Media Training for Statisticians: We Have Some Serious Explaining to Do
The ASA's tagline proclaims "promoting the practice and profession of statistics." What does that look like? ASA Vice President Rob Santos discusses the role of statisticians as 'explainers' and spokespeople in the media, plus the exciting new presidential initiatives that promise to help members sharpen their media skills and take on leadership roles as spokespeople for the statistical community.
Learn more in the latest Amstat News.
The ASA Joins 30 Societies on Letter to Congress with Consensus Scientific View of Climate Change |
The ASA is one of 31 science organizations that signed a letter to members of Congress (PDF) stating: "Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research concludes that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver."
The letter also highlights the "broad negative impacts" of climate change and the need for action before concluding, "We, in the scientific community, are prepared to work with you on the scientific issues important to your deliberations as you seek to address the challenges of our changing climate."
A press release with quotes from many heads of the letter's signatories, including ASA President Jessica Utts, is available here.
The ASA to Launch IMPACT Chicago at JSM 2016 |
Interested in giving back to the community while in Chicago? There are two ways to help through this special program at JSM 2016:
Donate school supplies at the ASA booth in the EXPO to be distributed to Chicago-area schools.
Make blankets with other attendees (no sewing involved!) in the EXPO's Spotlight Chicago area to be donated to Project Linus. Monday – Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
The ASA also needs lead volunteers to help set up and pack up supplies, as well as provide direction to other volunteers. Training provided!