ASA Directory of Minority Statisticians

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The ASA Directory of Minority Statisticians has been a useful resource for more than 20 years, helping to increase opportunity for minority statisticians, both inside and outside the ASA. The directory was last published in 1993, and it's time for an update. The newest edition will be electronic, with data collected and made available on the web.

The major uses of this directory are to do the following:

  • Help build networks among minority and other professional statisticians
  • Help apprise minority statisticians of opportunities for training and career development
  • Increase the visibility and accessibility of the statistics profession to minorities and historically under-represented groups
  • Increase the diversity of statisticians serving on advisory committees, grant review panels, editorial boards, committees of statistical organizations, and other decisionmaking bodies

If you are a minority statistician, please fill out the short questionnaire and then pass on the word to help us reach all minority statisticians and students of statistics. ASA membership is not a requirement for inclusion in this directory.

Inclusion in the directory is limited to citizens and residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. "Minority" is defined as being of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino ethnicity or having race other than white.

This directory is sponsored by the ASA. The questionnaire was designed by the ASA Committee on Minorities in Statistics, and the directory's usage will be studied by this committee.