Count on Stats
Count on Stats

In 2018, the Count on Stats public relations campaign was launched to be a strong, independent, and nonpartisan voice in support of the federal statistical system. Count on Stats communicates the importance, integrity, and trustworthiness of government data and ensures no attack on the federal statistical agencies and their work goes unanswered.


Science Policy Fellowship

In partnership with the director of science policy, the ASA science policy fellow advocates for statistics, while also getting to experience first-hand how federal science policy is formed. The fellow drastically increases our “boots on the ground” on Capitol Hill and allows more work to be done advocating for the practice and profession of statistics and data science.


Science Policy Fellowship
Science Policy Program
Science Policy Program

The ASA’s science policy activities raise the profile of statistics nationally. By advocating on behalf of its members and providing resources to policymakers, the ASA promotes the practice and profession of statistics.



The ASA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Contributions made to the ASA are tax deductible. Please contact us for more information about giving to the ASA.

Amanda Malloy
Director of Development
American Statistical Association
732 North Washington Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 684-1221
EIN: 53-0204661