
Before JSM

  • Collect copies of the draft manuscripts in your session from the chair by May 15, 2015.
  • Obtain copies of the final papers in your session well before the meeting.
  • Familiarize yourself with the papers and prepare your discussion.
  • Send the session chair a brief biographical sketch of yourself.
  • Prepare about 10 minutes of discussion and reserve the remainder of your time for impromptu reactions to the presentation.


  • Arrive 10 minutes early.
  • Check in with the chair.
  • Introduce yourself to the other participants.
  • Confirm the time available for your remarks with the chair.
  • Check in at the JSM Speaker Management Room at least four hours prior to your session.
  • Begin discussion of the paper(s) to stimulate the audience and clarify the authors' points.
  • Prepare a question for each speaker to help if the discussion begins to lag.

After JSM
