If you have attended three or more JSMs, consider becoming a 2015 JSM docent by following these five easy steps:
1. Make plans to attend JSM 2015.
2. Be willing to answer questions and help first-timers have a positive JSM experience.
3. Attend an orientation session on Sunday, August 9, and a thank you reception on Wednesday, August 12.
4. Attend JSM events and invite first-timers to join you.
5. Send your contact information to JSMDocent@amstat.org to receive more information.

To mark World Statistics Day, Significance will devote its October issue to articles that highlight the important contributions statistics is making around the world, planning to publish one article from each of the main geographic regions: North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. "We are particularly keen that articles do not fall into the 'bad news' trap—that is, focusing only on stories of war, death, disease, poverty, and natural disasters," says Significance Editor Brian Tarran. The magazine is seeking tales of interesting work and novel applications of statistics from areas that are too often overlooked by the media. Submit article ideas or recommendations for potential contributors to Brian Tarran.