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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
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Activity Details

512 * ! Thu, 8/11/2022, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-204B
Risk Assessment for Autonomous Vehicles — Topic Contributed Papers
Transportation Statistics Interest Group, Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences, Section on Risk Analysis
Organizer(s): David Banks, Duke University
Chair(s): David Banks, Duke University
8:35 AM Planning a Drive: Autonomous Vehicles and the Role of Statisticians
Maria A Terres, Waymo
8:55 AM Modeling Testable-Case Space for Automated Driving Systems
Feng Guo, Virginia Tech
9:15 AM Data as the Lifeblood of the Transportation System of the Future
Robert Heilman, US Dept. of Transportation-Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence (HASS COE)
9:35 AM Generative Models for Vehicle Speed Trajectories
Vadim Sokolov, George Mason University
9:55 AM Discussant: Linda Ng Boyle, University of Washington
10:15 AM Floor Discussion
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