Nominate your colleagues for ASA membership!
You depend on the ASA, and we count on you, too! We know our current members are the best possible source for new members who could benefit from all the ASA has to offer.
Here's how the ASA Member-Get-A-Member Drive works:
Every time you recruit a new member, you strengthen the ASA. A vital and growing ASA means greater recognition of the statistical profession, improved educational and networking opportunities for all members, and the advancement of statistics worldwide.
With our special Member-Get-A-Member web drive, we've made referring colleagues to the ASA easier than ever! There are several ways you can help the ASA grow:

You can simply provide us with your colleagues' names and contact information and we'll send them a membership information package.

You can print membership applications and deliver them in person. Make sure you include your Membership ID in the Referred By space.

You can direct them to join online right away!
* Because Student Membership is drastically discounted, Student referrals while very welcome, are not eligible for $10 referral reward.