Online Program

Friday, February 20
CS05 Leadership and Influence Fri, Feb 20, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Napoleon D1&D2

Understanding and Working with Difficult People (302950)

*Colleen Mangeot, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 

Keywords: leadership, management, communication, influence

Do you have coworkers, managers, researchers, or clients who are difficult to work with? Do you feel frustrated and/or confused about how to work with them? Do you wonder sometimes why they just don’t get it? This session will introduce the DISC model for understanding and working with people. You will learn 1) to determine the different communication styles of the people you work with; 2) to understand your behavioral and communication tendencies and develop an understanding of how your behavior and communication style affects others; 3) to respect, appreciate, and understand those who cause you frustration; and 4) to use strategies for working with others to increase effectiveness and influence.