Telling Our Stories
Telling Our Stories

The Telling Our Stories video series highlights the profound impact of statistics and inspires a greater appreciation for its contribution to advancing science and society. The project features a series of thought-provoking interviews with expert statisticians, as well as scientists, researchers, and experts from diverse disciplines.


Stats + Stories

This podcast and NPR radio program looks at the stories behind the statistics we use daily to make decisions. The program taps into the growing interest and popularity across the world in statistics and how the data analysis provided by statisticians improves the decision-making of governments, private companies, and individuals. Each episode features a guest expert in lively conversation with a moderator and panelists.


Stats + Stories
Practical Significance
Practical Significance

Practical Significance is the monthly podcast of the American Statistical Association. Its mission is to inspire listeners worldwide with compelling stories of statistics and data science and to propel data-driven careers forward. Guests are leaders and rising stars in the statistics and data science professions and ASA community.



The ASA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Contributions made to the ASA are tax deductible. Please contact us for more information about giving to the ASA.

Amanda Malloy
Director of Development
American Statistical Association
732 North Washington Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 684-1221
EIN: 53-0204661