Abstracts are being accepted until June 25 for concurrent session presentations. Each presentation should focus on any one of the following themes:
- Communication, Impact, and Career Development
- Data Modeling and Analysis
- Big Data Prediction and Analytics
- Software, Programming, and Graphics
For more information, visit the CSP 2016 website.

Barry D. Nussbaum, chief statistician at the Environmental Protection Agency, was elected the 112th president of the ASA. Nussbaum will serve a one-year term as president-elect in January and become ASA president on January 1, 2017. Katherine B. Ensor, Rice University professor of statistics, was also elected as an ASA vice president. Her three-year term will begin in January. Read more.

As part of the national effort to strengthen the scientific basis for forensic evidence used in the criminal justice system, the National Institute of Standards and Technology has awarded Iowa State University up to $20 million over five years to establish a forensic science center of excellence. To be led by Alicia Carriquiry, the center is a partnership that includes prominent statisticians Stephen Fienberg, Karen Kafadar, Hal Stern—from Carnegie Mellon University; University of Virginia; and the University of California, Irvine, respectively. The center will focus on improving the statistical foundation for fingerprint, firearm, toolmark, dental, and other pattern evidence analyses and for computer, video, audio, and other digital evidence analyses. Read more from Iowa State and NIST.