Accredited Members
PSTAT Members
Adnan, Mian
Agbenyega, Diana
Almekdash, Mhd Hasan
Amrhein, John
Ananthakrishnan, Revathi
Anderson, Patricia
Antoniou, Nicholas
Antwi, Albert
Ashtiani, Hamid
Baird, Grayson
Banerjee, Srikanta
Becker, Ezra
Bergquist, Timothy
Bocci, Cynthia
Booth, David
Brown, Miraides
Callen, Elisabeth
Caraballo, Jose
Caro Gonzalez, Cristina
Cassidy, Ruth
Castronova, Frank
Chan, Grace
Cheng, Jenhao
Chesnutt, Thomas
Chow, Ronald
Costello, Darce
Dai, Junqiang
Davis, Clarissa
De Chavez, Peter John
DeLong, Allison
Dixon, Philip
Doane, David
Drake, Christopher
Du, Hongyan
Durgana, Davina
Eagan, Will
Edwards, Don
Ennis, Daniel
Evans, Richard
Fan, Chun-Po
Finch, Holmes
Fisher, Justin
Foley, Michael
Gaither, Carl
Gajewski, Byron
Gerwien, Robert
Gerzoff, Robert
Ghosh, Sunita
Gilbert, Gregory
Goldstein, Leanne
Gomes, Harold
Grady, James
Guterman, Pearl
Hackenbracht, Joy
Haddock, Christopher
Hall, Kathryn
Hamada, Michael
Hassad, Rossi
Hayat, Matt
Hertzberg, Vicki
Holland, Chris
Holt, Melinda
Hsieh, Wen-Yaw
Idowu, Victory
Jerbi, Imededdine
Jones, Jay
Joseph, Gabby
Kam, Maria Matilde
Karuri, Stella
Kazanis, Anamaria
Keen, Kevin
Kimble, David
Kleppang, David
Korvink, Michael
Kunimura, Dennis
Kuo, Chia-Ling
Kurtinecz, Milena
Leacy, Finbarr
Lee, Ji-Hyun
Lee, Paul
Lin, Amber
Lindborg, Stacy
Livingston, Alejandra
Lok, Ray
Long, Cynthia
Look, Alson
Loughin, Thomas
Luchman, Joseph
Lundell, Jill
Lynch, Miranda
Malek-Ahmadi, Mike
Maltenfort, Mitchell
McAllister, Jim
McCoy, Thomas
McKinney, Christopher
Miller, Larry
Miller, Nicole
Miller, Steven
Moscovici, Jonathan
Mramba, Lazarus
Mulrow, Jeri
Nevius, Anna
Nielsen, Rasmus
Novikov-Jank, Angel
Olaniyi, Olakunle
Palla, Shana
Pang, Tony
Pardo, Scott
Patterson, Scott
Petska, Ryan
Price, Joshua
Price, Larry
Qing, Siyu
Raad, May
Reynolds, Robert
Rhyne, Zachary
Riffenburgh, Robert
Rotz, Wendy
Safonov, Taras
Sajobi, Tolulope
Scheuren, Fritz
Schmid, Kendra
Shardell, Michelle
Shen, Larry
Signorell, Andri
Singer, Kevin
Sloboda, Brian
Smith, Dale
Smith, William
Splitstone, Douglas
Swanson, Peter
Swartzel, Jeffrey
Tamura, Roy
Tang, Sheung-ho
Tatos, Theodor
Teramoto, Masaru
Thompson, Daniel
Thompson, Katherine
Tooman, Meghan
Utlaut, Theresa
Vagenas, Dimitrios
Vos, Paul
Walker, Shannon
Walsh, Karen
Wan, Yuk Fai
Wilus, Derek
Wise, Scott
Wright, Kevin
Yum, Chi Phone
Zakharkin, Stanislav
Zhang, Xingyu
Zhao, Yufan
GSTAT Members
Abijah, Benjamin
Adarkwah Yiadom, Seth
Addo, Daniel
Agboli, Victor
Alahmad, Mohamad
Alaka, Esther
Allenback, Gayle
Alvarez, Jerome Anthony
Amoafo, Linda
Amusa, Tope
Ayres, Kelly
Baidoo, Dennis
Barnard, Ben
Barron, Andrew
Bate, George
Berchie, Ransmond
Bhetuwal, Uttam
Bohnett, Lucas
Bowman, Kyle
Burns, Dustin
Butorovich, Daniel
Carcach, Carlos
Carrier, Bryson
Chelluri, Devi
Choi, Perry
Clark, Andrew
Colwell, Stephanie
Coven, Daniel
Dada, Abiola
Dowhaniuk, Nicholas
Dutta, Sreejata
Ekstrom, Andrew
Field, Justin
Gbadamosi, Aminat
George, Brandon
Gerald Kisholorjan, Sribalaratnam
Hanson, Renee
Hatter, Sara
Hooyman, Andrew
Hurley, Landon
Imthurn, Manuela
Innerst, Grant
Irvine, Ryan
Jackson, Eugenie
Jakubski, Silvia
Jones, Tommy
Koh, Seunghyun
LaLonde, Matthew
Lam, Wai-shung
Lee, Julia
Letamendi, Carl
Leung, Kit Sang
Li, Anthony
Livings, Michelle
Magsalay, Ralph Jay
Mahmud, Shamsed
Marion, Mary
Masengesho, David
McIlwain, Richard
Melendez, Salvador
Morrissette, Jason
Nawarathna, Pathum
Novicov, Nick
Ogwurumba, Uchechukwu
Okeke, Onyedikachi
Ouko, Daisy Awuor
Owusu, Felix
Owusu, Gabriel
Pace, Jesse
Palazzolo, Beatrice
Parker, Jessica
Peterson, Kyle
Phelps, Daniel
Pohl, Martha
Pohlkamp-Hartt, Josh
Ratnayake, Isuru
Reid, Joseph
Reynolds, Penny
Ritchie, Linda
Rua, Michelle
Schluck, Glenna
Scott, Laura
Setsma, Rhianna
Shelby, Lori
Szymonifka, Jaclyn
Thati, Shivashankar
Tribble, Brian
Tucker, Brian
Vasilopoulos, Terrie
Vered, Michelle
Villena, Ivan Cassidy
Wang, Kevin
Wang, Yao
Wang, Zhipeng
Watson, Gilbert
Watt, Charles
Wielgomas, Jacob
Zhang, Cong
Zlatkovic, Sarah
Accreditation Resources
- Preview the application
- Review the Guidelines for Accreditation
- Review the ASA’s Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
- View the list of accredited members
- Contact Kristin Mohebbi or a member of the Accreditation Committee with questions
- Log in to ASA Members Only and click on the Accreditation link to begin your application
- Learn how to use the PSTAT mark