Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.
CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,
CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,
UC = Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Wed, 8/3/2016,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-Hall F1 West
Contributed Poster Presentations: Section on Statistical Computing — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistical Computing
Chair(s): Genevera Allen, Rice University
A Comparison of Repeated Measures ANOVA and Mixed-Effects Models in Analyzing Repeated Measures Data
Allison M. Butler, Intermountain Healthcare ; Gregory L. Snow, Intermountain Healthcare ; Bill McDermott, The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital ; Jeffrey Ferraro, Homer Warner Center for Informatics Research ; Kyle Hiroyasu, Homer Warner Center for Informatics Research
A Simple Method for Assessing Occupational Exposure via the One-Way Random Effects Model
Jie Peng, St. Ambrose University ; Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy, University of Louisiana at Lafayette ; Thomas Mathew, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Exploring the Main Sources of Inefficiency of Software for Matrix Operations
Luis Frank, University of Buenos Aires ; Guillermo Frank, CONICET
Lucid: An R Package for Pretty Printing Floating Point Numbers
Kevin Wright, DuPont Pioneer
Parameter Estimation for the Modulated Extended Cumulative Exposure Model
Takenori Sakumura, Chuo University ; Toshinari Kamakura, Chuo University
Properties of Adaptive Clinical Trial Signature Design in the Presence of Gene and Gene-Treatment Interaction
Alexander Cambon, University of Louisville ; Shesh N. Rai, University of Louisville ; Guy Brock, University of Louisville
Coefficient of Variance Correction for Cluster-Randomized Trial Power Calculation Is Anticonservative
Fangzhou Liu, University of Massachusetts - Amherst ; Ken Kleinman, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Variable Selection and Direction Estimation for Single-Index Models via DC-TGDR Method
Xi Liu, Xiamen University ; Shuangge Ma, Yale University ; Wei Zhong, Xiamen University
Estimation of Geometric Brownian Motion Model with T-Distribution-Based Particle Filter
Edesiri Nkemnole, University of Lagos ; Olaide Bridget Abass, University of Lagos
Maximum Feasible Parameter Size for Moment Preserving Finitizations
Martin Levy, University of Cincinnati ; James J. Cochran, University of Alabama ; Saeed Golnabi, Optimum Office Solutions
Application of Computer Vision and Machine Learning to Public Health Data Validation
Daniel Robertson, CDC ; Jin-Mann Lin, CDC
On Fitting the Constrained Lasso
Brian R. Gaines, North Carolina State University ; Hua Zhou, University of California at Los Angeles
Modeling Temporal Dependence to Improve Learning Algorithms for Streaming Data
Maggie Johnson, Iowa State University ; Petrutza Caragea, Iowa State University ; Lisa Bramer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ; Bryan Stanfill, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ; Sarah Reehl, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Fast Bayesian Variable Screenings for Binary Response Regressions
Sheng-Mao Chang, National Cheng Kung University
A Scalable Algorithm and R Package to Measure the Impact of Nonignorable Missing Data
Weihua Gao, University of Illinois at Chicago ; Baodong Xing, University of Illinois at Chicago ; Donald Hedeker, The University of Chicago ; Robin J. Mermelstein, University of Illinois at Chicago ; Hui Xie, University of Illinois at Chicago
A Parametric Approach for Analyzing Heteroscedastic Regression Models with Non-Normally Distributed Residuals
Fassil Nebebe, Concordia University ; Tak Kwan Mak, Concordia University