Counties Brian Reich, North Carolina State University Bayesian spatial quantile regression for projecting effects of climate change on onzone concentration |
Invited Session 3 Investigating Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Mental Health Organizer & Chair: Elizabeth Stuart, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health |
Speakers: |
Frank Yoon, Harvard Medical School Heterogeneity of the impact of mental health parity Joseph Kang, Northwestern University Tree-structured analysis of differential treatment effects Juned Siddique, Northwestern University Comparative Effectiveness of Medication vs. CBT in Depressed Low-income Women Daniel Almirall, University of Michigan Using Structural Nested Mean Models to Examine Time-varying Moderators of the Effect of Substance Use Treatment |
Discussant: | Tom Belin, University of California at Los Angeles | |
Invited Session 4 Analytic Challenges in Complex Longitudinal Data from VA-related Health Services Research Organizer & Chair: Maren Olsen, Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care |
Speakers: |
Cynthia Coffman, Durham VA Medical Center Longitudinal Analysis of Real-time Momentary Pain Data in a Cohort of Osteoarthritis Patients Don Hedeker, University of Illinois at Chicago Mood Changes Associated with Smoking in Adolescents: An Application of a Mixed-Effects Location Scale Model for Longitudinal Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) Data Kush Kapur, Hines VA Hospital Sample Size Determination for Longitudinal Binary Data Siu Hui, Indiana University Analyzing VA Data - Promises and Challenges |
Invited Session 5 Innovations in Randomized Experiments & Quasi-Experimental Studies in Health Policy Organizer & Chair: Amelia M. Haviland, RAND Corporation |
Speakers: |
Susan Paddock, RAND Corporation Analysis of post-treatment outcomes in group therapy studies under open enrollment Claude Setodji, RAND Corporation Does the association between exposure to smoking in movies and adolescents' desire to smoke depend on how smoking is portrayed?: A randomized lab study with matched movie clips Beth Ann Griffin, RAND Corporation Evaluating the comparative effectiveness of promising treatment programs for adolescents in face of differential follow-up Alan Zaslavsky, Harvard Medical School Assessing effects of survey mode on healthcare survey responses through experimental manipulation of order Marc Elliott, RAND Corporation A randomized experiment to increase response rates to a healthcare survey among individuals with a high predicted probability of preferring Spanish |
Invited Session 6 Bayesian Clinical Trials: Using Priors and Planning for Post-Regulatory Translation Organizer & Chair: Kelly Zou, Pfizer, Inc. |
Speakers: |
Telba Irony, Food and Drug Administration Bayesian Medical Device Clinical Studies in the Regulatory Setting Scott M. Berry, Berry Consultants Bayesian Meta-Analyses for Comparative Effectiveness and Coverage Decisionsand Recai Yucel, State University of New York at Albany Improving the coherence of sequential imputation via calibration Brian P. Hobbs, University of Texas at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Commensurate Priors for Incorporating Historical Information in Clinical Trials using General and Generalized Linear Models |
Invited Session 7 Recent Developments in Modeling Random Effects in Health Outcomes Data Organizer: Yulei He, Harvard Medical School Chair: Christopher Schmid, Tufts University Medical Center |
Speakers: |
Eloise Kaizar, Ohio State University What to shrink? Random Effects in Discrete Data Meta-Analysis Yulei He, Harvard Medical School Classifying hospitals on process performance measures using flexible random-effects models Yisheng Li, University of Texas at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Center-adjusted inference for a nonparametric Bayesian random effect distribution |
Discussant: | Don Hedeker, University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Invited Session 8 Innovative Methods of Random Assignment Organizer & Chair: Ben Hansen, University of Michigan |
Speakers: |
Tom Belin, University of California at Los Angeles Integrating experimental-design principles into community-partnered participatory research on disseminating evidence-based depression care in underserved urban areas Robert A. Greevy, Jr., Vanderbilt University Matched randomization in RCTs where subjects trickle in one at a time or in small batches Ryan T. Moore, University of California, Berkley Alternatives to the Pocock-Simon method for trickle-in random assignment Zhenzhen Xu, University of Michigan Propensity Score Matching in Randomized Clinical Trials |
Discussant: | Thomas Love, Case Western Reserve University |
Important Dates & Deadlines
- May 31, 2011
Registration Deadline for All Session Presenters - September 1, 2011
Poster Abstract Online Submission Closes - September 9, 2011
Hotel Reservations Close - September 15, 2011
Conference Registration Closes