Welcome to the November edition of ASA Member News, the ASA's monthly e-newsletter.
Did you know that the locations for the Joint Statistical Meetings are already planned through 2011? JSM 2005 will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 7-11, 2005. Look up future meeting locations and dates. Abstract submission for the 2005 annual meeting will open on December 1, 2004 (look for detailed instructions in December's ASA Member News). Learn more about Minneapolis.
In Amstat News
Amstat News is offering a new department: International News. This department will include articles written by our sister societies around the world and feature material describing the current and future work of the societies, future conferences they are sponsoring, and any other material that may be of interest to our members. We hope you enjoy this new section. Read the first International News article about the International Chinese Statistical Association from November's Amstat News. Email a contribution.
Upcoming Deadlines
NCHS/AcademyHealth Policy Fellowship 2005 Call for Applications
Deadline: January 10, 2005
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and AcademyHealth are seeking applicants for their 2005 Health Policy Fellowship. This program brings visiting scholars in health services research-related disciplines to NCHS to collaborate on studies of interest to policymakers and the health services research community using Center data systems. See additional information.
Accepting Nominations for 2005 W.J.Youden Award
Deadline: March 15, 2005
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2005 W.J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing sponsored by the American Statistical Association. The Youden Award was established in 1985 to recognize publications that make outstanding contributions to the design and/or analysis of interlaboratory tests, or describe ingenious approaches to the planning and evaluation of data from such tests.
Events Outlook
JSM 2005
The online submission process for contributed abstracts will open on December 1, 2004 and close on February 1, 2005. The JSM 2005 web page is now available. Check it out and make note of key dates in your calendar so you don't miss a critical deadline.
Two New LearnSTAT Workshops for Statistics Education
Two New LearnStat Workshops have been announced: Guidelines for Teaching Statistics within the Pre K-12 Mathematics Curriculum, presented by Christine A. Franklin, University of Georgia, and Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education, presented by Martha Aliaga, American Statistical Association, and Carolyn B. Morgan, Hampton University. Both of these half-day workshops will be held January 4, 2005 in Atlanta and immediately precede the Joint Mathematics Meetings. For more information and to register, visit the LearnSTAT section of the ASA web site.
Events Calendar
Statistical events are happening around the country and the globe. View our Upcoming Events Calendar.
Web Site Offers Resources on Privacy, Confidentiality, and Data Security
Privacy, confidentiality, and data security (PCDS) are growing concerns in many countries. Statisticians often assume major responsibilities for PCDS both as custodians of the data and as technical experts. The Privacy and Confidentiality Committee of the American Statistical Association is pleased to announce the availability of its informational web site on Privacy, Confidentiality, and Data Security.
Special Opportunities
Join a New Section for Free
ASA sponsors Sections organized on the basis of professional interests to further the development of statistics in specialized fields. As a special incentive, ASA members may choose one NEW Section of interest (excluding joint Sections) and pay no dues for their first year of Section membership. To join a new Section for free, complete and return the Chapter & Section membership form or renew your membership online and select a Section for free.